[The first wave of beasts will come in an hour, please be prepared. 】


"Are you so kind?" Su You was a little surprised, because she didn't expect that the system would be so kind as to tell her the time of the beast wave's invasion.

Logically speaking, beast tide attacks are random. As long as the beast tide event lasts, the territory may be attacked by the beast tide at any time.

The attacks of wild beasts are not like dark creatures. Their attacks are irregular and it is impossible to formulate a reasonable countermeasure. The only thing that can be done is to remain vigilant at all times and strengthen patrols and investigations of surrounding areas. This will also Be able to detect news of wild beast attacks as soon as possible.

But this time, since the system gave a prompt, although I don't know the reason, it was always a good thing. Su You packed up her things and went directly to the city gate.

Yesterday, Su You had issued an announcement related to the beast tide, so everyone in the territory knew that there would be a beast tide coming today, so everyone did not dare to leave the territory for even half a step, for fear that they would be killed within two steps of the territory. He was eaten alive by wild beasts that appeared out of nowhere.

"Why is there another wave of beasts just after the natural disaster? Is this territory unlucky?"

"Hey, what did you say? Natural disasters and beast tides mean bad luck. Then why don't you think about the fact that this territory was blessed by nature some time ago? Is this also bad luck?"

"That's not what I meant... but it's a bit strange, right? There are so many wild beasts outside now, and everyone is trapped in the territory. We can't just sit back and have nothing!"

"I'm not letting you sit back and have nothing. Didn't the territory issue a mission? Those who are capable of fighting can go to the front and kill wild beasts. Food and accommodation are included. They also get a basic salary every day. The more you kill, the more you get. Isn't this more profitable than going out to hunt alone?"

"Don't worry if you don't have combat capabilities. There are many safe logistics jobs in the mission hall that you can also take. Although the money is not much, it is definitely more than what you usually earn outside collecting."


While Qiu He was telling everyone the latest news today with a smile, he secretly stared at the people who had set the pace before.

When everyone's attention had been transferred to the mission hall, she found one of the patrol guards and muttered a few words. Then, the few people she had just stared at were taken away without anyone noticing. gone.

"Sister Qiu, remember to inform the brothers next time something good happens like this! I'll treat you to dinner tonight, Sister Qiu. You can have whatever you want!" The person who spoke was a patrol guard.

The reason why he said this is that in addition to the salary of their own work, the patrol guards can get an extra bonus if they catch any suspicious people, as long as it is found that there is indeed a problem.

Of course, this does not mean that they can arrest people at will and beat them into submission.

The territory has very strict management of penalties, and there is no chance of unjust, false or wrongful convictions.

However, the basic salary of these patrol guards is already very high, so they are not so obsessed with additional rewards. They are just happy to have more opportunities to make money.

Compared with the bonuses that the few people just caught can get, the money for a meal is really nothing.

"Okay, I'm never soft when ordering, so don't worry about money when the time comes." Qiu He was not polite and replied with a smile. After all, this is not the first time that everyone has 'cooperated'.

"Sister Qiu, don't talk nonsense. Have you ever seen us worry about money? If you feel it's not enough, just pack it up and take it back!" The other party curled her lips pretending to be aggrieved.

"Okay, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first." After chatting for a few words, Qiu He was ready to leave. After all, she had other tasks to complete, and the patrol guard she was chatting with also needed to work.Before she left, she did not forget to remind her: "You must remember the lord's arrangements. There will definitely be some chaos in the past few days, so don't neglect it."

"Understand, understand, Sister Qiu, walk slowly."

Qiu He was once a member of Yunli's caravan, but during the natural disaster, Su You asked her to go over and help spread the news.

Later, perhaps because Su You felt that Qiu He had done a good job before, she simply arranged a very special job for her.

To this day, Qiu He is still doing this job for the territory.

To put it simply, her mission is to control public opinion and rumors in the territory and use them when necessary.

There are basically no excessive 'rumors' in the Sunset Territory. Even if there are, they cannot be spread. The important reason for this is that these so-called gossips, the so-called rumors, are actually spread by Su You specially arranged by Qiu He. .

Including what Qiu He just did today was also arranged by Su You.

Beast tides, like natural disasters, are extremely dangerous events that will make everyone panic. Therefore, instead of letting everyone make random guesses, it is better to take the initiative directly and let everyone know the official information released by the territory.

Of course, it would be nice to be able to catch a wave of people with bad intentions.

Under Qiu He's guidance, almost everyone in the territory knew that the mission hall had released a new mission related to the beast tide.

Beast Tide missions are roughly divided into three categories.

The first category is missions exclusive to combatants.

They can get paid by killing beasts, and their income has two parts, one is the reward for killing the beast, and the other is the money they can get from selling the beast's carcass.

Different from the group recruited in the announcement, they do not have a basic salary, nor are they provided with food and accommodation, but they are free. At any time, as long as there are wild beasts, as long as they want to take action, they can go out and kill monsters directly.

But the group of people recruited through the announcement are different. They must obey Su You's command and cannot act arbitrarily. Therefore, they have extra wages, mainly to make up for the spoils they lose when they are unable to move freely.

The second type of tasks is for people with relevant non-combat skills.

Those with sewing skills can accept the task of repairing equipment, those with blacksmithing skills can accept the task of repairing/making weapons, those with cooking skills can accept the task of preparing meals, and those with medical skills can go to the medical clinic to help treat patients...

Because it is a technical job, their pay will be higher, but it will definitely be lower than combat missions with certain life-threatening risks.

The third type of tasks is prepared for ordinary people without any skills.

For example, transporting supplies, taking care of the wounded, repairing city walls... these are all non-technical things. The more work you do, the more you get. They mainly make money by selling your efforts, so the rewards for such tasks are the least among the three tasks.

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