But this is already good, after all, many people were already prepared to stay in the territory and rest for a few days doing nothing.

Now you can take on all the tasks you can, but within a short time, basically all the logistical tasks that don't require any conditions have been taken on.

Many people who were initially dissatisfied with the low pay and were unwilling to accept the task suddenly regretted it.

The person who accepted the task happily prepared to complete his task based on the information on the task.

Not long after everyone left, a new wave of logistics tasks was refreshed in the task hall.

With the previous experience, no one dares to object to the low pay this time. As long as they want to make money, they basically have at least three tasks.



At the same time, above the city wall.

"The lord said that in about 10 minutes, the first wave of beasts will arrive. Everyone should return to their positions, stay vigilant, and report any disturbance in time!"

Similar words appeared in various places in the territory. Everyone clenched the weapons in their hands, feeling nervous but also revealing a hint of excitement.

Looking at the high and solid city wall and the dozens of large machines on the city wall, everyone's fear of facing the beast gradually dissipated.

After all, all fear stems from insufficient firepower.

As the party with sufficient firepower, not only were they not afraid, but they were looking forward to the arrival of the beast, and the burning and boiling of their blood.

In their expectation, time passed by minute by second. Before the 10 minutes Su You said, the person on the high tower responsible for detecting the situation in the distance had already discovered the direction of the forest not far away. Many wild beasts appeared.

"Please inform me that the beast tide has arrived. There are currently beasts in the southeast and directly in front of the city gate..." The investigator directly informed him of the information he saw without even putting down the telescope in his hand. Those who got the news immediately transmitted the information.

"Everyone brace up and prepare to fight! The beast tide is coming!" With a shout, everyone picked up their weapons and stood up.

The long-range ones stood on the city wall to attack, while those in the melee group temporarily ambush around the territory according to Su You's arrangement.

Although the combat capabilities of the people involved in this operation are all average, humans and beasts are still incomparable, and this is a large group of beasts, even crazy beasts, so it is impossible for Su You to let them confront those beasts face to face. Just on.

According to Su You's plan, the long-range team will first consume these beasts, and then the melee team will harvest these beasts that have already consumed a lot of blood.

Of course, this is only the arrangement of the territorial residents and the combatants recruited by Su You. Su You will not care how other individual people act.

The most she could do was ask the gatekeepers and patrols to remind them that if they insisted on taking action in times of danger, Su You had also told them that they did not need to interfere with other people's actions, they only needed to take care of themselves.

However, everyone obviously still values ​​their own lives, so although there are many people surrounding the only side door where people can go out in the territory, no one dares to go out and take risks at the most dangerous time when the beast tide just begins.


'Ow! '


In just three to five minutes, the beast, which was still a thousand meters away, came within everyone's sight.

Looking at the vast area in front of them, most people couldn't help but shudder.

Tigers, leopards, lions, bears... These creatures, which are not usually common in the forest, but are very dangerous, are now gathering in groups and menacingly gathering in the open space a hundred meters away.

In addition to these large beasts, medium-sized beasts such as wolves, foxes, and snakes account for the remaining components of the beast tide. In other words, this time the beast tide is a beast tide full of gold, and there are no little rabbits to bully. Or little mice.


With a strange sound that almost no one could hear, the beasts that had been stationary suddenly rushed towards the Sunset Territory like crazy.

"Start the attack!" Lyle raised the red flag that represented the attack with a serious look on his face.

After everyone on the city wall saw this bright color, they immediately started taking action.

For a moment, arrows were flying all over the sky, and the crackling sounds of muskets were heard endlessly. At the same time, the dull sound of the huge rocks thrown by the catapults hitting the ground also hit everyone's hearts hard.

Perhaps it was because this was just the first wave of beasts, with a small number and limited combat power, so it was not difficult for everyone to deal with it.

The outermost protective building of the city wall has not even lost a third of its durability, but most of the beasts in this wave of beasts have already been killed or injured.

After the battle entered this stage, Lyle raised the black flag at Su You's signal - this flag meant that everyone could start fighting.

Almost as soon as the black flag was raised, the combatants hidden around him couldn't wait to rush out with weapons in hand!
As the beasts fell to the ground one after another, those who originally hesitated to participate in the battle also left the territory - in their eyes, the ground was not filled with the corpses of beasts, but with countless coins!

Tiger skins, wolf skins, bear skins... countless materials that could normally be sold at high prices are now everywhere, which has greatly stimulated the nerves of these people.

In this way, more and more people joined the battle. As time went by, the number of beasts decreased and the number of people increased. This battle with the beast tide naturally became easier and easier.

[The first wave of beasts ended, taking 57 minutes and 41 seconds. 】

[The second wave of beasts will come in about two hours, so please be prepared. 】


Looking at the prompts given by the system, Su You raised her eyebrows subconsciously... Why did she feel so wrong?

The reminder of the first wave of beasts was obviously an accurate time, but why was it that the second wave of beasts had just arrived and the time became blurry?

'About two hours' What time is this?
Su You couldn't think of anything for a while, so she simply gave up thinking in this area for the time being and turned to arranging everyone's work.

Clean the battlefield, restore traps, replenish supplies, and go to the hospital for treatment of injured people... everything is in order.

Because fighting the first wave of beasts didn't cost much, everyone recovered quickly. In just half an hour, except for the injured, everyone was ready and could enter the next battle at any time. .

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