"There's still about an hour before the next wave of beasts. Please don't be too nervous for the time being. It's not good to rest in shifts. It's not good to be tense for a long time." Su You ordered everyone to take turns to relax while he went to the warehouse. Sort out the supplies you just put in, as well as some other special 'trophies'.

Many of the supplies here are various materials derived from the decomposition of beast carcasses.

Because it was already agreed before recruitment that all their trophies would be recovered by the territory at market prices, and the money would be paid to them based on their kill contributions, so so many materials are in the warehouse now and will always be there in the future. In the warehouse, there is no need to take it out and distribute it.

Su You can see a series of data such as the output, injuries, and treatment of the residents of the territory and those recruited, so at that time, he only needs to allocate money based on these data, and there is no need to worry about unfair distribution.

"Where are the beasts that are still alive?" After checking the supplies in the warehouse, Su You asked about the whereabouts of another batch of 'trophies'.

The 'special trophies' mentioned before refer to those beasts that are injured but not dead.
Not only did Suyou not kill these beasts, but they also raised them well, and the person responsible for raising them was Lilith, the beast trainer.

Of course, she can't raise it alone. After all, there are more than a dozen wild animals here, including two wolves, a tiger, a leopard, and two brown bears.

Despite his injuries, a beast is a beast.

Such dangerous beasts cannot be tamed in a short while, so Lilith's most important job now is to cultivate relationships with them.

They will be fed first, and after they are familiar with each other, Lilith will treat their wounds.

After all, the wound is the most sensitive part of the beast. If you don't trust it, you can't get close at all, let alone touch it, so all this can only be done step by step and slowly.

However, Lilith, who is a beast tamer, must understand, so Su You just gave a few simple instructions, and then arranged some more guards here to prevent the beasts from escaping and causing trouble. Other than that, she did not interfere with Lilith. .

The only person who has the right to speak on this matter and has other opinions is Lilith's wolf cub Xiao Hui.

However, Lilith is a professional 'Full Level Sea King' after all. Su You believes that she can handle the relationship between these beasts and Xiao Hui well, and can also solve the problem of the Shura Field well.



At eleven o'clock in the morning, the second wave of beasts arrived as expected.

As before, it was the scouts on the tower who immediately discovered the traces of the beasts, and then reported the locations of the beasts and their routes.

"There are traces of wild beasts about 800 meters away from the main gate of the territory. In addition, many unknown creatures were also seen on the east and southwest sides."

Comparing the first wave of beast tides, it can be clearly seen that the number of beasts in the second wave of beast tides has increased, and the attack directions are more diverse than before, and the changes are also greater.

The tide of beasts is inherently more difficult with each wave. The difficulty is not only reflected in the number of beasts, but also more obviously in the combat effectiveness of the beasts themselves and the way they attack.

"Pass it on, the first five teams will still guard the main entrance, and the remaining five teams will be divided into two to go to the east and southwest sides. The last team will support flexibly." Su You gave the order while opening the map and looking at it above Several points are marked.

There are a total of five mark points in two colors on the map. Among them, there are two red mark points, which correspond to the spawning locations and action routes of the beasts in the first wave of beasts, while the three green mark points are It was just added, the refresh point of the second wave of beasts.

The gate of the territory is due north. This location is the 'fixed refresh point' where beasts are bound to be refreshed. It is also the most numerous refresh point every time the beast tide is refreshed. It is also the main battlefield of the beast tide.In addition to this point, some beasts will be randomly refreshed in the other seven directions, but the number of these beasts is very small, and even if they are all added up, they are not as numerous as the beasts on the front side. These are 'random refresh points' .

But if you can guess the refresh point in advance and prepare in advance, you can concentrate your manpower and put more combat power into the main battlefield.

This is what Su You is doing now.

The location of the random refresh points of the beast tide is actually regular, and it is not 'random' in the true sense.

Among the beast tides that are refreshed that day, except for the main battlefield, after a beast tide is refreshed once in each direction, the probability of a beast tide being refreshed a second time will be greatly reduced.

In other words, beast tides have already spawned due east, southeast, and southwest, so the spawn points of the third wave of beast tides are most likely to be due west, south, northwest, and northeast.

In addition, there is another rule for the beast tide refresh, that is, the random refresh points will not be connected.

What this sentence means is that if it is known that a random refresh point is in the east, then the second random refresh point must not be in the northeast or southeast, so there are only two possible refresh combinations for the third wave of beasts -

The first type: due north, due west, northeast.

The second type: true north, true south, northwest.




"Take people to investigate along the road due west. If you encounter wild animals on the road, just avoid them. The maximum detection distance is 2000 meters. If you find traces of a large number of wild animals, evacuate immediately."


Su You's purpose for doing this is simple. Since he already knows the combination, he only needs to detect one of the remaining four random refresh points that have not yet refreshed the beast to directly lock in the final possibility.

In addition, there are reasons to choose to investigate due west instead of the other three directions. Due north and due east are the refresh points of the ongoing beast tide attack at this time, and northeast belongs to the angle between these two refresh points. Very dangerous.

Although the northwest direction is not an angle, it is still a place where the main battlefield will be affected.

The two sides in the south direction happen to be the two spawn points where beasts have been spawned. Although the beasts on the southeast side were spawned in the last wave and have been almost cleaned up, there are always fish that slip through the net and are equally easy to be double-breaded. folder.

Therefore, from a security perspective, the due west direction is undoubtedly the least likely to cause trouble and is also the most suitable direction for investigation.

After receiving the order, Lyle immediately selected a few people to prepare to go out and carry out the tasks given by Su You.

Because his mission is only to investigate the situation, the people he leads are basically agile and can run faster than ordinary people.

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