"All the beasts under the city wall have been cleared. Let's seize the time to go around and start fighting directly when we reach the rear. There will be people on the city wall to help us break the fire (referring to sharing the pressure and damage for teammates). If you feel that you can't beat us, just run away. Don't be afraid of anything. It doesn’t matter whether you are embarrassed or not, saving your life is the most important thing!”


Everyone kept in mind the words of the melee team leader. When they saw all the beasts under the distant city wall falling to the ground, they all rushed towards the beasts behind like arrows.

Because the sound of the battle was very fierce, and because they drank the potion and sneaked around, no beast noticed their whereabouts.

By the time they found out, their backs had been slashed one after another by humans.

The most annoying thing is that when they reacted and wanted to fight back, the humans were like rabbits, running so fast that a group of beasts could only get angry and chase them, but they couldn't catch up.

'Roar--! ! ! '

Behind them were the roars of countless wild beasts, and the figures running fast in front of them still did not stop. They did not stop until they reached a safe place. A group of people were lying down, sitting, squatting and breathing without any posture.

"You did a good job! Those beasts have been distracted by us and distracted from the beasts in front!"

The high-defense beasts that should have been protected by the high-defense beasts suddenly forgot about the environment they were in because of the melee group's commotion, and their already manic hearts became even more irritated by the harassment of humans.

So they ran hundreds of meters directly after the humans who dared to hurt them, but as they did so, they unknowingly separated from their other companions.

Although the original formation was not neat, the very dense and united team seemed to be cut off at the waist. Only beasts with high defense but little combat power were left in front.

However, there were not many beasts left in the rear who should have taken advantage of someone to block the gun for them and launch a direct attack on the human territory.

At a glance, a hundred meters away, the bustling beasts stopped. They looked up and looked around, with confusion and annoyance clearly visible in their eyes.

When they found out that they had been attacked, it was already too late, because the bullets and arrows that could not attack them had already pierced into their flesh.

Blood flowed all over the ground, completely dyeing the originally gray-yellow soil red...



[The second wave of beasts ended, taking 2 hours, 6 minutes and 10 seconds. 】

[The third wave of beasts will come in about three hours, please be prepared. 】

At seven o'clock in the morning, she received the message that the beast tide would arrive in an hour. Around eight o'clock, the beast tide really came.

Then she spent nearly an hour clearing the first wave of beasts. After the first wave of beasts ended, she received the message that a second wave of beasts would usher in two hours.

At [-] o'clock in the morning, the second wave of beasts came. This time it took twice as long to clear out the beasts, and then received a message that a third wave of beasts would usher in three hours later.

Three hours later, it was four o'clock in the afternoon.

"The first wave of beasts starts at eight o'clock in the morning, the second wave of beasts starts at eleven o'clock, and the third wave of beasts starts at four o'clock in the afternoon... The first wave of beasts will be notified one hour in advance, and the following two waves of beasts will The intervals are three hours and five hours respectively." Su You looked at the two new messages, and then combined them with the last message, she roughly came to this conclusion.

After coming to this conclusion, she finally understood what she felt was wrong before.

Because the refresh time of the beast tide is fixed, in other words, if the previous wave of beast tide cannot be eliminated before the next wave of beast tide is refreshed, then they will need to face two waves of enemies at the same time.

"...No wonder you are so kind. It turns out that the difficulty has increased." Su You thought before that something was wrong with the system's kindness in notifying the beast tide of the refresh time. Now it seems that it is indeed the case.

It turned out that the beast tides she had experienced were not refreshed in this way. Although the previous beast tides would not notify the refresh time, the next beast tide would not refresh until the death rate of the beasts in the previous beast tide was less than 70%. Wave beast tide.

Even for the highest difficulty beast tide, the mortality rate of the beasts in the previous wave must be higher than 50% before the next wave of beasts will be refreshed.

This is one of the refresh mechanisms of the beast tide, so people often deliberately estimate the number of beast tides, and then control the mortality rate of beasts below 70%.

For example, if this wave of beasts spawns a hundred beasts, then Xiao Yu needs to kill 31 beasts and retain at least [-] beasts. Then the next wave of beasts will never spawn.

Although the loss of this method is not small, it can control the loss within an acceptable range, and it is especially effective against large beast tides.

Although subsequent game officials have made some modifications and adjustments to this card mechanism - for example, the longer the beast tide survives, the attributes will also increase with time.

But even so, as long as this method is not cancelled, it still has merit.

As a result, someone else deliberately calculated the curve of the growth of the attributes of beasts in the tide of beasts over time, and found the killing time point with the greatest profit... In short, the wisdom of players is infinite. As long as there is a mechanism, they have countless ways. Take advantage of this mechanism.

As one of the players who had participated in the curve calculation, Su You knew this mechanism best, but she felt that something was wrong with this beast wave as early as when the system notified the time of the beast wave, so she did not think of using it. This mechanism blocks the beast tide, and instead chooses to let everyone clean up the beasts as quickly as possible.

Facts have proved that this approach is correct.

If she chooses the card mechanism and leaves 30% of the beasts, then she will never receive a system notification of the next wave of beasts, but the next wave of beasts will still come, and then the territory will face the last wave of beasts. With the remaining 30% of the beast tide from the first wave, plus the second complete wave of beast tide, the pressure will be even greater.

"Is this change due to man-made changes...or is it simply an increase in difficulty?"

Regarding the change in the beast tide refresh mechanism, Su You thinks there are two possibilities. One is because this is a man-made beast tide, so the refresh mechanism is different.

Another possibility is that the system simply increases the difficulty of the beast tide... But no matter which one it is, Su You has already predicted that the difficulty of the beast tide in the next few days will be very high.


Not long after the second wave of beasts ended, Su You saw Duoya coming from outside.

"Lyle is back?" Su You asked immediately as soon as he saw Duo Ya.

Thanks to [Xingmanxingman] for the reward.

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