Duoya responded: "Lyle asked me to convey a message to you: about 800 meters due west, they found a large number of traces of wild beasts."

After hearing the news, Su You's frown gradually eased as it became more difficult to detect the beast tide.

But after a moment, she asked again: "Did Lyle find anything else? Are any of them injured?"

The reason why Su You asked this was because the time when Lake set out was the time when the second wave of beasts was refreshed. It took them two hours to clean up the second wave of beasts, which meant that Lyle was also out for two hours. .

But at normal speed, the distance is less than 2000 meters, and normal people can go back and forth in about an hour at walking speed. But it took them twice as long to get back, even if they encountered wild animals on the road and tried to take a detour. There is absolutely no way it would take so much time.

Therefore, Suyou suspected that Lyle must have encountered something else.

Duoya, who was about to continue speaking, nodded after hearing this: "Lord, don't worry, none of them were injured, but Lyle said that while he found the traces of the beast, he also discovered that the pollution in that location was very serious..."

After discovering the pollution problem, although Lyle was curious, he still planned to go back directly, because he also knew that the forest was very dangerous at this time. Although there was no beast tide in this location for the time being, the claw marks on the ground and the scratches on the tree trunks could He could also tell that it was dangerous here.

Lyle: "The reconnaissance mission is completed, prepare to evacuate!"

After giving the order to evacuate, Lyle and his people prepared to leave, but before they had walked a few steps, they heard rustling noises coming from all around.

His heart tightened, and he immediately whispered: "Hidden! Don't make a sound!"

Everyone used the cover of plants to hide themselves in a safe place.

After that, they saw a large number of dark creatures appearing out of thin air on the land that exuded a strong smell of pollution!
When seeing so many dark creatures, everyone present felt a chill in their backs, but fortunately, these dark creatures did not stay in that place for a long time. They seemed to be commanded or attracted by something, and headed straight towards them. Walking in one direction...


"Lyle said that the direction for those dark creatures to evacuate is to the southwest." Duoya truthfully told all the details of what Lyle said, word for word, without missing a single detail.

First there was a tide of beasts...and then there were dark creatures?

Is it possible that after the double natural disasters, the system wants to launch a double-creature siege (beast tide plus dark creatures)?

Su You thought she had pretty good ability to withstand stress, but when she heard Duo Ya talking about dark creatures, she still couldn't help but curse in her heart.

But now is not the time to think about this. Anyway, if the dark creature really comes to interfere, she can't stop it. If she has this time to think about it, she might as well quickly set up the trap for the next refresh point.

"Split out 150 people. Duoya, you immediately take 50 people to the northeast to look for traces of wild beasts. Once found, set up traps nearby. If you encounter wild beasts on the road, avoid them if you can... You can choose the people yourself."

"The other 100 people were led by Lyle and headed due west again. Don't get close to the location where the traces of the beast were found. They should lay traps on the only way to the territory. After the traps are laid, they should return immediately."

"If you encounter an accident, you must retreat within two and a half hours at the latest."

Duya was once a hunter. She not only knew the forest but also the habits of wild beasts. She knew how to place traps, so there was no problem for her to lead one of the teams.As one of the participants in the investigation of the due west direction, Lyle led the team again to avoid unnecessary trouble to a greater extent.

As for why there were 100 people on Lyle's side, it was because of the discovery of dark creatures, otherwise Su You would have only wanted him to take 50 people.

Under normal circumstances, two and a half hours would be enough time for them to set up the trap and then return to the territory.

"Yes." Duoya immediately went to pick someone after receiving the order.

She first selected fifty people for herself, and then selected a hundred people for Lyle, and then asked the messenger and the hundred people to go directly to the west side of the territory to find Lyle.

As for the materials for setting up the trap, Su You had already had this idea, so she had already had the materials prepared, and now she just needed to take them away.


"Yao Guang has something to do and I need to talk to the lord alone." After not seeing each other for a few days, Yao Guang still looked like the weak Liu Fufeng when we first met. Su You couldn't help but feel a little helpless when she saw how hard she was walking up the stairs.

"If you have anything to do with your body, just tell others and bring it to me. Why did you come out on your own?" Although she knew that Yao Guang's body was fragile but as tough as a weed, Su You saw her stopping every step and panting every three steps. , it is absolutely impossible to say that you are not afraid.

In just a few steps, Su You had already looked back and forth at her status bar no less than three times.

But Yao Guang herself didn't care very much. She smiled slightly, and the sick look on her face faded a lot because of this smile.

"The lord is busy due to the beast tide, why does Yao Guang have the nerve to ask you to make a special trip...and the territory does not seem to be safe. Yao Guang feels that the lord's side is a rare and clean place."

Su You: "..." She has finally discovered that it is really difficult to communicate with someone like an astrologer, who has hands and eyes that are close to the sky. One sentence can turn more than eight hundred turns, and there is probably no Yaoguang at the intersection of the underwater maze. There are many meanings in words.

Su You took Yao Guang to a deserted corner and sat down, then looked at her quietly, waiting for her to speak.

Yao Guang didn't show off. He sat down and rested for more than ten seconds before speaking.

"I came to the lord this time mainly for two things. The first thing is that I discovered that the stars were frequently disordered yesterday. This is both a bad omen and the arrival of auspiciousness."

The first thing he said, Yaoguang gave Su You a big one.

It's a bad omen and it's auspicious. These two obviously contradictory meanings appear in the same sentence. If he hadn't known Yao Guang's strength, if he hadn't seen Yao Guang's serious expression when he spoke, Su You might have thought that Is she kidding herself?

"What's the meaning of a bad omen? What's the meaning of auspiciousness?" Su You didn't think that Yao Guang came to her specifically just to say this meaningless thing. After all, if he really wanted to say a bad omen, Su You felt that today's beast tide, and The dark creatures just discovered were already a bad omen.

As for auspiciousness...she really couldn't think of anything that could be described as auspicious.

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