"Just as the lord thought, you already have the answer to the meaning of the bad omen. As for the auspiciousness..." Yaoguang paused, then curled his lips: "God wants the enemy to fail. For us, this is Isn’t it auspicious?”

Su You's eyes were half-closed, and she was filled with thoughts.

How much does Yao Guang know?

Is it a coincidence that she came to Sunset Territory, or...?
Also, what does "God wants the enemy to fail" mean?
Yao Guang's short words directly raised countless questions in Su You's heart, but she seemed to have no intention of answering them, and Su You did not continue to ask.

Yao Guang: "A long time ago, I observed that the stars were changing abnormally. The stars representing the four major races were flickering on and off. Among them, the star 'Lingran' representing the elves had the most serious changes, so I will pay attention to it from time to time in the days to come. Lingran."

When Yao Guang said this, Su You felt that he had guessed something.

Yao Guang's next words also confirmed her suspicion.

Yao Guang: "About a month ago, Lingran's star shadow gradually dimmed...but within two days, Lingran lit up again. Although it was not as good as before, this may prove that the elves should have successfully survived. Some fatal crisis.”

Yao Guang: "But hidden dangers still exist, and there is always a possibility that this star will fall."

More than a month ago, the elf princess was kidnapped and later rescued by Su You... These should be the two stages corresponding to the dark and bright stages of 'Lingran'.

As for the reason why 'Ling Ran' is not as bright as before, Yao Guang also said that it is because 'hidden dangers still exist' - the hidden danger here obviously refers to Anita's broken elf heart.

As long as the Elf's Heart is not repaired for a day, or the Elf Clan does not find a new heir to replace Anita, Lingran will never be able to regain its original brightness.

"Originally, after discovering that there was a problem with Lingran, I wanted to take a look at the situation of the other three race stars, but my ability was limited at the time, so I never gained anything..."

"Until yesterday, I discovered that there was an abnormality in the star sign 'Miao Xuan' that represents the mermaid tribe." The words stopped there, Yao Guang did not say any more words.

Suyou's eyelids couldn't help but jump wildly when she heard about the mermaid clan... Regardless of whether it was left or right, in her opinion, this was not a good sign.

Yaoguang's words have already reached this point, which is almost a clear indication that something unexpected will happen to the mermaid clan soon.

And this was the second thing Yaoguang asked her for.

As for why Yaoguang came to him specifically about the mermaid clan... Su You believed that since Yaoguang could see the elves' affairs through the stars, he must also be able to see that the elves' disaster was caused by her. variables.

Since Yaoguang would come specifically to find her, it could at least prove that she subjectively did not want anything to happen to the mermaid tribe.

As for the reason, I don't know yet. It may be that he simply wanted to tell her about it, or he may have another purpose.

"Is there anything else you can say?" Su You suspected that Yao Guang knew more than that. She even doubted whether Yao Guang was an existence similar to the Elf Queen.

Yao Guang shook his head, as if he didn't hear Su You's test: "Yao Guang's ability is limited, there is only so much he can see." The implication was that there was nothing else to say.

This was expected by Su You, so she didn't ask any more questions. She just called someone to send Yao Guang back.But Yaoguang refused.

"Yao Guang used to be bored at home due to physical reasons. Now he finally has the opportunity to come out and get some air... Lord, don't worry, the scenery here is nice. I can take a look more and it will relieve my mood."

Su You paused after hearing her words, then looked at the bare city wall, and then turned her head to look at the bloody mud ground outside the city...

Yes, she respects everyone's aesthetics.

So after a moment, she turned her head without changing her expression and started to match her nonsense: "It's pretty good. Since you like it, then take a look at it more. If you really like it, I'll ask Ain to give it to you in two days." You build a house.”

Yao Guang was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing: "That's no need to bother, I think the place where I live now is pretty good."

Su You was about to continue talking when Yao Guang saw this and immediately interrupted, with a rare haste in his tone as he declined Su You's 'kindness'.

Yao Guang: "This position doesn't look good in terms of stars."

"I see... But if you change your mind, you can come to me at any time. For those who are capable, the territory can make an exception and provide an extra house." Su You also made a joke, mainly because of Yao Guang's enthusiastic appearance. The cold look makes people want to tease her a little bit.

Especially since she is always mysterious.

"...Thank you Lord for your concern, Yaoguang really doesn't need it." Yaoguang said helplessly, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

If she had known that the person in front of her had such a personality, she would have said nothing and found a nonsensical excuse to stay.

Su You didn't waste too much time here. After chatting for a few words, he left two people with Yao Guang and then returned to the city wall to check the preparations of various places.

The city wall that was originally neat and intact is now full of pits and cracks in many places. Although everyone is taking the time to repair it, such marks can only be smoothed out during renovation and reconstruction.

All that is done now is only to repair the durability of the city wall, but the scars left on it cannot be eliminated.

"Lord, I found that one of the city walls was seriously damaged by wild beasts. I need to bring a group of people there to rebuild it immediately." Ain hurriedly came to Su You and spoke quickly about what he had just discovered. .

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you. If there are similar discoveries in the future, you can directly take someone to get the materials without asking me again." Su You said this mainly because he was afraid that if he didn't take care of things here, Ain cannot find him. When the city wall is broken and there is no way to repair it, the consequences will be disastrous.

Although the durability of the city wall can be repaired, the repaired city wall will be more fragile than before. This is called the inevitable 'permanent damage' of the building.

For example, a wall pillar with [-] points of durability could withstand [-] damage at a ratio of one to ten. However, after repair, although the durability is restored to [-] points, the damage it can withstand will drop to [-] or even lower.

Therefore, although repairing the city wall can greatly reduce the time pressure, after all, repairing the city wall will definitely consume less time than rebuilding it, but it is not a long-term solution.

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