After all, once the permanent damage ratio of a city wall is too high, even if the city wall is fully durable, it will be broken at a touch and will not be able to play a defensive role at all.

The city wall that Ain just mentioned needs to be rebuilt is for this reason, so he proposed to rebuild it.

"Thank you Lord, I will arrange for people to rebuild the city wall now!" Although he guessed that Su You would agree, Ain was still very excited when he heard Su You's answer without any hesitation.

Especially after Su You said something close to delegating power in the second half, Ain couldn't help but clenched his fists.

However, he did not let this excitement go to his head, because he knew that the best reward for the lord's trust was to do the job at hand well.

So after saying goodbye to Su You, he couldn't wait to call the construction team. Everyone demolished the seemingly complete but actually vulnerable city wall as quickly as possible, and then quickly filled in the missing parts. .

After they completed the reconstruction of this area, Duoya had also returned with people.

"Lord, as you said, there are indeed traces of wild beasts in the northeast. We have set up a large number of traps about 500 meters in front of those wild beasts..." Duoya told Su You about the situation of this operation in a concise language. , overall it was very smooth.

As long as nothing goes wrong, these traps can first cause damage to these beasts, and at the same time, they can also delay the arrival of these beasts in the territory.

If it is the first two waves of beasts, then delaying time is meaningless, and it may even cause the two waves of beasts to meet because of the delay.

But this is already the third wave of beasts today. If there is a high probability that there will be no fourth wave of beasts in the future, slowing down their attack speed becomes a good thing, because the third wave of beasts has more beasts and is more powerful. Strong, delaying time can give them enough rest and breathing space.

"Lyle hasn't come back yet. You take everyone to pick him up. Everyone who participates in this operation will get an extra reward."

It has been two hours since Lyle and the others left. Although there is still half an hour until the time Suyou has limited for them, Suyou is always a little uneasy because of the dark creatures, so she lets Duo You Ya took the 50 people who had just returned out for another trip.

"Yes." Duo Ya nodded in agreement, and then immediately turned back to inform everyone to prepare to set off again.

Although the people who received the news must have been a little dissatisfied at first, after all, they went out to lay traps while everyone else was resting, and now they had to go to another place to meet others. It was impossible not to be tired.

But after hearing that everyone involved in this operation would receive extra rewards, their dissatisfaction turned into excitement and excitement.

The temptation of money makes their fatigue disappear instantly.

Because they had just come back not long ago, and their previous operations were very smooth, the things they prepared were basically useless, so they did not need to replenish any supplies and just set off directly.



Duya followed the route of Lyle and his companions and headed west. Finally, when they were about 800 meters away from the territory, they happened to see Lyle and his party evacuating towards the territory.

Lyle was a little surprised to see Duoya and his people, but he probably guessed that this was probably the Lord's order to come over to meet them, so he immediately came to Duoya and told them what they discovered when setting up the trap. . "I told the lord before that I saw dark creatures when I was investigating this direction, but just when we were setting up the trap, those dark creatures suddenly appeared and attacked us..." Although the sudden attack is quite scary, but Because there were so many people on Lyle's side, he didn't show any weakness at all and was beaten back directly.

Originally, after the wave of fighting was over, they could continue to set up traps, but before they could move, another group of dark creatures rushed out.

As a last resort, everyone can only put down their work to deal with the dark creatures.

After repeating this three or four times, even a fool can see that the target of these dark creatures is not actually them - their real purpose is to delay time and prevent Lyle and others from setting up traps.

However, Lyle and the others brought a lot of people, so they could actually choose some people to resist the dark creatures and others to lay traps. Although this would be slower, they could still complete the task.

However, for some reason, Lyle always felt a bad premonition, so when the progress of the trap layout reached 70%, he immediately ordered everyone to prepare to evacuate.

"I hope my feeling is wrong. I alone bear the fault for not completing the mission." He was willing to bear the blame, but he was unwilling to gamble on the possibility of no accident.

After all, his thoughts affected not only his own life, but also the lives of a hundred other people.

After hearing this, Duo Ya did not comment too much on Lyle's behavior, nor did she comfort him.

"You have already made this choice, so don't hesitate. You also know the character of the lord, so there is no need to think too much about this matter." After saying this, Duoya directed everyone to prepare to evacuate: "Since there is nothing else, then Return to the territory.”

Lyle, who was worried about everything along the way, became more convinced after hearing her words.

Just like Duoya said, since he has made a choice, there is no need to hesitate. Hesitation will only make him lose the ability to think normally and make more wrong choices.

If his feeling was wrong, then this was a good thing. After all, things did not go in a bad direction. Even if the trap was not completed, the beasts themselves were not something they could not deal with.

Traps are only for stress relief, not necessities.

But if his feeling is correct, then he is equivalent to saving a hundred lives, which is more valuable than completing the remaining trap arrangements anyway.

In this way, the group returned to the territory in a mighty manner.

The moment they returned to the territory, someone immediately provided them with seats to rest and water to quench their thirst.

Everyone should take a rest and seize every minute to restore their physical strength. After all, there is only less than an hour before the next wave of beasts arrives.

Everyone else is resting, but Duoya and Lyle still need to report the situation to Suyou... Especially Lyle, he needs to explain his findings and the unfinished results of this mission.

After some communication, Su You roughly understood the situation.

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