Chapter 484 484. Beast Tide 9
Suyou naturally believed what Lyle said, but she felt that this kind of thing was more metaphysical, it was hard to tell what was right and wrong, and it had nothing to do with trust.

However, after thinking about it, Su You had a rough guess about the purpose of these dark creatures.

"What you did is correct." Su You agreed with Lyle's decision: "Although the task I gave you is to set up traps, everything in the world changes. You are the captain of this operation. In addition to completing the task, Besides, the most important thing is to ensure everyone’s safety.”

Everything has priorities. It is okay to set up traps when everyone can ensure safety, but if it cannot be guaranteed, there is no harm in giving up the mission.

"There will only be more and more things happening in the territory in the future. You all need to have the ability to make decisions independently. After I assign the task, the goal of the task is fixed, but there will always be various situations during the task. These unexpected situations are all You need to solve it yourself." Su You is not a god, she can only make plans, but the specific implementation cannot be controlled by her alone.

It is even more impossible for her to write a guide that details the process of performing any task - what details need to be paid attention to, what situations will occur during the task, and how to solve these situations.

Therefore, Su You has been delegating power to his subordinates as much as possible, while also trying to cultivate their ability to make independent decisions.

Although Lyle's decision this time cannot be said to be very good, it will at least satisfy Suyou more than carrying out the task regardless. After all, he at least knows how to be flexible and has the courage to make the decision to abandon the task.

"Are the numbers of dark creatures attacking you about the same each time? The pressure on you is not particularly great?"

Lyle was stunned for a moment, then nodded and replied: "Yes, the number of those dark creatures is not large, only about thirty, and each attack is not very violent." That's why Lyle felt that they were attacking Delay time.

Otherwise, there is no need for these dark creatures to attack them one after another like Calabash Baby to save grandpa, and there is no need to be merciful to them. Every battle seems to leave room for them, and they are not cruel to them.

"Think about it, if on the other hand, the attack of dark creatures is very fierce and there are a lot of them, what will you do?" What Su You is doing now is obvious. She is guiding Lyle to think about the ultimate outcome of these dark creatures step by step. Purpose.

Of course, Lyle was not the only one present, Duo Ya also fell into deep thought after hearing Su You's words.

"I will ask everyone to evacuate directly." Lyle gave the answer decisively without any hesitation.

His answer was actually Duoya's answer. After all, in the forest where the beast tide broke out, there were a lot of dark creature threats. No matter who was commanding at the time, even if it was Su You, they would definitely choose to evacuate.

It's just that Su You will definitely make other preparations after evacuating.

"Yes, they also knew that, so they didn't do it." Because they knew that too many dark creatures would be attacked at once, which would put too much pressure on Lyle and the others. They would directly choose to evacuate... After all, although they couldn't defeat them, they could still run away. of.

Therefore, in order to prevent Lyle and the others from leaving, the dark creatures were only harassing their actions, but did not put too much pressure on them, giving Lyle and the others a way to not only kill the dark creatures, but also set up traps. 'The illusion.

"Their purpose is not to harass us and prevent us from setting traps, but to make us stay!" Lyle was not stupid. This sentence of guidance made him quickly think of the purpose of the dark creatures.

Duo Ya raised her head to look at the expression on Su You's face. After thinking for a few seconds, she added: "To be precise, it wants to delay your time, and then forcefully keep you when the beast wave breaks out."

There was a tide of beasts before them, and there were dark creatures behind them. There was only one fate for Lyle and the others.

According to current speculation, Lyle's premonition was correct. The dark creature did have ulterior motives, and his corresponding decision was also correct.Regardless of whether he thought of the conspiracy or was just lucky enough to resolve the matter by chance, as long as the result is good, it is good.

Although the result was good, Lyle's decision-making was not the most perfect, so Su You still gave a few words of advice and gave Lyle and Duoya time to think carefully. If they had discovered it earlier The 'conspiracy' of dark creatures, then what else can they do except retreat.

"Let's put this matter aside for now. You two have worked hard. Go and have a rest." The matter of the dark creatures cannot be solved for a while, and there is no use thinking about it now.

But having said that, these dark creatures expended a lot of their own combat power in order to seduce Lyle and the others. However, the final goal was not achieved and everyone ran away. It is estimated that they... or rather, they must be angry and angry.

But this has nothing to do with Su You. She just wants to deal with the beast tide first.


About an hour later, everyone who had received the news in advance picked up their weapons and prepared to fight. However, they found that except for the hundreds of beasts that spawned in front of them, the other directions were quiet and there was no movement.

Because Su You didn't announce the trap, they didn't know that the beasts in the other two directions were caught in the trap.

However, this did not prevent everyone from quickly killing about two hundred beasts in front of them and looking around with murderous intent.

After the two hundred beasts were killed, several scouts on the tower took telescopes and looked into the distance, but they still didn't see anything.

If a beast appeared in front of them, they would not be so scared. The beast suddenly disappeared. It was hard to say when it would suddenly appear and charge them with a powerful blow.

Just when everyone was thinking wildly, the investigator suddenly let out a cry of surprise——

"I saw it! There are traces of wild beasts about 1000 meters away due west!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone was gearing up to grab their weapons, preparing to finish the last wave of battle as soon as possible and then have a good rest.

A few minutes later, everyone looked at each other in confusion as a dozen beasts rushed toward the territory from the west.

"...Did I see it wrong? Is there any sign of wild beasts moving due west?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. A dozen beasts are also beasts... Just tell me if there are any!"

"Obviously there were at least dozens of beasts attacking from other directions in the first two waves of beasts. Why are there only a dozen this time? Is there a fourth wave of beasts waiting for us?"

 Thanks to [Only When I Meet You Is Green Mountain] for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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