Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 485 485 Beast Tide 10

Chapter 485 485. Beast Tide 10
"Regardless of whether there is a fourth wave of beasts, have you noticed that these dozen beasts seem to be injured?"


The dozen beasts coming from the west direction can be said to have made everyone full of questions.

It didn't matter that the number was small, but the few beasts were still scarred, which made everyone feel a little baffled for a while. At the same time, they couldn't help but start to wonder if something else happened in the forest.

Fortunately, someone soon explained the trap. Because the previous two waves of people going out were not small, everyone knew that the territory had arranged for people to go out a few hours ago. They just didn't know that these people were going to do it. What, now that I know it, I can't help but admire it.

"I don't know who gave the order to set up the trap. This is simply a wise decision!"

"Yes! If there are only a few of these beasts in each wave, what is the beast tide?"

"Don't think too much. Traps can only be used on a small number of beasts. Once there are too many beasts, the traps will be destroyed before they can take effect. There are also many beasts directly in front of the territory gate."


No matter how everyone discusses it, it can be said that it is extremely easy to fight these dozen beasts.

Even because they were injured, Su You directly asked them to capture a few alive and send them to the area temporarily designated as the 'Animal Taming Park'.

After about ten minutes, several wild beasts also ran over from the northeast where Duoya had laid the trap before. The number was smaller than that from the west. The sparse three or five beasts were already captured by everyone before they could get close to the territory. Caught.

The animal taming park at this time can be said to be extremely lively. There are more than thirty beasts of all sizes, and more than half of them are beasts with full fighting power.

Although the remaining small and medium-sized beasts have average combat power, they each have their own specialties and are easier to tame. Although they cannot be used as combat beasts, they can also play some other roles.

So far, all the third wave of beasts have been cleared. When the last beast was tied into the territory, Suyou received the last two system prompts of the day——

[The third wave of beasts ended, taking 2 hours, 18 minutes and 54 seconds. 】

[Today's beast invasion event has ended. The beasts have discovered how powerful the enemy is, so they are preparing to send out a more powerful combat force tomorrow. Please be prepared to face powerful enemies. 】


Although the third wave of beasts still took more than two hours, more time was actually spent waiting for the beasts, and the actual time spent fighting was only about half.

As for the second system message, it is nothing more than a reminder that more and more powerful beasts will participate in the attack of the beast tide tomorrow.

This is not a strange thing. After all, the beast tide is getting more difficult day by day, especially the last wave of beasts... If you are unlucky, it may even be the combined difficulty of the beast tides in the previous few days!

The beast tide is over for the time being, and Su You tells everyone to go back and rest. Of course, someone still needs to defend here. You can't relax your vigilance just because the system prompts that the beast tide is over. After all, Su You now knows that her enemies are not just beasts.

After arrangements, Su You left a hundred people to continue stationed on the city wall, while the rest returned to their respective residences to rest.Of course, rather than resting, the first thing everyone did after learning that they could be disbanded was to rush directly to the mission hall.

Because Su You had said before recruiting that all wages would be paid daily, so naturally the first thing everyone did after get off work was to collect their wages.

However, the salary here refers to a fixed basic salary. The rewards for the additional beasts killed will not be settled until the beast tide is over. Otherwise, even if he can see all the data, it will take time for Su You to sort out the data.

Compared with calculating data once a day, it is definitely more convenient to look at the accumulated data at the end. After all, it is data for hundreds of people, and the workload is not small.

After receiving the money, everyone happily ate and rested. It was obviously the day when the beast tide was coming, but for them, it was no different from usual.

Especially for combatants, their daily income depends on hunting anyway, and the beast tide is equivalent to hunting, even because there are people who cooperate, plus there is no need to go out to find prey, and there is a daily basic salary guarantee, so Their income during the beast tide will be higher than usual.

People who have no combat effectiveness but possess special skills can also accept corresponding tasks in the mission hall.

Because the scale of this beast wave is not small, these people can take on a lot of tasks and make a lot of money.

The only ones who are more affected are definitely those who have neither fighting power nor other skills.

These people account for the vast majority, and they are also the ones that need to be appeased the most. Otherwise, just because of the large number of people, if trouble breaks out later, and internal and external troubles occur, this territory will not be far from destruction.

Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, Suyou is also trying his best to provide them with a place where they can work within the territory.

In addition to the previously mentioned work of transporting supplies and transporting the wounded, Su You also released time-consuming and labor-intensive tasks such as repairing city walls, cleaning battlefields, decomposing beast corpses, and making traps as tasks.

In this way, although it consumes a lot of money, it can greatly reduce the pressure of various trivial matters, and at the same time appease these ordinary people, who account for the largest proportion, so that they can maintain their status even if their territory is attacked by a beast tide. daily life.

As for the financial pressure, at least it doesn't seem to be very big at the moment. After all, the bank has just received a large amount of money to use.

And the most important thing is that the resources collected by the beast tide, various animal skins, animal cores, animal meat, animal tendons, animal teeth... If these are sold to the caravan and converted into money, Su You will not only be able to spend the mission You can get your money back and even make a fortune!
As it happens, there are still about five days until the next time Tianhong Caravan comes to the territory. It is absolutely impossible for Tianhong Caravan to let go of such a large and precious cargo. When that day comes, Su You will just have to wait and collect the money. Just fine.



Soon, the first wave of beasts passed away.

The second day of the beast tide is roughly the same as the first day. The first wave of beast tide is refreshed at [-] o'clock, the second wave of beast tide is refreshed at [-] o'clock three hours later, and the second wave of beast tide is refreshed at [-] o'clock five hours later. The third wave of beasts.

Although the time is the same, other aspects have changed a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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