Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 486 486 Beast Tide 11

For example, the first wave of beast tide changed from two refresh points to three refresh points. Among them, the number of beasts in all random refresh points was about a quarter more than the previous day.

A quarter of dozens of beasts doesn’t seem like much, but the two subsequent waves of beasts are in the same situation. Calculating this, there are three waves of beasts a day, six random refresh points, and a total of nearly a hundred beasts have been added. The beast!

Not only that, originally a refresh point would only spawn one or two elite monsters at most, but the number of elite monsters doubled the next day. Each refresh point would spawn at least two elite monsters, and up to four. Moreover, the attributes of these elite monsters are also higher than those of the previous day!
Such an obvious change in difficulty made everyone feel a little bit of pressure and urgency.

Fortunately, Su You has discovered the pattern of refresh points in the beast tide. She will arrange for people to go out and lay traps in advance during the rest time.

As a result, the difficulty of the beast tide increases, but because of the traps involved, the overall combat effectiveness does not actually increase much.

If it weren't for the worry that the dark creatures would interfere again, Su You would have even wanted to send people directly to investigate the cause of the beast tide, and then directly solve the problem from the root.

In this way, the beast tide on the second day passed safely without any danger.

There were almost no casualties. Those who suffered minor injuries recovered quickly after using Vivian's special potion, and those with slightly more serious injuries also completely recovered after using a healing magic.

It's just a pity that it's not convenient for Youai to see people now. Otherwise, with the help of the water magician, Vivian's pressure can be relieved... Although there is not much pressure on her at the moment.

After the beast wave ended on the second day, in addition to the usual preparations for the next day, something else happened——

[The tavern has been refreshed, you can go to the tavern recruitment point to choose the residents you want to recruit. 】

The last recruitment was ten days ago, and the tavern is now refreshed every five days. However, due to the improvement in level, Su You can choose to give up recruitment every time it is refreshed, thereby improving the ability to recruit residents next time, and the emergence of special races. There are also probabilities for special professions.

Suyou made this choice five days ago, so today's tavern must be a surprise for her.

After finishing what she was doing, Su You went directly to the tavern.

Although due to the beast tide, the business of most stores is not very good, because people have no time and no energy to consume.

But the tavern is definitely not a store with poor business. Even after Lin Chen launched a brand new wine that can strengthen the body and restore mental strength, the tavern's business is better than before.

Even those who don’t like drinking or don’t like the taste of wine can still find pure fruity fruit wine here.

The fruit wine tastes sweet, and after drinking it, it can soothe tired nerves and improve the quality of sleep. This is a must-have for everyone who has been tortured by wild beasts in the past two days.

And in addition to fruit wine, the tavern now also has a newly developed 'light wine' that has no taste like plain water, but has an inexplicable fragrance.

The raw material of light wine is brewed from the petals of a flower planted by Lin Mu.

Flower petals are tasteless, so wine is also tasteless.

But flowers have fragrance, so the wine will also have a rich fragrance that belongs to flowers.

The effect of light wine is similar to that of fruit wine. It also soothes nerves and improves sleep quality. Although it has no taste, it is also loved by everyone.

This love was clearly reflected when Suyou stepped into the tavern, because the aroma that filled the room when he walked into the tavern made everyone who came to the tavern for the first time, or who had not been to the tavern a few times, feel the same. Have you come to the wrong place?Perhaps this shouldn't be a tavern, but a garden.

Because it is not convenient for 'Lin Chen' to meet people now, the tavern is still managed by a few employees hired to help, and Shana has obviously become the leader among these people.

Regarding the fact that the tavern owner has not shown up for the past few days, Shana's explanation to everyone is that 'the owner is researching a new brew.'

Everyone believed this statement, especially the old customers of the tavern. They didn't usually see the boss often. Even if they did, they only saw the boss looking for people to taste the newly brewed wine.

In the past, many people stayed at the tavern to taste the new wine in advance, so that they could share a cup when Lin Chen showed up with the newly brewed wine.

But having said that, what Shana said was not a lie. After all, Lin Chen really had nothing to do at the inn. Naturally, he was soaking in various ingredients and studying new wine recipes.

Lin Mu, who lived next door, was similar. She brought a few packets of seeds and pots of flowers before entering the inn. She said she wanted to take advantage of the rare free time to study the 'grafting' technique that Su You accidentally mentioned. …


Back to the topic.

Su You casually found a seat with few people and sat down. Shana saw her and saw that she didn't take the initiative to say hello, so she didn't let anyone disturb her.

[The tavern has been refreshed. 】

[This recruitment increases the probability of the appearance of special professions and the probability of the appearance of special races. 】

Su You scanned these two lines of words and then opened the recruitment interface.

The five people who came into view were the same as before, all very outstanding talents.

Facts have proved that although the recruitment time is delayed, as long as the ability and rarity of the residents that can be recruited are improved, the delay is still worth it. After all, the territory does not lack ordinary talents.

In addition to the time delay, it is also a pity that choosing to delay recruitment will directly clear the current number of recruitments. Therefore, the number of people Su You can recruit today is still two people, instead of the three people who have accumulated one number of times. .

After all, the last recruitment times have been cleared, so there are no times to accumulate.

Four of the five people on the recruitment panel this time are human, and one is non-human...or half-human.

Because she is the descendant of the human race and the mermaid race.

Although different races can also have offspring, in most cases, the offspring of non-pure blood races will always be rejected by all aspects.

Not to mention other races, even the elves, who have always been tolerant, will not allow half-elves (descendants of elves and other races) to stay in the elves.

However, the elves will not do anything to the elf who gave birth to a half-elf, or his (her) significant other, just because the elf tree can only protect pure-blooded elves, so the half-elves cannot be protected and are equivalent to outsiders, so He couldn't stay in the elves.

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