Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 487 487 Beast Tide 12

But the situation is different for other races. There are two races that are the most strict on mixed-race offspring, one of which is the mermaid race.

The mermaid tribe's deep hatred for mixed blood is related to a story that happened in the mermaid tribe's history.

In the past, the mermaid tribe was even more tolerant of mixed-blood descendants than the elves. Although outsiders could not live in the mermaid tribe, half-mermaids were allowed, and their treatment was the same as that of pure-blood mermaids.

Until one day, one of the mermaid princesses at that time (the daughter of the mermaid emperor, not necessarily the heir) fell in love with a man from the human race. As a result, the man took advantage of the mermaid princess's identity and stole the mermaid race’s shark pearl. , and also killed many mermaids who tried to stop him, even the mermaid princess who was deeply in love with him.

Although the mermaid princess was later rescued, the man had already escaped with the shark beads, and the dead mermaids would never come back.

Ever since this incident occurred, the mermaid tribe has been particularly wary of foreign tribes.

The follow-up to this incident was that the mermaid tribe issued a wanted order and gathered the power of multiple races to capture the human who had killed many mermaids.

After the man was captured, the mermaid princess chose to kill him personally.

Originally, the matter should have ended here, but when this happened, the mermaid princess had already discovered that she was pregnant.

If the human man hadn't done such a thing, this would have been a good thing, but because of what happened, the child's identity became very embarrassing.

After all, this is the child of the enemy of the mermaid clan, so the mermaid princess wanted to give up the child at that time.

It's just that the mermaid princess was seriously injured by this man, which was life-threatening at one time, so her body could no longer bear the loss of a child.

If the child was given up, the mermaid princess's own life would be in danger, so the child was saved in the end.

Just because of his background, all the mermaids can't have any affection for this child, even the mermaid princess herself.

However, out of a sense of responsibility, after the child was born, the mermaid princess disguised herself as an ordinary human and took the child to live in the human world. This would not only allow the child to have a relatively normal growth environment, but also prevent the child from having diarrhoea. Mermaid tribe.

But when the child was ten years old, he suddenly disappeared.

At that time, the mermaid princess returned to the mermaid tribe due to urgent matters. When she returned to her home where she had lived for ten years, she found that her child was missing.

Although she could not be called fond of this child, after all, it was her own child, and it was a child she had raised for ten years. It was impossible not to have any feelings for her. In desperation, the mermaid princess had no choice but to return to the mermaid tribe again to seek help.

However, even though the merfolk searched everywhere, they still found no trace of the child.

This search lasted for two years.

After not finding it for two years, they gave up the search. After all, they couldn't continue to waste their energy on an enemy's child.

Moreover, their search in the past two years has almost turned over the entire continent, but they still have not found it, which means that there is a high probability that the child may have disappeared.

In this way, another ten years passed, and a large amount of pollution suddenly appeared in the sea area where the mermaid tribe was located. At the same time as the pollution, there were also a large number of dark creatures. In this battle, the mermaid tribe suffered heavy losses.

During the battle, the mermaid tribe discovered that the black magician who led the dark creatures to attack the mermaid tribe was the child that the mermaid princess lost 12 years ago!No one thought that the child they had been looking for for two years would become their enemy more than ten years later, and almost drive the mermaid tribe to a dead end.

Fortunately, the mermaid princess made a prompt decision and chose to sacrifice her life without hesitation, using her blood relationship to kill the black magician. This made those dark creatures leaderless and unable to continue to attack the mermaid clan more powerfully.

It was during this crisis that the elves came to help the mermaids, which made the relationship between the two tribes get better and better in the future.

Although this matter was regarded as a private matter of the mermaid tribe, it was a big deal, so almost the leaders of other races knew about it at that time, which made everyone pay special attention to foreigners and mixed-race descendants in the future.

After all, no one wants to become the second mermaid.


Logically speaking, it is basically impossible for mixed-bloods to appear on the recruitment interface. This is not only because there are only a handful of mixed-races, but more importantly, because there is a precedent for the mermaid tribe, most races are very concerned about the existence of mixed-races. care.

The better ones are like the elves, who at most don't care, but if they are the mermaids, the best outcome is to become a useless person.

After all, what happened to the black magician caused so much harm to the mermaid tribe that the mermaid tribe has always believed that people other than our tribe must have different intentions.

In addition, as long as one has the blood of the mermaid clan, they can locate the mermaid clan and can sense the mermaid clan's most precious treasure, the 'Shark Pearl', so it is even more impossible for them to let the half-mermaid survive.

Either lose his bloodline and live like a half-dead cripple, or die directly.

The former cannot appear on the recruitment panel due to lack of strength, let alone the latter.

Su You couldn't say whether she approved or disapproved of the mermaid clan's approach. After all, it was someone else's family matter... Once bitten by a snake, one would be afraid of well ropes for ten years, not to mention that it was a genocide at the time. That dark history was enough to make the entire The mermaid tribe remembers.

But Su You still saw someone who was almost impossible to appear on the recruitment panel, and he happened to be a descendant of a mermaid hybrid!

Gender: Female
Age: Youth

Loyalty: 20
Favorite: 5
Talents: Magic (90), Mechanism (75)

Skills: Intermediate spiritual magician (bottleneck), junior mechanic (bottleneck)
Traits: Listening (when concentrating, hearing is better than ordinary people), mixed-race (unpopular among some races), half-mermaid (possessing some characteristics of mermaids, and will be affected to a certain extent), fear of the deep (fear of the ocean, unable to near)

Introduction: [Displayed after joining the territory]


When she saw that Lingyuan was a high-level spiritual magician, Su You's subconscious reaction was to think of the hypnotic suggestion on Jing Que. She initially doubted whether it was caused by a spiritual magician, but later it turned out that it was not the case. , that is just the handiwork of a hypnotist.

But no matter what, the spiritual magician is an absolutely rare existence, and her ability is enough to allow her to kill people invisible, just like the sea monster.

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