Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 488 488 Beast Tide 13

However, for Lingyuan, the most valuable information about her is not her identity as a spiritual magician, but her identity as a hybrid of human race and mermaid race.

To be able to become a high-level magician, Lingyuan must not be a disabled person. In other words, her parents should have used some method to escape the punishment of the mermaid tribe, which allowed Lingyuan to grow up safely... The story behind this Obviously not simple.

Perhaps because of her special identity and background, Su You cannot see her story. It will only be shown after Ling Yuan joins the territory.

Su You really wanted to recruit Ling Yuan, after all, her identity told a story.

And according to the normal arrangement, after the beast tide is over, Su You will find time to go to the mermaid clan. But at this moment, Ling Yuan appears in front of her. This coincidence hardly seems like a coincidence.

However, Su You was not impulsive. She still chose to look at the information of the other four people before making a choice.

Among these five people, Lingyuan is not the only magician. In addition to her, there is also an intermediate light magician. The magic talent is slightly lower than Lingyuan, only [-], but this talent is only lower than Lingyuan. That's all, compared to other magicians, it's already very high.

With eighty magic talents and proper training, the opponent can still grow into at least a master magician.

What's more, light magicians are the only three types with healing magic, and their healing ability is second only to healing magicians.

Not only that, the biggest feature of light magicians is that they are extremely helpful in dealing with dark creatures. After all, light and dark restrain each other. As long as light magic can be used rationally, in a battle with dark creatures, a light magician can A magician can compete with three fire magicians of the same level!

At first glance, it seems that there are already candidates for the two recruitments this time, but the remaining three people are not ordinary people, otherwise they would not appear on the same recruitment panel as these two magicians.

One is a senior spiritual master who has reached a bottleneck, the other is a senior wizard, and there is even a master-level military strategist!

Let’s not talk about spiritual masters and wizards. As mentioned before, these two are definitely good talents. No matter which one is recruited, it will be of great help to the development of the territory.

And the territory happens to be lacking these two kinds of talents.

As for the last one, the military strategist, to put it simply, he is the military strategist on the battlefield.

Military strategists are proficient in various battle strategies. A capable military strategist can lead thousands of troops. Whether it is turning defeat into victory, or defeating more with less, as long as there is a military strategist, everything is possible.

Take the current situation in the territory as an example. If the territory now has a master-level military strategist, and the other party is completely loyal to the territory, Su You can go directly back to the city lord's mansion and lie down.

Because the medium-sized beast tide is not a difficult battle at all for military strategists, this is a battle that even senior military strategists can completely master.

In addition, another role of the military strategist that cannot be ignored is that when there is a military strategist in the territory and the military strategist has the authority to command operations, the territory will also gain a temporary halo.

The objects of this halo are all those who follow the command of the military strategist. The halo has many contents, such as the improvement of attack power, defense, speed, basic combat ability, etc... The specific content of the halo is related to the military. It is related to the ability of the planner himself.

The stronger the military strategist, the higher the aura attributes and the more types of attributes.

After this comparison, we can find that the importance of these five people is actually on the same starting line. Because their skills and professions are different, there is no level suppression.

If possible, Su You really wanted to recruit them all, even if the cost was that he would not be able to recruit new talents in the next month, or even two months, three months, or half a year.

But she can only think about it. In the end, she can only choose two out of five.

After some tangle, the first person to be excluded from the selection was the spiritual master.Because the role of spiritual masters is somewhat similar to that of astrologers from a certain perspective. Although their own astrologers are always a bit nagging, at least for now, they seem to be trustworthy.

And he can discover the problems of the elves and predict the affairs of the mermaids. Needless to say, Yaoguang's strength, so there is no need to recruit spiritual masters for the time being.

Among the remaining light magicians, spiritual magicians, wizards and military strategists, Su You really hesitated for a long time, until the tavern was about to close, and then she recruited the first person—— Light magician, Ning Shi.

[Recruit the light magician 'Ning Shi'? 】

[This NPC is heading to your territory, estimated time: within 48 hours. 】


Gender: Female
Age: Youth

Loyalty: 60
Favorite: 20
Talent: Magic (80)

Skill: Intermediate light magician (bottleneck)

Traits: Light (when there is enough light element, magic will become more powerful), Faith (having a certain belief, attaching great importance to belief and being paranoid), darkness (when there is too much dark element, the strength of magic will be weakened) )

There are two main reasons for recruiting Ning Shi. One is that she can treat him, which can reduce Vivian's pressure in the future.

Although Vivian is not under a lot of pressure now, magicians with healing abilities are very rare. Su You needs to prepare early. If the pressure comes up, it will be too late to find someone by then.

As for another reason, it has to do with light magicians restraining dark creatures.

This time the beast tide has been found to be related to dark creatures. Su You has a hunch that if the beast tide is to end, or wait until the last few days of the beast tide, there will definitely be more dark creatures involved, so by then If the territory can have the help of a light magician, the follow-up will definitely be much easier.

As for whether this light magician will soon join the territory and participate in the battle, it actually doesn't matter. At worst, it's the same as paying her to help.

"There is one more..." Su You rubbed his head with a headache, looked at Lingyuan, and then at the military strategist. In the end, he didn't know what he thought of, so he gave up the former and chose the latter.

[Recruiting 'hundred machines'? 】

[This NPC is heading to your territory, estimated time: within 48 hours. 】

【[-] machines】

Gender: Female
Age: Youth

Loyalty: 70
Favorite: 15
Talents: Military Strategy (85), Strategy (80), Literature (65)

Skills: Master Military Strategist, Intermediate Strategic Skills (Bottleneck)

Traits: Erudite (possessing higher knowledge and ability to learn), Mastery (proficient in the skills with the highest talent), Not to be outdone (when commanding the battle, he will not retreat easily)

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