Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 489 489 Beast Tide 14


The reason for choosing Baiji was that Su You needed someone who could assist her in combat matters and someone who could make suggestions at critical moments.

Judging from the current situation in the territory, there are all types of talents, but there is only one missing person who can stand on the same level as Su You and discuss issues together.

Although Su You knows a lot of things, she is only one person after all, and cannot be comprehensive in all aspects... If she can really do this, she will die of exhaustion before the territory develops.

Previously, I had not recruited highly intelligent talents mainly because I was afraid that I would not be able to suppress the opponent.

But things are different now. After numerous incidents, the Sunset Territory’s reputation has expanded step by step, and it has occupied a place on the mainland. Although it is nothing compared to other territories, it can at least be called a very powerful horse. A 'dark horse' with potential.

Given the current situation in the territory, as long as the person you recruit is not naturally arrogant, you can still suppress their temper.

Of course, another reason for recruiting Baiji is that her own strength is indeed outstanding.

For military strategists, 'strategy' is a skill that complements them, which is equivalent to the wooden planks of the bucket.

If a person only has high military strategy talent, his military strategist level will be limited by the strategic level.

Although this type of military strategists also have certain abilities, their abilities are more on paper and can only be used as a theoretical reference and cannot be used in practice.

On the contrary, if a person has high strategic talent but low military strategy talent, then although he knows countless strategies to deal with battles, he does not know how to execute them.

In this case, he can actually cooperate with a general who has command talent, one is responsible for making plans, and the other is responsible for commanding and deploying based on these strategies.

Of course, the best situation is definitely that the two talent values ​​are very high, and it is best that the values ​​are close. Just like Baiji, this kind of military strategist is the most perfect military strategist, with almost no shortcomings.

This kind of military strategist can not only make plans, but also serve as a commander.

After all, other people's command is not as good as my own understanding of strategy. Therefore, for the same strategy but different commands, if one is a military strategist and the other is just a command, the military strategist must be slightly better, even if there is a certain level gap. .


So far, both recruitment opportunities have been used up. Su You closed the recruitment panel and suddenly found that there was no one around... To be precise, there was still one person, and this person was waiting for her to leave and then give her to the tavern. Shana closing the door.

"Thank you." Su You didn't expect Shana to wait for her to leave, but after thinking about it, Su You guessed that she might want to know about Sha Ling's situation, so she told her what she learned from Anita yesterday. The situation was briefly discussed.

"Sha Ling is recovering very well there. Although she cannot fully recover, they can suppress the ice magic in her body so that she can live like an ordinary person for some time in the future." As for the follow-up of this ice magic Su You actually already had a rough idea of ​​how to deal with it.

The reason why Sha Ling couldn't withstand this magic was because her talent was too low. Although she had the help of a god-level magician, her growth rate was still too slow and she couldn't keep up with the growth rate of magic.

But as long as Sha Ling's growth rate can be increased to a level that can accommodate magic, then the problem will be solved.

Judging from the current situation, what Sha Ling lacks is not talent. After all, her talent limit is at full value. In fact, what she lacks is opportunities for growth.As an experienced player, Su You naturally knows how to quickly improve her talents, so as long as Sha Ling can stabilize her own situation, Su You will have enough time to train her.

Shana didn't know Suyou's thoughts, but after getting along with her for the past few days, she had slowly integrated into the life of the territory. She also felt that this territory was like home when getting along with other people. Come with warmth and security.

And all these beautiful feelings were organized by the leader with the highest territory in front of him.

This made Shana admire her, but she also had a lot of affection for Su You.

At least she is now willing to believe that Su You really wants to save Sha Ling, no matter what the purpose is, but as long as the result is that Sha Ling can live well, other things don't matter.

"Thank you for your help, Lord. I'm sorry for my rude behavior towards you before." The more she knew that Suyou was really here to help, the more guilty Shana felt. After all, when she was emotional, no matter who she treated. The attitudes are not very good.

From her point of view, it was unbelievable that Su You could help regardless of past grudges, and it also made her feel very guilty.

"Let what happened before be in the past. After all, I didn't save Sha Ling without asking for anything in return... I hope that both of you can join the territory." Su You never makes any detours when it comes to recruiting people. , basically express their purpose directly and straightforwardly.

Because she has always believed that instead of playing Tai Chi with the other party in a roundabout way, it is better to directly give the other party options to choose.

If you agree, it's best. If you don't agree, you can at least know the reason and think of other ways to recruit in the future.

Faced with Su You's direct words, Shana seemed a little at a loss.

Emotionally speaking, she definitely hopes to stay in the Sunset Territory, not only because the past few years of wandering have made Shana particularly miss the good life, but most importantly, she likes the days of working in the tavern, and I really like Lin Chen as the boss.

But rationally speaking, Shana knew very clearly that Su You didn't want her to join the territory. Her ultimate goal was actually her sister, Sha Ling.

However, Shana knew better that her choice was meaningless. After all, it was Su You who saved Sha Ling, and only Su You could save her in the future.

Instead of relying on others with almost impossible fantasies, it is better to choose to believe in her.

Shana: "As long as we can save Sha Ling, we can both join the territory."

As soon as these words came out, Suyou directly received Shana's application.

[Wanderer 'Shana' applied to join the Sunset Territory, do you agree? 】

Suyou thought Shana would agree, but she didn't expect it to be so easy. However, this was a good thing, as it saved her from having to say anything else.

After agreeing to Shana's application, Su You could see that Shana's current loyalty value for the territory was '76', which was not a high value, but not a low one either.

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