Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 493 493 Beast Tide 18

[Pollution Claw]: The dark bear concentrates its own pollution on the bear's paw, and then strikes hard to cause huge damage, and at the same time adds pollution status to the attacked object.

[Dark Pollution (Passive Skill)]: As the blood volume decreases, the Dark Bear's pollution deepens step by step. The more serious the pollution, the Dark Bear's own attributes will also be strengthened.

【? ? ? ? 】: Displayed after unlocking.

The next second after reading the message, the system popped up another message in front of Su You——

[The leader of the pollution beast and the dark bear is calling on his people. Estimated time: 10 minutes. 】


Bad fight!
This is the most direct and useless conclusion Su You gave after reading the information about Dark Bear.

However, this system is considerate. It says that the Dark Bear is calling on the people, but it actually gives her 10 minutes to formulate a preliminary response strategy.

Su You didn't waste time and seized the opportunity to conduct a wave of analysis on the existing information.

Not to mention the three most basic attributes of blood volume, attack, and defense. The blood volume of one million is higher than that of the Siren Octopus in its heyday. This is enough to show that this dark bear is very powerful. Maybe it's above the Multi-legged Madara, and at the end it's as powerful as the Multi-legged Madara.

The numerical information that Su You cares most about is obviously the pollution level. She has never seen this data before, but it is easy to understand. After all, the cause of the beast tide is dark pollution, and this numerical value should represent the darkness. Bear contamination levels.

Compared with the full value of 26, the pollution degree of [-] is actually not high, but it is still marked with the prefix of pollution beast, which shows that the pollution is far more intense than imagined.

In fact, when seeing this data, Su You began to think about a question - since the pollution level will increase as the Dark Bear's blood volume decreases, is there any way to reduce it?
In addition, if the increase in pollution means that the Dark Bear becomes stronger and its sanity becomes weaker, then the pollution degree can be reduced to '0'. Does that mean that the Dark Bear's strength will be weakened and its sanity will be restored?

There's no way 'sanity' here is just a literal meaning, so what does it refer to?
Many questions popped up all at once, and Su You couldn't think of the answers for a while, so she could only write them down one by one, and then slowly explore the answers later when the battle officially started.

In addition to the above information, the Dark Bear's skills are also interesting.

The skill 'Roar of the Leader' is obviously a summoning skill.

Su You can be said to be very familiar with summoning skills. After all, the former leader of the fire monster had summoning skills. When the dark creature attacked, the elite monster also had skills similar to summoning, and even had a multi-legged patch. It's that siren...

If I don't pay attention to my memories at ordinary times, I really don't realize that I am so popular with summoned monsters. This one, two or three of them can't be beaten, so they call for help and start a group fight.

But having said that, although this is a summoning skill, Su You has already thought of a strategy to deal with it.

The skill description says that the higher the damage done to the Dark Bear, the more likely it is to become the target of these beasts... In other words, the person with the highest damage can become the bait to seduce these beasts.

As for who will do the most damage, if it ever happened, it would definitely be Meck.

But now, when only discussing single-target damage, the one with the highest damage is undoubtedly Duoya.The magician itself is a combat profession that tends to attack in groups, and single-target damage must be done by professions such as archers and musketeers that can stably output.

What's more, Duoya's bow and arrow skills have reached an advanced bottleneck, not to mention being on par with Mek. What's more important is that she is the only one in the territory who has three combat bonus skills at the same time.

A bow skill, a combat skill, and a long-range attack skill.

With the three skill bonuses, coupled with the Wutong bow that was close to a 'graduation weapon' given to her by Su You, in terms of single-target damage, there really was no one in the territory who could surpass her.

Thinking of this, Su You immediately called Du Ya and seriously explained that the Dark Bear would summon wild beasts, and that these wild beasts would most likely attack her.

Normal people will definitely be scared when they hear this. Even if they are not scared, they will never not panic at all.

But I don't know if it was because she had seen a lot of storms with Su You, so when Duo Ya heard that she was likely to be targeted, she didn't even blink.

"Has your lord already made arrangements?" From this sentence, we can actually hear that it is not so much that Duoya is not afraid, but that she believes that her lord has already prepared a response strategy.

Because she believed that Su You would have a solution, she didn't panic.

"I will ask Zenyue to cooperate with you. You should prepare some more agility potions and action runes (to increase movement speed). Then you only need to lead the beasts that attack you to the corresponding position..."

There are potions, runes, she is also an agile archer, and she even has a wind magician to cooperate... With these four guarantees, if nothing else, it can at least ensure that Duoya can easily defeat the beast. It can move freely among the piles without getting hurt.

As for where these beasts needed to be led, Su You took out a map and circled a few locations.

"These positions are the intersection points of the attack ranges of the city defense crossbows and catapults. If you attract them to these positions, the people who control the city defense crossbows and catapults can clean up the beasts as quickly as possible."

Of course, this is just a theoretical operation, and the actual situation will definitely not be as simple as said. At that time, Duoya will definitely need to have the ability to adapt to changes and arrange his own route of action based on the actual situation.

As someone who has once challenged a tiger, Su You believes that she has a flexible and calm mind and the psychological quality to carry out this task.

"This is a third-level space bag. You can bring a lot of things. You can put the things in the original space bag here." Dolly had successfully researched a method to upgrade the space bag not long ago. She used the existing He used the materials to make many secondary space bags, and the people he trusted around Su You also replaced a batch of equipment.

But this third-level space bag is the product of Dori's inspiration when making the second-level space bag, and it is also the result of triggering a very unlikely leapfrog production.

This kind of extremely small probability event is rare, so there is only one third-level space package in total.

Although the five grids of the second-level space pack are already very powerful, compared to the ten grids of the third-level space pack, they are still far behind.

This is the only third-level space bag Suyou has kept on her body and has not been given out, so that it can be arranged for those who need it under such circumstances.

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