Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 494 494 Beast Tide 19

Chapter 494 494. Beast Tide 19
When Duaya needs to attract firepower, she will definitely not have time to replenish supplies, so it is best to carry everything with her. Just in time, this third-level space bag came in handy.

Seeing the new space bag, Duoya did not hesitate and took out her original second-level space bag, then took out the contents one by one, and then put them one by one into the third-level space bag.

After doing all this, Duoya went to prepare the things she would need later.

Su You put away Duoya's original secondary space bag and began to recall several other skills of Dark Bear in her mind.

According to the description of Pollution Claw, Su You temporarily regarded it as a group skill, and it was also a group skill with negative status.

As for whether this skill has a synergistic effect with other skills, it is not known yet.

The passive skill Dark Pollution is actually the performance of the 'mild pollution' skill in the status bar, and there is nothing to say about it.

Of all the skills, the one that people care about the most is undoubtedly the last skill that is not displayed at all.

Su You initially judged that this might be a staged skill like the natural disaster leader. When the Dark Bear's blood volume drops to a certain level, the use of this skill will be unlocked.


The 10 minutes passed quickly, and Su You arranged for everyone to get ready based on the information he analyzed.

When the time came, a roar came from the distance, followed by a trembling sound, and the battle officially began.

"According to the arrangement just now, the last two teams are responsible for taking care of the situation around the territory. The first five teams attack the dark bears, and the remaining three teams are responsible for cleaning up the remaining beasts. The melee team pays attention to safety, mainly to contain them, and do not get close to these beasts. "

As soon as the order came out, everyone obeyed, and all kinds of attacks flew all over the sky, falling on the beasts under the city, leaving a trail of damage.

Countless damage values ​​appeared in front of him, Su You blocked them all, and then focused on staring at the dark bear.

Because we have been fighting for a few minutes, the Dark Bear's HP is obviously not at full value, but because the defense is too high, even though everyone's equipment is uniformly issued iron equipment with good attributes, the damage it can cause Not much.

Even more people can't even break through the defense, and the damage result is either a dodge 'miss', or a mandatory 1 point of damage.

Fortunately, the city defense crossbows and catapults were powerful, both of which were powerful weapons against leader-level enemies. Under a fierce attack, the Dark Bear's 100 million health gradually dropped.

Soon, the Dark Bear's blood volume reached 90%. When the blood volume reached this value, it let out a roar, and then the scouts on the tower could see another large black field in the distance.

So far, Su You has been able to determine that the leader's roar is a phased skill. Every time the Dark Bear's blood volume drops by 10%, it will release this skill.

Scout: "A large number of wild beasts appeared about 3000 meters directly in front of the territory! They are expected to arrive at the territory in up to 10 minutes!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Su You asked some people to stabilize the hatred of the dark bear and pull the dark bear aside so as not to block the road directly in front of the territory.

Because this area is the main battlefield and the place with the most intense firepower. The Dark Bear is large. If it occupies this central position, it can be used as a human shield to withstand countless injuries from other beasts.If these summoned beasts are not cleaned up in time, the lower the Dark Bear's health will be, the more they will be summoned. When the number is too large to handle, it will be too late.

The messenger drank the potion, wore shoes enchanted with speed, and ran very fast.

After hearing the instructions, the people working everywhere followed them one by one. Everyone moved the Dark Bear to its position slowly and in an orderly manner.

In about 7 minutes, those beasts were already at the gates of the city. The number of this batch of beasts was not large, but not many. Su You counted a few and found that there were exactly one hundred.

After arriving at their destination, these one hundred beasts immediately began to look for the target of their hatred. Then, everyone present saw a short-haired woman wearing a smart outfit rushing out of the territory. The speed was so fast that it made people feel like it was... An illusion caused by one's own eyesight.

This person is Duoya.

After Duo Ya left the territory, all the beasts seemed to be on stimulants and headed towards her direction with great momentum.

On the city wall, hundreds of people stared dumbfoundedly at the man below, who was playing with the hundreds of beasts like he was walking a dog. After a brief moment of confusion, they realized that this might be the arrangement of the lord.

Although they were doubtful in their hearts, they did not forget their main job.

Human physical strength is limited. Even with the blessing of various props, Duoya was still consuming her own physical strength to attract the firepower of the beasts for everyone. However, everyone did not let her down. The hundred beasts came menacingly, but in the end, only 10 Within minutes, they were all wiped out.

This is mainly due to the good pull of Doyara.

Hundreds of beasts are piled up together almost all the time, and there is basically no disconnection. Even if there are a few occasionally, Duoya will immediately pull them back to the main group after discovering them.

With such a huge target, there is almost no need to aim at the long range on the city wall. You only need to focus on attacking. And if there is a group attack, it will be a large one, and there will be no waste of damage.

"Pull the Dark Bear back and continue to fight, but fight slower, and give priority to cleaning up the beasts around it." Although the beasts before the arrival of the Dark Bear had been cleaned up, more came one after another. Less beast.

These hatreds that do not eat Duoya will not insist on attacking Duoya, so they are not like summoned by the dark bear, but more like the beast tide that has not yet ended is refreshed from time to time in order to increase the sense of existence.

However, the number of these beasts is much less than those summoned and those refreshed by the previous beast tide. They are usually refreshed every three to five minutes, and only twenty or thirty beasts at a time.

In this way, under this stable rhythm, the Dark Bear's blood volume reached 80%, which was the stage for the second summons.

'Roar--! '

As expected, with the same roar as before, the scout immediately reported the location and distance. As for the number, because the sky was getting dark now, it was completely unclear. It was already pretty good to be able to see the general direction of the beast.

The beast summoned for the second time was refreshed right in front of the territory, and the distance was closer than the last time, so it only took 5 minutes to get there this time.

(End of this chapter)

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