Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 496 496 Beast Tide 21

Killing the Dark Bear is important, but Doya's life is also important.

If the price of killing the Dark Bear is Duo Ya, then Su You cannot accept this result from an emotional or profit perspective.

"I..." Duoya really didn't think much about it just now, but after hearing Su You's words, she cleared her head of other messy thoughts and asked Su You a few key points in executing the action.

After understanding her mission, she made an estimate of her strength and mobility...

After a moment, Duoya said: "I can do it."

"Okay." Su You was not surprised by the expected answer, "Everything is about safety."

"Please rest assured, my lord."



In the following time, Su You asked the melee team to join the battle.

The people in the melee group were quite scared when they first saw the dark bear, but after such a long battle, they discovered that although the dark bear looked fierce in its attack, it actually didn't have any particularly powerful moves, so They were already feeling itchy.

It's just that Su You never gave an order, so they didn't dare to act without permission. Now that they finally got the order to fight, they all felt like they were on fire.

With the addition of melee combat, the Dark Bear's health dropped faster, and because someone was drawing hatred, the Dark Bear's position was always adjusted to the junction of the attack ranges of all offensive buildings. This is also the Dark Bear's health. An important reason for the rapid decline.

When the Dark Bear's blood volume was about to reach 70%, Su You immediately told all the people in the melee group to stay away from the Dark Bear.

"Let the melee team be ready to stop and retreat at any time, and be careful to avoid attacks." Su You's purpose this time was to experiment with how to trigger the pollution claws. Although he didn't know the specific pollution effects of the pollution claws, the damage would definitely not be low.

It's hard to say whether the person will live or die if this claw goes down, but the person will definitely be unable to stand.

On the battlefield, once someone falls, the chaotic scene, life and death is really just a matter of a moment.

The melee team members were ordered to stop and retreat within a few minutes of the fight. They must have felt unhappy at first, not only because they were not happy with the fight, but also because the final settlement of extra rewards was based on damage and other data. settled.

They have not participated in the battle, and their damage is definitely much worse than the long-range ones on the city wall who are always outputting.

But the dissatisfaction was over, and no one disobeyed the order. When the dark bear roared for the third time, the people in the melee group had already left the attack range of the dark bear.

During this period, Su You took another look at the pollution level and status of the Dark Bear——


'Light pollution' → 'moderate pollution'.

Because of the increase in pollution levels, the Dark Bear's attributes in all aspects have increased a lot.

Originally, those who were responsible for resisting damage at the beginning were high-defense warriors equipped with heavy armor. A slap from the Dark Bear could only knock out at most one-third of their health, and sometimes it could only knock out one-fifth or four of their health. One-third of the blood volume.In addition, they have as many as twenty people responsible for damage resistance, and they can replace them at any time, so there is not much pressure.

But after this wave of attribute enhancements, the Dark Bear slapped a person's health bar down to less than half. The person was so frightened that he took two steps back. While the person next to him continued to hit him, he also continued to hit him. Fill several bottles of different potions.

Apparently, the pollution here is rising more than imagined.

Su You also discovered this, but now she is more concerned about the situation on Duoya's side.

The third wave of beasts came in response. This time, the number of beasts was two hundred, which was about the same as expected. Duoya did the same as before, first taking these beasts around twice to ensure that they were not running away, and then this Then he led hundreds of beasts and rushed in the direction of the dark bear.

Seeing this scene, the people who didn't understand why they did this subconsciously trembled in their hearts. When the melee team saw this, they were even more grateful that they hadn't been foolish enough to stay.

Otherwise, with so many wild beasts charging at them, they would be dead or disabled!
Since there are many people around the Dark Bear, they are all responsible for holding hatred and cannot leave, so Duoya only brought these beasts to the Dark Bear, rather than approaching the Dark Bear directly.

But even so, facing so many beasts, the two dozen heavily armored warriors were still frightened.

But since they can be warriors who can withstand damage, their psychological quality must be good, so although they were shocked, no one had any intention of shrinking back.

No matter what battle they are in, the human shield responsible for resisting damage will always be the last to retreat and the most dangerous. But since they choose to participate, they must be mentally prepared.

Of course, part of the reason is that Suyou will pay them higher than ordinary people. After all, they are truly making money with their lives.

Closer to home.

After Duaya lured these beasts over, she began to circle around the dark bear.

It was okay at first, but after a few minutes, the Dark Bear seemed to find some 'little flies' that were annoying the bear around him, so it stamped its feet impatiently.

In addition to leading the beast in circles, Duoya also focused on the dark bear, so when it made a move, she immediately ran a distance outside to avoid being attacked.

After the Dark Bear settled down, she returned to her original position, doing things that made the Dark Bear extremely irritated.

After about another minute, everyone noticed that the Dark Bear suddenly raised its front body, raised a pair of huge bear paws, and revealed a trace of red light in its originally black eyes.

Duaya couldn't see the changes in the Dark Bear from this angle. She could only see the Dark Bear stand up, but after the circle ended, she saw the red flag erected on the city wall - this was what Su You told her. Good tips.

Once you see the red flag, it means that the Dark Bear is about to start releasing its skills, and Doya must retreat immediately.

Of course, there is another situation. If the flag is white, it means there is an accident and she also needs to evacuate, but she also needs to take the beasts behind her out of the attack range of the dark bear.

Although he didn't know the difference between the two, after seeing the red flag, Duoya ignored the beasts behind him and turned to execute another order that Su You had given before.

She rushed to the two dozen warriors and asked them to leave directly. Then she led the large group of beasts around twice more, while also attracting the hatred of the dark bears on behalf of those who left.

Thanks to [嘁嘁是嘁嘁NotQiqi] for the reward.

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