Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 497 497 Beast Tide 22

After they all retreated, she escaped from the attack range of the bear's paw before the dark bear became completely angry...

'Roar--! '

The roar was deafening, and Doya's heartbeat seemed to have stopped for half a beat, but her limbs were still leading her entire body away from the Dark Bear.

After returning to the city wall, her limbs were already a little numb from running for a long time.

So much so that he was staggering when he walked, and he didn't even have the strength to lift his hands.

"Are you okay?" Ankana came to her side immediately, using her body as support to help her enter the territory.

"I won't go in now. You may need me later." Duoya did not refuse Ankana's kindness, but she did not choose to enter the territory.

After all, she still remembered that the hatred of those beasts was still on her body.

If she enters the territory, although there will be no consequences, the durability of the city wall will definitely be reduced a lot.

"The lord asked me to take you in to rest. She asked you to rest first. You don't need to attract these beasts for the time being." Ankana admired Duoya a little. She didn't expect that one person was already so tired. Ershang can actually think about other things calmly.

But she came here under Su You's order, so she definitely had to take him back.

After hearing that it was Su You's order, Duo Ya was silent for a few seconds and then said, "Sorry to trouble you."

Ankana smiled and said nothing, then helped the person in.

the other side.

When Su You saw Duoya coming back, she sent someone to pick her up as soon as possible, while she herself constantly refreshed the information interface of the Dark Bear, while also observing the Dark Bear's every move.

At first, the Dark Bear stood up with its claws hanging in the air. Although it was a dark bear and it was already night, Suyou could still clearly see a black wave lingering on the Dark Bear's hands. 'Smoke'.

Of course, this is not thick smoke in the real sense, it is just a concrete manifestation of dark energy.

As the black smoke grew more and more, the Dark Bear pounced forward with all its strength, and its claws full of polluted energy struck hard on the beasts that remained in place after being thrown away by Duoya.

They seemed to sense the approaching danger and screamed to leave, but Suyou had already asked everyone to use all control skills in order to prevent them from leaving.

Whether it's deceleration, confinement, stun, immobilization... as long as it can work, just throw it all at once.

That's why they stay put.

It’s not that I don’t want to leave, it’s that I simply can’t leave!

The most important thing is that Suyou also asked Meike, who had never taken any action, to cast a wall of fire around the Dark Bear after Duoya and the others evacuated.

In this way, these beasts truly feel what is called a dilemma.

There was raging fire in front of them, and the charged attack of the Dark Bear was behind them. They lost their choice... After a few seconds, the Dark Bear's skill "Pollution Claw" was finally released, and it slapped hard on the ground. These beasts Most of them were killed and injured immediately.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned, but then they felt a burst of ecstasy - the enemies were killing each other, shouldn't they be happy?

The normal situation must be like this. Su You thought so for a moment, but she soon realized that things were definitely not that simple.

Sure enough, the next plot shocked everyone again.

"...Aren't they dead? Why can they still stand up?!" "I want to know too! I obviously saw that wolf was beaten to death, why is it alive again now? Is the vitality of wolves so tenacious? ? They were all turned into mud, actually..."

"Ugh...stop talking,'s a bit disgusting..."


Yes, the reason why everyone is so surprised is that all the beasts killed by the Dark Bear have been 'resurrected'!

Not only that, those beasts that were not dead but half disabled also had scarlet eyes like the previous dark bears.

Such a strange scene made everyone shudder. At the same time, they also understood that these beasts seemed to have undergone some terrible changes.

Compared to others, Su You, who can see the information, obviously knows better how these creatures have changed——

[Semi-polluted beast·grey wolf]

HP: 2000/2000
Attack: 200
Defense: 150
Pollution degree: 72/100
Status: Highly contaminated (as the blood volume decreases, the pollution gradually deepens and the attributes gradually increase)

[Pollution Beast·Dark Leopard]

HP: 3000/2500
Attack: 400
Defense: 250
Pollution degree: 92/100
Status: Severe pollution (same as above)

HP: 5000/5000
Attack: 600
Defense: 350
Pollution degree: 100/100
Status: Completely contaminated (same as above)

All the beasts attacked by the Dark Bear's tainted claws all have the prefix 'Polluted Beast' or 'Semi-Polluted' in front of their names, and some even have the prefix changed to 'Dark'.

After collecting and comparing all the biological information that could be seen in front of him, Su You came to the following conclusion:

1. The Dark Bear's pollution claw attack can pollute all surrounding creatures, regardless of friend or foe.

2. Regarding the pollution level, 50 is mild pollution, 50-69 is moderate pollution, 70-89 is high pollution, 90-99 is severe pollution, and 100 is complete pollution.

3. The prefix for complete pollution is 'dark', the prefix for severely polluted is 'pollution beast', and the prefix for other pollution is not high, they are all 'semi-pollution beast'.

4. The lower the blood volume of beasts polluted through the claws of pollution, the higher the degree of pollution. The pollution degrees of those beasts that are 'resurrected' are all at the full value of [-].


In addition to the above four conclusions, Su You also had a bold idea - those 'beasts' with dark prefixes can no longer be called 'beasts'.

Because they are dead.

The only ones that can still move now are the dark creatures that use their bodies to do whatever they want... that's all.

Su You didn't expect that the linkage between the dark creatures and the beast tide would be in such a way, but anyway, even if she knew the result, she would still choose to do it, because after checking the information, she also discovered a problem - darkness Bear contamination levels dropped.

Before using the Claw of Pollution, the Dark Bear's pollution degree was 54, and Su You recorded this number specially.

But just after seeing the Dark Bear release its claws of pollution, she checked again and found that the pollution level had changed from 54 to 43.

This discovery also confirmed Su You's guess:

The skill release mechanism of Tainted Claw is the number of creatures around the Dark Bear. When the number of creatures reaches a certain value, the Dark Bear will release this skill.

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