Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 498 498 Beast Tide 23

Chapter 498 498. Beast Tide 23
The principle of the pollution claw skill is that the dark bear actively uses its own pollution energy as an attack method. Because it is used, its own pollution is consumed, which reduces the pollution level.

This pollution will not disappear. It needs to be absorbed by other living things, which is why the current scene is caused - so many beasts are polluted.

Although for the Dark Bear, it only consumes 11 points of pollution, it is the boss monster after all, and it can withstand far more pollution than other beasts, so the influence of 11 points of pollution on it can pollute almost all surrounding creatures.

From this point of view, the first two skills of Dark Bear are indeed linkage skills.

The purpose of the Boss's Roar is to provide creatures that can share the pollution, rather than simply making them more difficult.

It is unknown what will happen if the pollution of the Dark Bear is reduced, but allowing the pollution to increase is definitely not a good thing.

As for the last unlocked skill, it still hasn't been revealed, but Su You is no longer ready to worry about it.

Since it is not unlocked, it will definitely not be triggered. It does not matter whether it is good or bad. Anyway, all the information currently known is enough for them to successfully kill the Dark Bear.

"Let everyone kill those creatures. The warrior group and the melee group can act normally. When the next wave of calls comes, they will act as they did this time." After the order is given, it is time to convey the order, and it is time to execute the order. Started his own work.

Although the pollution level of the Dark Bear has decreased, the pollution on it has been transferred to other creatures, causing other creatures to strengthen. In addition, the number of beasts in this wave is greater than before, so it is particularly troublesome to clean up.

But this is not everyone's limit after all. Although there are many two hundred beasts, and although their combat power after being contaminated is strong, they still fall to the ground in the end.

After these creatures died, everyone continued to attack the dark bear. After the blood volume dropped by 10% again, all operations repeated the same as before, proceeding smoothly and perfectly.


About an hour later, the Dark Bear's health reached 43%, and the sixth wave of beasts was about to usher in.

According to the previous rules, there should be a full 350 beasts in this wave, and the pollution level of the dark bears has gradually reached single digits because of the pollution claws released several times before.

Not surprisingly, if the claws of pollution can be successfully triggered this time, the pollution level of the dark bear can be completely cleared.


Suyou doesn't want it to be cleared.

Because she also discovered a problem in the past hour, that is, the last skill of the Dark Bear has never been unlocked.

As for the method of unlocking the last skill, Su You suspected that it was related to the state of the Dark Bear itself.

There was a sentence in the skill of Leader's Roar that caught her attention, that is, 'When the Dark Bear is the head of the beast, it can control and summon the beast to attack and damage its enemies.'

The focus of this sentence lies in the identity of 'the head of the beast'.

In other words, what would happen if the Dark Bear lost his identity as the Head of the Beast?
There are two possibilities, one is that the Dark Bear cannot summon beasts, the other is that these beasts that should be 'summoned' are refreshed in a new way and are not controlled by the Dark Bear.

It's fine if it's the former, but it's terrible if it's the latter.

Su You didn't want to gamble on this possibility, so she simply let the Dark Bear maintain its identity as the 'Head of the Beast'.In this way, she can at least ensure that the hatred of the beast summoned by the dark bear is always on Duoya. This way, the maneuverability is relatively large, and the unknown consequences of rash changes are always bad.

So, the question now becomes 'how to maintain the identity of the leader of the dark bear beast'.

Su You didn't have a clear answer to this question yet, but she knew that as long as she maintained the status quo, there would be no problem.

The current situation here refers to the pollution degree of the Dark Bear - it cannot be too high, it cannot be full, but it definitely cannot be zero.

Therefore, Su You is not going to let the Dark Bear release its claws of pollution this time. She wants the Dark Bear's pollution level to go back up.

And in the next three summons of 30%, 20%, and 10% of the health, Su You is only going to let the dark bear use the pollution claw once, which should be able to control the pollution degree of the dark bear below 50.

This time there is a high probability that it will be when the health volume is 30%, because the beasts summoned by this health volume are less than the last two times, and the beasts that have suffered the damage of the pollution claw will become stronger, so the number of beasts will definitely be smaller. The better.

As Duaya, who was carrying out this operation, knew Suyou's arrangement immediately, she naturally had no objections. Just like that, more than two hours passed, and the dark bear who had brought them a lot of trouble finally finally fell to the ground.

In addition to not figuring out the linkage mechanism at the beginning, the pollution degree of the Dark Bear has always been controlled between 0-50. Its mechanism has never changed, and the last unlocked skill has never been unlocked...



[Congratulations to No. A1-16 for successfully leading the Sunset Territory to perfectly resist the attack of the beast tide. Your achievements will be spread throughout the continent. At the same time, because you successfully killed the leader of the beast tide, in the next three days, the beast tide will The offensive will be weakened...]

[However, this does not mean the end. When a leader falls, the beasts will soon choose the next more powerful leader, who will then lead everyone to destroy the enemies that pollute the forest! 】

After everyone had arranged the work to clean up the mess, Su You saw these two pieces of news.

The first one is okay, it just means that the reputation of the territory has increased, and the beast tide will not be refreshed in the next three days.

But this second piece of news made Su You couldn't help but wonder - what does it mean to 'lead everyone to eliminate the enemies that pollute the forest'?
what did she do?

What did Sunset Territory do again?

Although she reacted quickly and knew that this was probably a frame-up by the mastermind behind it to attract the hatred of the beast, Su You still felt speechless.

Okay, now she knows why these beasts target the territory!
Contamination is one reason. Another reason, and the most important reason, is that when the organization polluted the beasts, it should have also performed operations similar to hypnotic brainwashing on those beasts.

This operation made those beasts mistakenly believe that Sunset Territory was the real culprit behind the pollution of the forest, so the hatred was so great.

After understanding this, Su You also guessed what he needed to do next - destroy the source of pollution.

Once the source of pollution is gone, the forest will be restored, and at the same time, it will gain the favor of those beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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