Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 499 499 Beast Tide 24

Chapter 499 499. Beast Tide 24
It is best to resolve the misunderstanding, otherwise the beasts will come in waves. Although there is no way to cause any consequences to the territory, there will still be a lot of troubles, and it will also affect the normal development of the territory.

But no matter what, this will happen after tomorrow.

Now everyone is tired. After cleaning up the battlefield, it is already late at night, and it has even reached the early morning of the next day. Everyone is unable to do anything. They can only drag their exhausted bodies back to their homes, and then fall asleep. .


After waking up, Su You immediately opened the territory panel to check various data. After checking and finding nothing abnormal, she felt relieved and prepared to plan for three days.

But before that, she needed to go somewhere.

Because we rested late yesterday and everyone was very tired, even though it was already three o'clock in the morning, most of the people in the territory were still resting. Even many shops were closed, and only restaurants and medical clinics were open.

Su You walked around the territory, first checking the condition of the walls around the territory, and then walked around to the door of the black cell.

In addition to the people who had been arranged to guard the dark cell, Lake also rarely put down his work and specifically guarded the dark cell.

After seeing Su You coming, Lake took two steps forward, whispered a few words, and then led Su You into the deepest part of the dark cell.

"The people locked here are the people sent here by Yue." Lake pointed to a few rooms, and then continued to introduce: "There are a total of five people in these three rooms. Among them, the person in this room wanted to die after being caught. , although we fed him the medicine given by Miss Vivian, in order to prevent accidents, we arranged a separate room for him."

"There is also a person in this room, but he is seriously injured, so he is also in a separate room."

As for the remaining three people, they all had no reaction after being captured. Regardless of whether they were caught without mercy or had some bad ideas, in short, when they were locked up, their hands and feet were tied and their mouths were gagged. .

And in order to prevent them from doing other things, Lake also ordered people to strengthen patrols in this place, basically coming over every hour to take a look.

"Okay, I get it, you did a good job." Su You came to the door where the three people were locked up and motioned to open the door.

After the door opened, Lake did not leave, but followed Suyou in.

Su You knew that he was worried about her safety, so she didn't stop him.

After entering the cell, Su You saw the three people moving, but not much. After all, their hands and feet were tied and their mouths were gagged.

There were many wounds on their bodies, but it looked like they had all been treated, and they were tightly wrapped with white gauze.

The white gauze contrasts sharply with their black night clothes.

One of them raised his head and glanced at Su You, then lowered his head again, as if he didn't see Su You at all.

As for the other two people, they never raised their heads from beginning to end, as if they didn't hear the sound of the door opening at all.

Su You knew that it would be difficult to get words from these people. After all, since they were able to participate in such an operation, they must have received professional training. There was absolutely no way they would surrender just because of physical pain.

"Let's go." Su You stood in the cell for less than 3 minutes. During this period, he didn't say a word and left directly. Such a strange operation not only puzzled these three people, but also Lake. Full of question marks.

But now he was not stupid enough to ask directly. Since Su You was leaving, he made way for Su You to go out, and then he stayed and closed the door again.After leaving the confines of the dark cell, Su You said a few words to Lake——

"Don't let your guard down and let people watch them."

"Don't let unnecessary people get close to the prison, and everything you eat must be inspected."

"Everything is about safety. I will let Qiu He cooperate with you on other matters."


What Su You said was very simple, so simple that it didn't look like a sentence, but like a code.

But Lake obviously understood what Su You meant, so he immediately made relevant arrangements.

After that, Su You talked to Qiu He again... Qiu He's work was related to information dissemination, so the reason why Su You came to her this time was also for this reason.

Those people in the black cell were actually the ones who came to arrest Lin Chen and Lin Mu. The first target they attacked was actually Lin Mu, played by Jing Que, and Lin Mu...or Jing Que, she did follow. They left and haven't come back yet.

It is obviously impossible that Jing Que did not discover their conspiracy. Jing Que took the initiative to follow those people and left a message before leaving.

The information showed that she was going to use the trick and be 'tied back' as Lin Mu, and then take the opportunity to see if she could find their lair, or see if she could find any other clues.

When Su You knew the news, she was not surprised because she had already guessed that Jing Que might do this because she wanted to take this opportunity to give away the list.

Su You knew Jing Que's strength and character. She knew that since Jing Que did this, he must be sure of it, so she simply ignored it.

And she couldn't control it. Jing Que was not a resident of the territory, not to mention that everyone was gone and she couldn't find anyone, so she could only let nature take its course.

As for Yoe, he was obviously fine, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to catch the person who wanted to kidnap him so smoothly.

Now that the mastermind behind the scenes couldn't help but take action, what Su You had to do was to take advantage of this opportunity. It was best to be able to follow the clues and find them, and at worst, she had to figure out what their purpose was in arresting Lin Chen and Lin Mu.

Originally, the people who were caught should be interrogated directly, but Su You didn't have time to interrogate them, and she also knew that these people wouldn't speak for the time being, so she simply left it alone.

As long as these people can be kept alive, it won't be Su You who should be anxious when the time comes, but them.


In the following time, Su You first arranged for everyone to complete the battlefield cleanup work and city wall repair work that had not been completed yesterday. Then he organized three investigation teams and informed Black Snake of the one with the information. There is a high probability that the location of the pollution source told them.

"Your goal is to explore this location. If you find any trouble, report back immediately. Safety is the top priority in everything." No matter what the action or task is, Su You's most important thing is always life safety.

In her opinion, there is no need to exchange life for anything.

(End of this chapter)

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