Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 500 500 Beast Tide 25

Perhaps it is precisely because Su You's concept has affected other people in the territory that people around her also cherish life.

Cherishing here is not a fear of death, but a respect for life.

After arranging the investigation mission, Su You had nothing else to do for the time being.

After all, there has been no beast tide in the past three days, and the territory can develop normally as before. However, there are still some dangers in the forest, but this is not a big problem for the Sunset Territory, which has a dedicated combat team to escort the collectors out.

Since there was nothing to do, Su You did not force herself to increase the workload. On the first day, she just checked the buildings and other information in the territory, and then upgraded and repaired what needed to be done. rest.

That night, after she received feedback from the three scout teams, she issued a new announcement and a new recruitment.

The content of the announcement is very simple. It basically states that the cause of the beast tide attack and the source of the cause have been discovered, and now the territory is ready to directly solve the problem from the root cause.

As soon as this announcement came out, a lot of people signed up.

Su You planned to recruit fifty people in total, but the quota for these fifty people was already filled in less than half an hour.

After that, Su You recruited fifteen more people, but the difference from before was that the first fifty people were all combatants, and these fifteen people were people with various skills.

Cleaning up pollution sources does not necessarily require fighting, but for the sake of safety, combatants definitely need to be brought, and they cannot be taken less, otherwise it will be terrible if they encounter danger on the road.

At the same time, in order to prevent other situations, Su You also brought along mechanics, bards, doctors and other talents who did not have combat capabilities, but had skills that were more likely to come in handy.

In addition, Suyou also found a few people with skills in cooking, carpentry, sewing, etc. The main thing was to be thorough and sound.


Everyone was gathered and the location had been scouted, so on the morning of the second day of rest, Su You set off directly with these 65 people.

Just like the previous mission to eliminate the leader of the natural disaster, Su You did not expect to solve the problem of the pollution source in one day. She just took everyone there to explore the way and understand the specific situation.

The location Black Snake was talking about was a cave about 3000 meters away from the territory. The location of the cave was very hidden because of the dense vegetation outside the cave. When arriving at the destination, the mechanic also discovered that there were several plants in this location. A machine array with a hidden position effect.

Although the scale and level of this mechanism array cannot be compared with the eight-pin series in the underwater maze, in a forest that already has a cover, the optimal effect of this mechanism array can be enough to cover up the cave. whereabouts.

Fortunately, Su You was prepared.

Although the level of the mechanism master she brought was not high, only intermediate, the layout of the mechanism array seemed to be very crude due to time, material, and site constraints, so the mechanism master made it in a few moments. This agency solved it directly.

After the mechanism was dismantled, the hidden cave was revealed to everyone.

"The ten of you stay outside. This is a blast bomb. Once any problem is discovered, whether it is someone attacking you or a wild beast coming over, you can directly fire the blast bomb, and then you can make your own choice while ensuring your own safety. Leave or stay." Su You selected ten people with flexible hands and feet, then took out a few explosive bombs and handed them into their hands.

The function of the blast bomb is to make a loud sound, but that's it. It does no harm. It is mainly used to notify people in the cave that a special situation has occurred outside.

After giving what needed to be given and everything that needed to be explained, Su You entered the cave with the remaining 55 people.

"Everyone, please bring the lighting runes and don't move around. There may be a trap here. You guys should follow the trap master to protect his safety." Since there are traps outside, Su You doesn't believe there are none inside.

And because the environment inside is smaller and the light is darker, it is more suitable for setting up mechanisms and is not easy to be discovered.

Sure enough, after some investigation, the mechanic discovered several more mechanical parts in several corners.

Just because of the light problem, it is still difficult to follow the parts all the way to the main gate of the mechanism. Although they have lighting runes, the lighting range of this rune is limited and cannot play a complete lighting role at all.

But they soon found a solution.

Since they can't light up the entire cave, if they can get the agency to actively 'appear', the problem can also be solved.

Anyway, their fundamental purpose is to find the mechanism, not simply to illuminate the cave.

"I have a metallic fluorescent agent. It will have a special reaction on metal products, but it will not cause any harm to other materials or the human body." The speaker is an alchemist who can 'refine' all things. A special profession, she possesses many potions with strange effects.

These potions must be useless garbage in normal times, but at this moment, they play a huge role!
"In most cases, the parts of the mechanism are made of metal. If what you said is true, it can indeed help to find the location of the mechanism faster." The mechanism master nodded and said that this method can be tried.

Since they all thought it was okay, Su You was always good at listening to opinions, so she made several large buckets on site, mixed water and metallic fluorescent agent into them, and then asked everyone to sprinkle the fluorescent agent throughout the cave.

After some actions, everyone saw a lot of green light on the top of the cave, in the corners, and on the surrounding walls.

The mechanic's eyes lit up, and he then checked the fluorescent locations one by one. Except for a few places that reacted with the ores exposed on the surface of the cave, most of the fluorescent spots were the locations of mechanical components.

Although they still haven't found the location of the main gate of the mechanism, they found enough mechanisms, so as long as they dismantle the mechanism, even if the main gate of the mechanism is still there, it will not pose any threat to them.

Mechanic: "Okay! Everything is dismantled!"

Su You nodded and did not question the mechanics master's words. After all, Su You had seen all his actions just now, and she had also checked the cave herself and found no traces of residual mechanisms elsewhere.

Thanks to [嘁嘁是嘁嘁NotQiqi] for the reward.

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