Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 501 501 Beast Tide 26

"Keep moving forward. Although the institutions in this area have been cleared, everyone should still be careful when moving forward."

Because the mechanism that the mechanism master had dismantled had already filled a basket, everyone knew that although the cave looked quiet, it was actually not safe, so even if Su You didn't say anything, they would be more vigilant and would never act rashly.

In this way, everyone groped forward cautiously.

Even at such a slow speed, it took them less than 10 minutes to reach the end of the cave.

"There is no road ahead." The person responsible for exploring the road at the front cautiously touched the surrounding walls, and then told everyone what he found.

"It's probably still a mechanism, I'll look for it." Although he was checking for mechanisms along the way, the mechanism master didn't feel tired, but was very excited.

After all, what is most lacking in their line of work is practical cases. Being able to see so many perfectly arranged institutions at one time will have a huge effect on his future learning and growth in this line of work.

So, while the mechanic jumped up and down to explore the mechanism, the others temporarily stayed where they were to rest.

Because it would take some time to find the mechanics, Su You ordered five more people: "Five of you, go outside to check the situation. This is a detonating bomb. If there is any problem, detonate it directly."

Su You's biggest worry during this trip is that she will become a turtle in the urn, especially since the location of the final destination happens to be in a semi-enclosed cave, so whenever she has time, she will arrange for people to go back and forth to explore to ensure that even if they fail to achieve their goal , can also escape whole body.

About 5 minutes later, the five people left and came back, and truthfully informed them of the situation.

"The ten people outside are still there, and nothing happened."

After hearing this, everyone felt relieved, and Su You also breathed a sigh of relief.

The next time is to wait patiently for the mechanic to find the mechanism, and then follow the path opened by the mechanism to see if he can find the location of the pollution source!

As time passed by, the mechanic found nothing, and everyone couldn't help but have doubts about him.

"Why haven't you found the mechanism after so long?"

"Would you like to try using fluorescent water? I think the mechanism may be too well hidden, and the light here is too dark..."

After hearing everyone's words, the alchemist said helplessly: "We have run out of fluorescent water."

It is true that there are many kinds of strange things on her body, but the weight of each potion is not large, otherwise she would not be able to carry any number of potions for such a big person.

Originally, she wasn't even planning to bring a metallic fluorescent agent. If she hadn't heard that the destination of this trip was a cave with dim lighting, she thought special marking props like fluorescent agents might come in handy, so she packed a bottle.

And that bottle has been completely used up just now. After all, the cave is not small and consumes a lot.

"Then there's no way……"

The fluorescent agent has been used up, and the alchemist also said that there is insufficient material to make it on site, so there is really no other way.

After waiting patiently for a while, without waiting for anyone to say anything, the mechanic himself couldn't help but start to become suspicious.

"Lord, is there a possibility that we are looking in the wrong place..." As the mechanical engineer was saying this, he found that many people were staring at him with strange eyes.

A few seconds later, he suddenly realized that what he said might not be appropriate, so he quickly explained: "That's not what I meant! What I want to say is that I did not find any mechanism in this area..." Both of them mean In fact, they are almost the same.

The mechanism master must have believed in his own strength, so he felt that it was not that he had not found the mechanism, but that there was no mechanism at all.

But he couldn't directly question that Su You was in the wrong place. After all, the gap in status lay here.

Of course, this may not be the case in the eyes of others.

Some people think that the mechanic is right, but they may have found the wrong location.

Some people felt that they had found the wrong location. After all, if they had found the wrong location, there shouldn't be a mechanism formation outside, nor should there be so many mechanisms.

There was an endless stream of private discussions. Su You originally thought that continuing to search like this was not an option, but she didn't think of a solution for a while, so she didn't say anything. But just now, she had already thought of a solution.

"Gong Yu, how thick of an obstacle can you penetrate with your current strength?" Su You looked at the bard.

The bard... also Gong Yu, he stroked his harp and slowly said: "I dare not say too much, but the obstacle of three to five meters is still no problem. The lord wants to test which direction is hollow. of?"

Since ancient times, the classic method of checking whether there is a secret room or partition is to knock on the wall and other places and then listen to the sound to identify it.

However, since there is a way to find it, there must be someone who will find a way to hide the secret room in order not to be found. The simplest one is undoubtedly to directly widen the distance between the two spaces, thus playing a physical role. Certain sound insulation effect.

In this case, it is certainly impossible to find the hollow position by tapping.

Su You had tried it before, but there was really no way to find the hollow position through ordinary tapping.

However, when she saw the bard, she thought of another method, and this method was the same as what Gong Yu said. She wanted to find the possible location of the secret chamber through the sound of music.

"Try it. You all retreat to the back first." Following Su You's order, everyone retreated to the back. Only Gong Yu was left at the end of the cave.

Gong Yu didn't care about the eyes of others, he just sat on the floor and placed his fingers on the harp.

"I suggest you cover your ears." As soon as Gong Yu finished speaking, his previously soft and weak fingers suddenly struck the harp like sharp blades, and the sharp but not harsh music echoed throughout the cave.

For a moment, everyone who had no time to react felt as if they were going deaf.

Those who responded a little faster still felt a faint buzzing in their heads even though they covered their ears.

As for Su You, after the storm-like tone ended, she took out the earplugs from her ears, then approached each wall to listen.

After going around all the surrounding walls, Su You still couldn't find the hollow location that might become the secret room.

Others, who did not believe in evil, also tried to listen, but found nothing.

After Su You thought for a moment, a bold idea suddenly emerged in her heart——

"You guys will go out again..."

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