Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 502 502 Beast Tide 27

Chapter 502 502. Beast Tide 27
After some arrangements, the people who had gone out to check the situation left the cave confused.

About 5 minutes later, they returned with their findings.

"Lord, don't tell me. We didn't even notice outside. The entrance of the cave is actually located on the inside of the mountain...and there is another strange thing. There are obviously many plants outside. But the mountain where the cave is located is bare..."

As soon as these words came out, some people were still confused. Those with a little bit of brains thought about it carefully, and then they suddenly realized that they couldn't help but stare at the top of their heads.

In a place like a dead end, the places where the road can be hidden are limited. Since it is not front, back, left, and right, it can only be above and below.

But under normal circumstances, everyone would definitely think about going underground. After all, it is extremely rare to build a secret room above your head.

But Su You has never taken the ordinary path.

She likes to think in impossible directions, because this is often the most likely thing to happen.

"Why are you looking at the top of your head? Can the secret room be above our heads?"

"Otherwise? There's no response from anyone around here, so the only possibility is that it's up here."

"Then why can't it be below? In any case, it must be more convenient to come from below than from above..."

"You're stupid. If you can think this way, how come others can't think of it? I'd say the possibility of a secret room down here is not as high as up here. Even if there is, it might be a trap!"


The person who said the last part was Ankana, and her thoughts were exactly what Suyou thought.

The reason why Su You never considered the possibility of a secret room underground was not because she firmly believed that there was no secret room underground, but because she knew that even if there was a secret room underground, it would definitely not be their destination, but a trap. So she never considered this possibility from beginning to end.

"I'll put up some scaffolding. You go up there and see if there are any mechanisms." Su You said as he built a few scaffoldings. Then several people supported the scaffolding below, while the mechanism master climbed up safely, and then used his hands to Take several lighting runes as a light source and tap them above the cave.

Within two or three minutes, everyone heard a few 'click-click' sounds, followed by the unfamiliar sound of gears turning.

"I found the switch!" the mechanic shouted excitedly.

Because the sound of the mechanism activating was relatively obvious, even if he didn't say it, everyone knew that he must have found a way to activate the mechanism.

However, after everyone heard the mechanics master's words, they still praised him in a dignified way.

"Awesome! I didn't expect to be able to find the mechanism so quickly!"

"This is not a common mechanism for overhead devices...but as long as it can be opened, everything will be no problem."

"Otherwise, there are specialties in the arts. Anyway, I don't understand such things as traps, but this guy is so awesome. I only went up and fiddled with them for a few minutes, and I actually found the trap and opened it. .”


Similar words were heard all the time, and everyone's rainbow farts were so loud that even the mechanic himself would blush after hearing them.

Because of this little episode, the originally stiff atmosphere was greatly eased, so Su You didn't stop everyone from chatting.However, everyone is also very disciplined. They all know that they are here to do tasks, not to chat, so after the mechanism above is fully opened, they tacitly shut their mouths.

The mechanism opened by the mechanism master is located on a protruding stone directly above the cave.

This stone is movable. After some manipulation, the stone changed from convex to concave. At the same time, a dark hole slowly appeared on the stone wall directly above the end of the cave.

It's very easy to go up. Su You can make scaffolding or ladders, but the problem is that no one knows what will happen when going up, so no one dares to act rashly, and they are not willing to be the first to act.

Obviously, the first person to explore the path is obviously the most dangerous.

Everyone looked at Su You leaning against the stone wall and looking up at the entrance of the cave. Their hearts tightened, fearing that they would become the 'unlucky guy' chosen to explore the way.

But they soon realized that they were overthinking it, because Su You didn't even think about letting them explore the road.

"Anjie, your reconnaissance robot can come in handy." Suyou waved to Anjie, who walked over with a brisk step and took it from the large package he carried. An 'iron box' that was only the size of a palm came out.

[Intermediate reconnaissance robot]

Category: special

Quality: blue
Durability: 100/100
Introduction: A robot that can be used for reconnaissance. The sensor parts attached to it can automatically find its path. When it encounters a wall, it will immediately turn back to find a new path. Place paper in the inner box of the machine, and it will draw an image based on its own path of action.

"Lord, this thing is durable, you can just have someone throw it on it." An Jie handed the iron box-like robot to Su You without any care, and gave it to Su You in a simple and rude way. Instructions for use.

An Jie said so himself, and Su You had no objection. He handed the thing to a strong person and asked him to throw it up according to An Jie's instructions.

Accompanied by 'Clang! ' There was a small noise, and the man responsible for throwing the robot up was stunned for a moment, and then a trace of embarrassment appeared on his face.

"Did I use too much force and break it?" Because the robot has been thrown up smoothly, everyone can't see its condition. Naturally, they don't know whether this person's hand strength just broke the robot. bad.

Seeing the embarrassment and guilt on his face, Anjie waved his hand indifferently.

"Don't worry, it will never be broken. The raw material of this robot's parts is composite hard steel. Don't say you dropped it like this. Even if it is used as a toy for those wild beasts outside, it won't be broken for a while."

Hearing Anjie say this, the man breathed a sigh of relief.

The rest of the time is still waiting.

While waiting, Su You asked the five people to go out to check the situation as before. When they came back, the robot also poked a 'head' out of the hole above its head.

Anjie climbed up the ladder and took down his robot.

After getting the robot, he first took out the topographic map drawn inside and handed it to Su You. Then he began to check whether the robot was injured or had any abnormal wear and tear.

(End of this chapter)

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