Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 517 517 Beast Tide 42

The disadvantage of this is that the fault tolerance is reduced, but the original fault tolerance is enough for them to complete their tasks without major accidents.

The advantage is that the waste of combat power is reduced, and everyone has more rest time.

Today, everyone's rest time has increased by about a quarter on average compared to before.

A quarter may not seem like much, but you must know that the difficulty of today's beast wave is higher than before. Under such circumstances, you can increase your rest time by a quarter. Then if you let hundreds of machines come in the first three days, Command, then she can at least increase her rest time by half.

Also, although the operation of cutting weeds and roots makes everyone tired after the war and eager to rest, the advantage of this is that when the next wave of beasts comes, everyone can obviously find that the number of beasts has decreased. .

Although Suyou's operation of setting traps will also reduce the number of beasts in the beast tide, setting traps takes longer and is more dangerous. After all, it has to go deep into the forest.

But chasing and killing wild beasts is different. As long as they drink enough potion, they can catch up with the escaping wild beasts in a short while. Then, under a group of people's siege, all the wild beasts will be dead in less than 5 minutes.

The layout of traps often takes an hour, and the longer it takes, the more dangerous it is. Therefore, if the results are consistent, it is definitely more feasible to eliminate the weeds.

Most importantly, the results of these two methods are additive.

In other words, they could eliminate the weeds, or they could choose to lay traps at the same time, which could further reduce the number of beasts... but Baiji didn't let them do this.


At the end of the recollection, everyone also talked about what they thought were the advantages of Hundred Machine Command.

Comparing the advantages and disadvantages, everyone suddenly felt that Baiji was actually not as bad as they just said.

Although no one said these words clearly, Su You could already see the results on their faces.

"You can think about it carefully after you go back. The beast tide will continue for at least another week. During this time, Baiji will lead you to resist the beast tide. I must take some people to deal with the source of the pollution... Unless the source of pollution is eliminated, the animal tide will never end."

Although Su You will solve the dungeon within five days, after the dungeon is over, the beast tide will not disappear immediately. The number will only gradually decrease until there is no more... This period of time will take at least seven days.

Everyone knew what she meant.

Although Su You was really unavailable, the reason for arranging the command of Baiji was to let them understand and become familiar with the command method of Baiji.

In addition to the captains of each team, the people present are all residents of the Sunset Territory, and are also the captains of the combat teams that Su You has trained for the territory. The ideas of these people are crucial to the subsequent command tasks of Baiji, so there is a tacit understanding. and goodwill must be cultivated in advance.

If they are unwilling to cooperate, then no matter how much Su You talks, it will still be difficult to command Baiji if someone is acting in a disguised manner. Su You cannot read minds and cannot control everyone's thoughts. All she can do is guide them step by step.

That's why Su You specially held such a meeting, just to let everyone think clearly, and just to make things develop in the direction they want.

In fact, no matter what the process of commanding hundreds of machines is, as long as it is not excessive, does not violate the rules, and the results are good, Su You will support it, but if there are any problems, they must be solved as soon as possible.

Her support affects the power of Baiji, and their cooperation affects the difficulty of commanding Baiji. The two are indispensable. "Okay, everyone has worked hard today. Let's go back and rest early." Su You smiled and sent away these dozens of people, then closed the door of the City Lord's Mansion and walked to the side hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

Looking at the person sitting on the chair in the side hall drinking water, Su You raised her eyebrows and wanted to say something, but the other person spoke before her.

"I thought Lord Su came to me to discuss things about the beast tide, but I didn't expect that he actually asked me to listen to this..." Bai Ji's tone was full of confusion and questions, and of course surprise.

After all, no one would have thought that someone would let the protagonist of the topic listen to her own corner.

Baiji was actually surprised at the beginning by this lord who made her take office when she first met him, but now that he was here again, she was even more confused.

"I know you must be wondering why I let you listen to this... Let's not mention this first. Let's discuss another thing first. Do you have any thoughts about joining the Sunset Territory?"

Even without the aid of favorability and loyalty, Su You could deduce this. After all, if a person doesn't want to join the territory, she doesn't have to work so hard for the territory...

Is it just for reward?
People like Baiji who have this kind of knowledge and ability, not to mention large territories, mostly small and medium-sized territories are waving gold coins in anticipation of her joining, so she really can't be doing it for money.

What's more, Su You's reward itself wasn't much.

Bai Ji was not surprised that Su You had guessed her thoughts, and she admitted it frankly.

"Lord Su should have noticed it from the beginning, right?"

Hearing this, Su You nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Baiji vaguely understood why Su You arranged things for him as soon as they met.

Although she felt a little strange about this inexplicable trust, if Su You guessed that she was going to join the territory from the beginning, and then directly started an 'interview' with herself, it didn't seem to be particularly incomprehensible...

Forget it...

Bai Ji actually still found it strange, but she was too lazy to continue thinking in this direction now.

After all, they have given her the entire territory to manipulate. If she still doubts this and that, she is somewhat disrespectful of the other party and has betrayed the other party's trust.

"I had heard about the Sunset Territory before when I was in another territory. It was just that it was hard to tell whether the rumors were true or not, so I didn't care about it at the time. However, when I left the original territory later, I heard news about the Sunset Territory again, so I became attracted to it. Here we come." As for why he left his original territory, Baiji didn't say anything, but Su You could guess some.

Being able to let Baiji work, that territory should also have merits. However, most of the time, there was a gap due to different leaders' opinions. In the end, Baiji simply chose to leave.

It can also be seen from the Baiji information and today's command style that she has a tougher personality.

In most cases, she will choose to stick to her own ideas and is difficult to be persuaded. If her ideas conflict with the leader above her, it will indeed easily cause conflicts, and it is definitely not a small conflict.

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