Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 518 518 Beast Tide 43

In fact, the plots of most people who choose to leave their original territory are basically like this, such as Jinluo and Ain.

It can't be said that this kind of plot has nothing new, but that's all the grudges and entanglements in the world. Even if other conflicts arise, the core reasons will definitely still be these conflicts.

"You are interested in joining the territory, and I also hope you will join the territory, so I want you to participate in the command of this beast wave, not only to let you understand the situation of the territory, but also to let everyone get familiar with your command style..." Su You did not pass. Conceal your purpose more.

After all, even if you can't think of what she said for a while, you will definitely understand it within a few days, and it is not for any shady purpose.

"The same is true for today's meeting. The integration between the commander and the executor is not unilateral, but bilateral. They have many unreasonable opinions on you, but they also have some suggestions that can be adopted."

Su You had already made it so clear, and Baiji also understood the purpose of Su You letting him listen to the wall.

If she were asked to listen outside, those people would definitely feel uncomfortable and would not speak out what was in their hearts.

But if Su You relays it, there will always be inappropriate or omitted parts, and there may even be misunderstandings. For example, Baiji thinks that these so-called opinions of others about her are actually Su You's own opinions, but she uses other people's opinions. made an excuse.

Since it's so troublesome, just let Baiji listen next door.

After thinking about it, Baiji was silent for a long time.

On the one hand, he was speechless about Su You's intentions, and on the other hand, he was shocked that there was a lord in the Sunset Territory with such an unexpected idea.

Again, there is probably no other lord in the entire continent who would let others listen to his corner!

But I have to say that Su You's method is quite effective. At least for the first time, Baiji feels that he has listened to other people's suggestions.

After all, it is really rare to listen to one's own corner. The people next door are concentrating on the meeting, and Baiji is also concentrating on listening to them complaining about their own shortcomings and the advantages of their command.

In the past, those compliments would have been ignored. She would not be arrogant or arrogant because she thought it was a normal thing.

Similarly, she would completely turn a deaf ear to those who thought there was something wrong with her decision-making, but she would also basically ignore them.

Anyway, the results of every command she gave were good. Even if others had any opinions, they couldn't accuse her in front of her.

"Lord Su, aren't you afraid that I will target those who say bad things about me in the future?" Although Baiji didn't see who said these words, she still remembered the voice. As long as there is a chance to get along with her in the future, she can't Can't find the people who said 'bad things' about her.

It took her a long time to say this sentence. It took so long that Su You thought she was going to say something earth-shattering, but she didn't expect that she just listened to some funny and meaningless words.

She was startled, then smiled and said, "So will you do this?"

Su You really wasn't afraid of her targeting those people.

After all, Baiji hadn't yet established a foothold in the Sunset Territory, and she hadn't even joined the territory at all. If she really wanted to target her, Su You would be able to pull her down from this position on the same day without even having to do it the next day.

All the power of Baiji was given by Su You, and it would be easy for her to take it back.

What's more, Su You has prepared so many backup plans... She has arranged second and third strategies for many people to deal with the beast tide. These are all used when Baiji makes a mistake in commanding, or Baiji does not command attentively. .

If what Bai Ji said really happened, the territory might not suffer any loss, and Su You would just regret that he had recruited such a narrow-minded person.

However, recruitment in the tavern itself is not necessarily good, but Su You has always been more attentive in this regard, and she has rich experience in looking after people, so so far there have been no residents with bad character.

To put it bluntly, this meeting is not only a run-in for both parties, but also a test of Baiji's character. If it can be tested now, it is actually quite good. It is better than if she causes more trouble in the future.

I don't know how much Baiji guessed Su You's thoughts. Similarly, it's not clear yet how much Baiji has listened to the many suggestions he heard today. But the next day, everyone who stayed in the territory was It can be clearly found that the command of Baiji has changed somewhat compared to yesterday.

This change is definitely for the better, and this 'good' is not what Baiji personally thinks is good, but what everyone thinks so.

Although everyone had some doubts in their hearts, because they were not familiar with Baiji and were too embarrassed to ask directly, they could only keep their doubts in their hearts.

However, there are also smart people who thought that it might be related to the meeting held yesterday, but they never thought that the real owner of their discussion was listening next door. They just thought that after listening to their words, the lord wanted to find Bai Bai in private. We had chatted with each other, so Baiji just changed today.

I have to say that there are still smart people. Although they only guessed half of it, the essence is still the same.

Although Baiji's command style is tough, some people's views on her have also changed after knowing that she is a commander who will listen to suggestions.

It's just that Baiji and Suyou don't know about these things for the time being.

Bai Ji was focused on command and didn't care about other people's emotions unrelated to the battle, while Su You, like yesterday, led the group of people to the dungeon, preparing to continue exploring the dungeon.



The arrangement was the same as yesterday, with people guarding the entrance to the cave, the door to the secret room, and the door to the copy.

After some arrangements were made, thirty people entered the instance.

Entering the dungeon this time, Su You thought they would be teleported to the location where they killed Statue Twenty. Unexpectedly, as soon as they were teleported, they found themselves in a forest.

Su You opened the map and took a look. If it weren't for the name on the map showing 'Forest Pollution Source Copy', Su You might have thought for a moment that there was a bug in the system and the wrong location was sent to them.

Since this is still a dungeon, it means that there must be enemies around, but they are hidden in the dark and do not appear. They just observe them secretly, and then only wait for them to relax before delivering a fatal blow...

After understanding the situation clearly, Su You began to arrange for everyone to investigate the surrounding area.

Although this place looks like a forest, only the surrounding trees can prove this. In fact, this 'forest' is terrifyingly quiet and has no characteristics that a forest should have.

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