Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 519 519 Beast Tide 44

This forest has no breath of life, and even the surrounding plants look like stickers, rather than real living creatures.

"Lord, there are swamps around here, and a doctor discovered that there are many poisonous plants here..."

After the investigation, everyone returned safely and informed everyone of their findings.

It is obvious that there are swamps all around. Although the swamps are hidden in the gaps between trees and bushes, as long as you change the angle, you can clearly see the muddy swamp pools...

The swamp is obvious, but poisonous flowers and poisonous weeds require a certain amount of professional knowledge to identify.

Su You could also recognize part of it, but more of it required detection skills, but this was a 'forest' after all, and the most important thing was all kinds of plants, so it would definitely not be possible for her to detect them one by one, and her physical strength would drop quickly. Without telling her, she wouldn't be able to see it alone.

Moreover, she is also the commander-in-chief of the team, so it is impossible for plants to occupy all her mind.

Fortunately, there are many doctors in the team. One person may not be able to recognize all plants, but the knowledge of four doctors can basically cover more than [-]% of the plants in the entire continent.

Because we don’t know which direction to go at the moment, and this place doesn’t look like a dark area, Ning Shi’s magic can’t guide the way, so everyone can only avoid the swamp and move forward slowly.

Along the way, the doctor observed the plants around him as he walked. If he found any poisonous flowers or weeds, he would tell the people around him.

If you meet someone you don’t know, you will communicate with several other doctors and tell everyone the results of their discussion.

"This is the antidote for red spotted bamboo. Keep it." A doctor put the plants he collected into a bamboo basket with gloves on.

In addition to popular science poisons, antidotes naturally grow around some poisons, so they will also pick these antidotes in case of emergency.

Although Suyou has a universal antidote, the effect is definitely not as good as the antidote that comes naturally with others.

I walked and collected all the way. I was obviously here to explore the dungeon, but I was forced to make it look like a spring outing.

There is definitely some tension, but because this is a forest after all, the environment is not a bit better than yesterday's dark area. Therefore, under the high pressure of yesterday, everyone is not very nervous when they come to such a place today. .

Moreover, the professional quality and strong knowledge reserve of these doctors also give everyone sufficient confidence——

There were so many poisonous flowers and weeds that looked scary, but they had the antidote, and they also took this opportunity to learn a lot of knowledge about plants that they usually wouldn't have access to.

Seeing everyone relaxed, Su You didn't say anything to make them wary. After all, everyone was only relaxed on the surface. The actions of each of them holding their weapons without putting them down let Su You know that everyone was actually ready to fight at any time. Prepare.

Knowing that they were not slacking off, Su You didn't need to put too much pressure on them at this time.


After walking for about half an hour, they found that the surrounding trees were gradually decreasing, and the plants on the ground were becoming increasingly sparse. At the same time, these remaining plants were also stained with a withered yellow color that represented the withering of life.

Seeing the changes in these plants, the people who were walking and chatting gradually became quiet. For a while, the only sounds around them were the breeze blowing the leaves.

The silence was so eerie and terrifying.

Some people couldn't help but rub the goosebumps on their bodies, and some people silently took out another coat from the backpack they carried and put it on... For some reason, there was obviously nothing in the surrounding environment except for the decrease in the number of plants. Changes, but they felt a vague chill.

This chill became more and more evident as they continued on. "Yawn..." When one person sneezes, he is like the first domino, directly pushing others to start sneezing too.

"Do you think... the temperature here seems to be too low?" Maybe it was really cold, and someone finally couldn't help but speak.

One person spoke, and the others began to nod and make their own comments.

"I also feel cold. The weather has not changed much, but the temperature has dropped so fast..."

"Look at the surrounding swamps. There are already traces of freezing on the edges of the swamps."

"It seems it's not my imagination. It turns out that the temperature here has really gotten lower..."


While they were chatting, Su You had already made some clothes and distributed them to everyone.

As the level of the territory increases, Su You's various permissions also become larger and larger. In addition to the detailed information of the most commonly used investigation skills, there is also the level of the portable workbench.

The higher the level, the more things you can make and the less time it takes.

Although some people brought their own clothes for thirty people, Su You still made them uniformly. What used to take several minutes to complete now only takes ten seconds.

After all, this is just the most common prop without any attribute bonus, it is just used to keep warm.

Five minutes later, everyone was wearing new clothes.

Su You brought a lot of cotton, but the portable workbench could not make cotton clothes, so Su You had to settle for a warm vest and long sleeves.

As soon as these two pieces are put on, the whole person feels warm instantly.

Although it's not cold anymore, everyone still has a sense of crisis about the sudden drop in temperature.

As expected, after discovering a significant drop in temperature, they only walked for seven or eight minutes before they saw a large frozen lake... And in the center of the lake was a bare dead tree without any leaves. .

Su You asked everyone to light a bonfire here.

Although they didn't walk too far, the temperature dropped a lot in this short distance. The current temperature already made those of them who were wearing clothes feel a slight chill.

"Meike, magic shield." In addition to lighting a bonfire, Suyou also asked Meike to add a magic shield to everyone.

In addition to some attribute bonuses, the fire magician's shield can also increase some temperature. Although it's not much, at least it won't cause everyone to rub their hands and stamp their feet from time to time.

Applying the magic shield, Su You investigated the huge dead tree.

In her opinion, she suspected that this dead tree was probably the final boss. After all, this was basically the end of the dungeon, and there was nothing else going forward.

In the surrounding area, Su You didn't find anything else that might become a boss or a source of pollution.

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