Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 533 533 Beast Tide 58

Having said this, Su You paused for a moment, and then continued to explain! "These beasts are all contaminated. After the tide of beasts is over, they will return to their original homes, but that place is no longer suitable for them to live."

This is just like a person who has a contagious virus. Before he is treated, he cannot return to normal human society life, because the virus in him will also harm other people.

Although the pollution on these beasts will not be transmitted to other beasts, their actions will affect the forest environment, so the results are actually the same.

Bai Ji didn't know so much, but since Su You had already said so, she just followed it. Anyway, it was just to eradicate the root cause. She had given instructions in this way before, so she was familiar with this kind of thing.

"I understand, don't worry, Lord Su." After the incident with Guazi, Baiji returned to his original indifferent appearance. However, although some things will pass, the memory will not disappear, so Baiji's attitude towards Su You There have been some subtle changes in attitudes.

This change is insignificant for now, so Su You doesn't pay special attention to it.

After Baiji said his words of assurance, Su You handed over the notebook he had just been writing for a long time.

"These are some battlefield cases that I think you might be interested in." These battlefield cases are actually the entire process of several major battles that Su You experienced in the previous archive.

After all, it was a major battle, so Su You had very deep memories of these battles.

Having said that, after such a long time, Su You has long since discovered that since the world was digitized, her memory of that game seems to be clearer than her other things in reality.

Although she didn't understand the reason, it also made it easier for her to find the information she needed from her memory.

Including the record book just given to Baiji, the entire process of these battles was written in detail, but this process was the enemy's attack process and the methods used at that time. As for how Su You responded, she did not write down Go up.

So this record book can actually be regarded as a 'test question' without answers.

"Thank you Lord Su, I really like this kind of detailed record book of actual combat cases." Baiji was still thinking about what it was, but after hearing Su You's words, she opened it and took a few glances, and then immediately I was attracted by the content above.

This feeling is probably that when a top student sees a difficult problem, not only does he not feel a headache, but he is very impatient to solve the problem and come up with the answer...

Baiji's situation can obviously not only be described as academic master. With her current age and strength, she is at least the level of academic god. But even if they are academic gods, their strength is not innate, but acquired through hard work. of.

At least Baiji was able to reach its current strength because she had read the record books of countless combat cases.

So far, she has browsed no less than a thousand small-scale practical cases. This is because small-scale combat cases have no research value for her now, just like a graduate student doing elementary school problems.

The record books of medium-sized practical cases are the direction she is currently collecting and researching. Even excluding the remaining copies, she has seen as many as [-] medium-sized practical cases.

As for large-scale actual combat cases, there were relatively few. This was not because she couldn't understand, but because from ancient times to the present, the number of events that could be called 'large-scale battles' had not yet reached three digits.

Even if it is a large-scale beast tide, it cannot be regarded as a large-scale battle. Even if it is like this time, with the participation of dark creatures and the planning of another group of people, it can only be regarded as a large-scale battle. It can only be regarded as the contemporary mainland. large-scale battle.

But in historical battles, such a battle is not ranked at all.One of the most well-known large-scale battles on the mainland was the Ancient Chaotic War. One can imagine how high the conditions for this to be classified as a large-scale battle were.

As Baiji has seen more and more practical cases, there are fewer and fewer practical cases for her to read. After all, this is not a real academic question, and it is impossible for the questioner to propose it independently.

These actual combat cases are not just records of a battle, they also contain tragic histories of the passage of life.

Therefore, it can be said that Suyou's gift was really delivered to the point.

Just like Meike likes recipes, ingredients and kitchen utensils, what Baiji likes most is practical cases.

And it must be a real actual combat case, not a made-up one. The made-up combat cases will not be of any help to her. After all, she can make up countless combat cases herself.

This kind of thing is only suitable for low-level military strategists who are still learning to use as problem practice.

With Baiji's strength, she must be able to tell that this actual combat case is definitely the real thing and not a made-up story, so she is naturally very happy.

Su You initially only wanted to train Baiji, so she deliberately wrote down some of the actual cases in her memory. She did not expect that Baiji would like it so much...

But she already knew it now. After all, Baiji didn't hide the joy at all after discovering that this was a practical case.

"It seems you like it very much. I got the right gift." Su You said with emotion.

Baiji pursed his lips, and the joy in his eyes did not completely dissipate: "Yes, I really like it, but there are too few practical cases on this continent that are suitable for me to browse..."

It can be heard from this sentence that Baiji is really happy. You must know that what she said was heard by the cautious people, and they thought she was showing off her knowledge.

Su You would definitely not think so. She knew that Bai Ji was just telling the ordinary truth.

"Just like it. After you join the Sunset Territory, there will be as many practical cases as you want." Su You's words are not false. Although the number of medium-sized practical cases on the mainland is limited, Su You has mastered many. Various large and small cases experienced by players in the game.

It is impossible for players' battles to be recorded on the mainland, so this is equivalent to Su You having countless actual combat cases that happened on the mainland but cannot be recorded by the mainland.

Su You has also studied many actual combat cases, otherwise she would not have certain command capabilities.

It can only be said that although the role of the city lord cannot fight, he must have some other knowledge... If he doesn't know anything, how can he manage the territory?

But Baiji obviously didn't know this, so she was a little doubtful of Su You's words.

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