Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 534 534 Beast Tide 59

Chapter 534 534. Beast Tide 59
She definitely believed that Su You had actual combat cases that she had never seen before. The record book in her hand was the best evidence, but she didn't quite believe what Su You said about 'get as much as you want'.

Unless it is a compiled simulation case.

But Baiji would definitely not say such words. The point of Su You's words was that she was inviting herself to join the territory, rather than making herself doubt whether she was exaggerating the truth.

"Although I have only stayed in the Sunset Territory for less than five days, I am very satisfied with the atmosphere here..." The implication is that I am willing to join the Territory.

Su You was still waiting for the prompt from Bai Ji to apply to join the territory. When the prompt did not arrive, she heard Bao Ji say something else.

"I know that my temper is not very good, and I hope that Lord Su will take care of you in the future." Baiji said his shortcomings without caring, and then continued: "I have an inexplicable feeling that I seem to be here with you. Get more surprises...Do you think so, Lord?"

[Master-level military strategist 'Baji' applied to join the Sunset Territory. Do you agree? 】

Su You smiled and agreed to Baiji's application, and then casually replied: "It's hard for me to say this. I hope I won't disappoint you when the time comes."


Baiji's decisive decision to join the territory can be said to have completed a major event in Su You's heart.

Many benefits of having Baiji have been mentioned before, so I won’t mention them here anymore. In addition to these benefits, Su You can now truly rest assured to hand over the command of the territory to Baiji.

Although Baiji could command everyone's actions before, she lacked many of her authority. All she could do was command, such as the mobilization of supplies, the arrangement of logistics personnel, and the work management of other personnel in the territory. These were all things Su You have arranged it in advance, and Baiji has no power to manage this.

However, Baiji should also know this in her heart, so she didn't ask much about this matter. Although there were some arrangements that she was not comfortable with, they did not affect her command and she ignored them.

But things are different now. After Bai Ji joined the territory, his loyalty and favorability directly exceeded 88, and his favorability increased directly to 85. Loyalty is lower, but it is still [-], which is considered to have reached the qualifying line for Su You to trust. .

It’s not surprising that it rose so quickly. After all, the initial value of [-] machines was quite high, and it took two days of running-in...

If her good feelings and loyalty were even less than [-]% in this situation, Su You would really not dare to use Baiji anymore. She would even begin to wonder if the things Baiji had done before were all fake.

Once the pollution source is solved, the beast tide will be over soon, and there will be hundreds of machines responsible for the command and management of the beast tide, Su You will have more time to do other things.

The territory has so far recruited people from three taverns, but no one has joined the territory yet.

A Jing Que, a Feiya, and a Ning Shi.

Jing Que didn't mention it for the time being. She hadn't come back yet, and she didn't know where she had gone with those people. Su You couldn't find anyone even if she tried to find them.

If Jing Que hadn't taken away the only little pigeon in the territory that could deliver messages before leaving, and had sent a note with only the word 'well' yesterday, Su You would have thought something was wrong.

As for Feiya, Suyou hasn't been in contact with her for a while because she was busy with the beast tide. She will have to find time to check on the situation and have a chat tomorrow.

There is also Ning Shi. The background of this light magician seems simple, but in fact there are many stories. From the current perspective, it is definitely difficult to recruit.

After all, she had already experienced the dungeon once. Su You found that Ning Shi's favorability did not increase much, which meant that the experience of the dungeon did not particularly touch her.If you want to recruit her, you still have to start with her preferences.

In addition to these three people, the follow-up matters regarding Sha Ling and the mermaid clan will have to be dealt with slowly one by one...

Another thing worth mentioning is that on the first night of the beast tide's rest day, the tavern was refreshed again.

But because there are currently three people in the territory who have not been recruited, it is not good to recruit new people. Half-heartedness will affect the progress of recruitment... In addition, this batch of refreshed residents are not particularly outstanding, so Su You still chooses to keep the tavern. Recruitment is delayed until the next five days.


Another piece of white paper was filled with ink writing. Su You sorted out what she had to do in the future, and then went to the almost full warehouse to sort out the supplies, and then took out the items that had been backlogged for many days. supplies, all of which were invested in upgrading the building.

Before the end of the previous double natural disasters, the average level of territory buildings was level four, and a small number of buildings that required special materials were level three.

After the double natural disaster, she used building upgrade cards and materials to bring the average level to level five.

And now, Su You has enough resources to raise the average level of the territory's buildings to at least seven!
But before that, she needs to build another building - the material exchange station.

The biggest function of this building is that one material can be exchanged for another material. For example, if there is more wood but less stone, then wood can be exchanged for stone.

This building only allows for the exchange of materials, but materials cannot be purchased with money... To be precise, there is no way to purchase things from the system in this game.

Any materials and props need to be purchased from other 'people', or collected by oneself.

This may also be related to the "fairness" of this game. When it was still a game, it could make money.

But for the sake of fairness, the game official does not sell any materials and props that will affect the progress of the game. The krypton gold money can only be used to purchase the appearance of the building, that is, the skin.

In addition, there are also game music, special effects, character avatars, etc... These are all gold points that will not affect the fairness of the game.

However, in order to take care of the game experience of some players, the game has a material exchange station, so that some players who are unable to obtain certain materials and cannot find merchants to purchase materials can have a way to obtain such materials.

As the building upgrades and improves the material exchange station, more and more materials can be exchanged, including dragon bone, thousand-year stone emulsion, and even fairy spring water.

Precisely because there are too many materials that can be exchanged at the material exchange station and they are all too precious, the construction materials of the material exchange station are very expensive.

[Do you want to consume Black Iron Alloy*1, Silver Alloy*100, Colored Pebble Bricks*500, Glazed Crystal Stone*100, and build a material exchange station? 】

[Under construction: Material Exchange Station, estimated time: 60 seconds]

(End of this chapter)

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