Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 542 542 Beast Tide 67

"Well, I heard earlier that the seamstresses in the Sunset Territory are highly skilled and have unique inspirations, so I thought of coming over for a visit... I didn't expect that I would be able to meet a seamstress with such strength at such a young age." Feiya nodded and admitted.

Dolly was a little flattered after hearing what Feiya said. She shook her head and denied, "I am not as powerful as Miss Feiya said. You are exaggerating. In fact, I should be thanking you for your guidance just now."

Dori has been studying the matter of repairing the dragon-marked bone bow recently, but because her strength is finally a little worse, she can't find any good method.

What Feia just said just clicked through to her. As the saying goes, those who are obsessed with authority, although sewing and repairing are two different fields, in terms of thinking and inspiration, all skills are common.

After all, Feiya has had ten more years of food than her, and has richer life experience, technical experience, and all aspects than Dori. Therefore, there are many places where she got into dead ends. After a few words of explanation from the other party, she immediately solved the problem. Figured it out.

"In this way, I do need to thank you. After all, Duoli is a member of my territory. If you help her, you are also helping the entire territory. If you need help with anything, you can come to the City Lord's Mansion to find me at any time."

Su You's words were definitely exaggerated, but Doli obviously didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Instead, she felt that what Su You said made sense... although she had always thought so.

However, the other client was obviously stunned by this 'big hat'. Then she figured out the meaning of Su You's words and smiled helplessly: "Lord Su, please don't say that. I just said a few words." It’s just a sentence, not such an exaggeration.”

Feiya could tell that the real meaning of Su You's words just now was that he wanted to recruit her into the territory. The point of this sentence was not that she helped Dori, but that Su You once again emphasized that if she If you have anything, you can ask her for help.

She could hear it, so she naturally refused.

Su You sighed regretfully, then changed her mind and said something else: "Dolly has the most say whether she can help her or not. If possible, I hope Feiya can come here more often to give her guidance. Remuneration is not an issue."

Since there was no way to recruit people for a while, Su You had to find a way to keep people here.

The 'stay' here refers to making Feiya care about this territory. To put it simply, it is to let Dolly and Feiya have more contact. After all, they both have good personalities, have the same skills, and have different abilities. For secular people, they have more topics to talk about.

As long as Dori is willing, it will definitely be easier for her to gain favor than for him. After all, there is an identity difference between her and Feiya, and he doesn't care about it, but Feiya obviously cares about it, and her purpose is too clear, so Feiya will be more vigilant. Some.

Thinking of this, Suyou looked at Dori.

Dori had heard Su You say before that she wanted to recruit a powerful seamstress, but unfortunately she was rejected by the other party. Now Su You's every move can prove that Feiya is this 'powerful seamstress'.

Doli would not refuse any of Suyou's requests, so after seeing what she meant, she naturally cooperated.

"Although after chatting with Miss Feiya today, many of my questions have been answered, but after all, I have not received professional training in sewing skills. If possible, I hope Miss Feiya can come to the sewing shop often... "

Although this was only the first time that Dolly met Fia, perhaps because the chat in the cubicle just now was too speculative, she also developed a liking for Fia, so there was no trace of pretense when speaking with true feelings.

Fia was a little hesitant... Actually it was no coincidence that she came to the sewing shop.

She came here because she first heard that the owner of the shop was not only a seamstress but also an excellent restorer.

Some people say that she integrates these two skills very well, so all the products in the store will be more exquisite, stronger and more durable than those on the market outside.The combination of two skills is rare, and such a good combination is unheard of. Although Fia's love for sewing is not as enthusiastic as Meck's cooking, she is as passionate about her skills as a skill owner. Love it, but also hope to be promoted.

So she actually came here to get inspiration for a breakthrough from Dolly.

Although she is not a restorer, inspiration has nothing to do with other factors. It all depends on her own sudden enlightenment, and the probability of this kind of enlightenment will reach its maximum during the process of communication with peers.

After the purposeful visit, some changes occurred after a contact. Through chatting, Feiya found that she quite likes Dolly. Whether it is personality or preferences, they are both very suitable.

Not only was Dolly looking forward to the next contact between the two of them, Fiya was also looking forward to it, so after Dolly said this, she really couldn't refuse directly, or she didn't really want to refuse.

"Then I won't bother you anymore. I hope it won't affect you." What Fiya said actually meant that she agreed to communicate with Dolly.

Dolly's eyes lit up, and after the two chatted for a few more words, Feiya said goodbye, and Suyou took out something very familiar to Dolly from her backpack - a treasure box.

Perhaps because she has opened treasure chests too many times, Dolly is no longer surprised when seeing treasure chests, and will no longer ask unconfident questions.

The treasure box had no lock, only a buckle. Dolly pulled it casually, and the lid of the treasure box opened automatically. A ray of golden light faintly came from the treasure box, and she subconsciously reached out to cover her eyes.

The next second, the golden light disappeared. Dori put down her hand and saw that her lord had taken the treasure box and was checking the items in the treasure box.

[Obtain a random light magic skill book*1]

[Obtain a random halo skill book*1]

[Get selected recruitment card*1]

[Obtain broken shark bead*1]


Two books, a card, and a bead split in half...

Even though Dolly had already bought many unattractive but useful props before, this time the items still made her doubt her life... Are these items really useful?

Su You was in the middle of a surprise, so she didn't notice Doli's emotional changes immediately, but if she knew Doli's inner thoughts, she would have directly used five minutes of praise to eliminate her inner doubts.

Of course, if Dolly likes it, Suyou doesn't mind praising her for 5 minutes every day.

Of the two skill books, the light magic skill book was useless before, but who knows that there happens to be a light magician in the territory now?

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