Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 543 543 Beast Tide 68

If you are lucky and develop good skills, then it is a good choice whether it is a prop used to gain favor or used to train a light magician later.

Not to mention the halo skills, which are more precious than the master-level skill book...maybe even more precious than the grandmaster-level skill book.

But the specific value depends on what kind of halo you draw.

If it is a resource halo, it will be worse. If it is a combat halo, it is divided into territorial combat halo and personal combat halo.

Territory halo is the literal meaning, and it is also the most common. It is a buff halo that all territory residents can enjoy.

The personal aura is for "people" to use. This "person" can be anyone, regardless of race or anything. Even Su You himself can use it.

When used, the owner of the aura provides the buff to others.

The range of the personal halo is not as large as the territorial halo, but the advantage is that the halo effect is stronger, and the halo effect takes effect on all creatures within the range!
In other words, not only the residents of the territory can enjoy the halo, but people from other territories, or wanderers, can also enjoy it.

Moreover, the personal halo is 'movable'. After all, the halo bearer is a person. Wherever the person is, the halo will be there.

The selected recruitment card is also an old acquaintance. The last selected recruitment card brought a mysterious astrologer to the territory.

Although Yao Guang's behavior always gives people a bad feeling, her strength is worthy of recognition, and it is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Just like last time, Su You planned to wait until the tavern was refreshed before using the recruitment card, and the next tavern refresh was about three days later.

Compared to the first three props, the last broken bead seems very ordinary.

But this is obviously not an ordinary bead, but a shark bead.

Even if it is broken, it is still a shark bead. This is an unchangeable fact.

Thinking that she was going to find the mermaid tribe soon, Su You seriously suspected that this broken bead was not as simple as it seemed.

"Dolly, see if you can repair it." Su You handed the shark beads to Dolly.

Although Dori was confused about what it was, since Suyou didn't tell her, she didn't ask, but took the broken bead and studied it.

Suyou brought her lucky charms and prepared to flip through two skill books - the random skill book will determine the skill name after opening the first page.

[Obtain Rain of Light Skill Book*1]

[Obtain Lingxi Halo Skill Book*1]


[Rain of Light Skill Book]

Category: Other

Quality: purple
Introduction: Select an area to release the Rain of Light. The Rain of Light will cause a certain amount of healing to allies and damage to the enemy. When the enemy is dark, the damage will be doubled and it will appear for 30 seconds. 'Effect.

Revealed: Creatures in this state cannot enter latent, hidden, invisible, etc. states. [Lingxi Aura Skill Book (Personal Combat Aura)]

Category: Other

Quality: Red
Introduction: All friendly creatures next to a telepathic aura will gain the 'lucidity' effect.

Lingxi (the following effects can be superimposed and can provide a halo for up to 30 people):
When the number of people with the halo is less than or equal to 10 (excluding the owner of the halo, the same below): critical hit rate +5%, combo rate +10%, number of combos +3.

When the number of people in the halo is less than or equal to 20: critical hit rate +3%, combo hit rate +5%, combo hit count +1.

When the number of people in the halo is less than or equal to 30: critical hit rate +1%, combo rate +3%.


"You are indeed my lucky star!" After reading the contents of the two skill books, Su You's mood at this time could no longer be described as just excitement.

The introduction of the Rain of Light skill book is easy to understand. To put it simply, it can hit and milk, and it is also a group, and the range is not small. Although the revealing effect is a bit useless in most cases, it can be regarded as better than nothing. .

And the Lingxi aura is exactly what Su You wants most in terms of personal combat aura.

The quality of red is enough to show how powerful its gain is. After all, its quality level is higher than Rain of Light.

The specific content of the halo has been clearly listed, including increased critical hits, increased combo probability, and increased combo times.

Normally, the strength of a personal aura is related to the number of people in the aura, and the attributes cannot be superimposed, but one of the biggest reasons why Lingxi is a red-level aura skill is that its auras of each intensity level can be superimposed.

Theoretically, the strongest time for this halo is when there are ten people. Each of these ten people can get an 8% critical hit rate, an 18% combo rate, and a +4 combo count.

The combo attribute is relatively rare, but its strength is far greater than that of a critical hit.

It's just that equipment, gems, and enchantments with combo attributes are too rare and difficult to obtain, so no one will deliberately accumulate this attribute. The cost is too high.

Regardless of talents, skills, traits and other bonuses, everyone's natural combo rate is 0.1%, and the number of combos is +1. When this 0.1% combo effect is triggered, a second attack and damage will be caused immediately. Calculate normally, and combos can produce critical hits!
The critical hit generated by a combo is related to the critical hit rate and has nothing to do with the first attack. Even if the first attack does not have a critical hit, the second attack may still cause a critical hit.

One can imagine how powerful this 18% combo rate and +4 combo times are.

This means that each of the ten people has a probability of close to one-fifth of being able to deal five attacks at once.

And the most outrageous advantage of combos is that all the magician's single-target magic can also produce combos... When there is a halo, Meck throws a fireball. If a combo is triggered, it will immediately Deals five fireballs of damage.

This is no longer a fireball, this is a flame nuclear bomb!
It's just a pity that the upper limit of the number of people with this halo effect is too low, otherwise it would definitely qualify as a golden quality halo skill, and it would still be one of the best.

Because the effect of the skill books was too strong, Su You still had an unreal feeling. She touched the two skill books, and it wasn't until Dori called her that she suddenly came back to her senses.

"Miss Lord, I think I should be able to repair this thing, but I need some materials..." Dori carefully placed the bead, then turned to Suyou and said.

Su You came to her senses, put the skill book away carefully and said, "You can go to the warehouse to get any materials you need. If you don't have them, I'll have someone collect them... But since you're asking, doesn't the warehouse not have the materials you need?"

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