Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 544 544 Beast Tide 69

According to Su You's understanding of her, if there were materials, Doli would not say this specifically. She would only say that she could repair them and send them to Su You after they were repaired.

But since she said she needed materials, it meant that the warehouse did not have the materials she needed.

"Well, I need some pearls, and sea coral... preferably deep-sea coral, and the quality of the pearls should be better."

This is a shark bead, and the repair material requires pearls and coral, which makes sense.

Although there is a sea not far from the territory, people rarely go fishing in the sea, so there is a stock of pearls in the warehouse. These pearls are actually obtained by everyone inadvertently from the river mussels washed ashore, so the quantity is not large, and The quality is not good either.

Corals are found in both deep and shallow seas, but no one goes into the sea, so there is not a single coral in the warehouse.

"I will take people to collect them when the beast tide is over." Originally, Su You didn't need to personally take part in this kind of thing.

She only needs to issue an order and then arrange for Qian Shuang (the rune master) to make some runes for underwater use. However, Su You wants to take this opportunity to try out the effect of the aura and whether she can summon the little mermaid. See you before...


After adding collecting pearls and sea corals and finding the little mermaid to her list of things she needed to do, Su You left the sewing shop.

In the evening, she came to the tavern as agreed with Zenyue.

Chanyue arrived earlier than Suyou, so she had already found a corner seat. Because Suyou had already given instructions, two bottles of wine were already placed on the table, but Chanyue did not move the table. The things on the bed were probably waiting for her.

"Long wait." Su You greeted with a smile and sat down.

"I came early." Chanyue said casually, and then stopped.

Su You noticed that she was a little silent, so she took the initiative to pour the wine to lighten the atmosphere: "This is the new tea wine that Lin Chen has researched during this period. You can try it."

Tea wine literally means wine brewed from tea. Although it sounds weird, a bit like dark cuisine, and the taste is indeed a bit weird, but once you get used to it, it will only taste better and better.

This tea wine has a tea aroma, which makes the taste more unique. It really attracted the attention of many people. Just one day after it was put on the shelves, the first batch of tea wine was already sold out.

The second batch of tea wine has not been brewed yet, so Lin Chen left these alone on their table for emergencies.

"It tastes good." Chanyue tasted it, frowning at first, but then slowly relaxed.

The taste of the tea and wine was indeed unique. After entering the mouth, an inexplicable feeling surged through her body, making her feel comfortable all over. The dull thoughts that had been weighing on her heart before slowly dissipated.

"Tell me about me." Chanyue drank a few more drinks. Perhaps it was because she drank it for the first time. Even though the alcohol content was almost the same as none, she still felt tipsy.

"This badge was given to me by my childhood friend. Her name is Ayao, and she is my fiancé's sister." Chanyue's first words shocked Suyou.

Ah Yao?

My fiancé’s sister?Su You didn't know where to put the emphasis of this sentence for a moment!

"It's actually inappropriate to say we are fiancés. Although we are married by fingertips, it was decided by my grandfather. My parents respect my wishes. They have always said that they will wait until I am an adult before making a decision..." Zen Yue's The family trouble happened when she was 11 years old, so naturally the marriage contract could not be decided until she was an adult.

However, Chanyue didn't have any good impressions of this inexplicable 'fiancé', but her grandfather was the head of the family after all, and her father was not his only child. In order not to make things difficult for her parents, Chanyue did not put her His dislike of this person was too obvious.

But Ayao was different. Although she was this person's sister, Chanyue didn't show her anger towards her. Instead, she had a very fond impression of her when they first met.

"Ayao seems to like me very much, but for some reason, she is always unwilling to let me go to her house to find her, so every time I have someone go over and pick her up." The unknown here is just the time. Zenyue just doesn’t know.

When Chanyue grew up and became sensible, she also discovered some problems from the details of her childhood, and slowly guessed some truths...

The first few times when she went to A Yao's house to play, her 'fiancé' was always there.

But after all, this is the other person's home, so Chanyue can't drive him away. In addition, the other person just stands by and watches, and his actions and words are very regular, which makes it even harder for Chanyue to perform.

Another time, she and A-Yao finally found a place without anyone. Within two days, she saw A-Yao's brother, her fiancé, leading a limping A-Yao to see her.

Regarding the injury on A Yao's leg, the fiancé's explanation was that she accidentally sprained her foot on the road. He wanted her to go back and rest, but A Yao insisted on coming, so he accompanied A Yao to find Chan Yue.

At that time, Chanyue didn't think it was a bit strange, but Ayao didn't deny it, so she just took it as the truth.

But she obviously couldn't be that naive now. She knew clearly that these strange things that happened one after another seemed to involve her and her fiancé...

To put it bluntly, the people in this family really want to be with him, but they may know that the opinions of Chanyue and Chanyue's parents are not in line with grandpa, so they want to let the two children develop a relationship.

But Chanyue didn't want to, but she had a good relationship with Ayao, so Ayao became a tool for these people to let them meet.

"Ayao must have noticed that you didn't like it, so she wanted to disobey her family members." After hearing this, Su You directly guessed the truth behind the story.

This is actually not difficult to surmise. It can be seen from the fact that A Yao did not let Chan Yue go to her home to find her.

In Ayao's family, Chanyue is not the master and is very passive. But if Ayao goes to Chanyue's family, then this is Chanyue's own territory.

No matter how thick-skinned her fiancé is, he can't come to visit without being invited, and even if he does come, Zenyue is qualified to drive people away.

"...I've thought of these too." It's just that she figured it out a little late.

Because Chanyue didn't know until later that Ayao's injured leg was not a sprained foot at all, let alone an accident, but man-made.

The Tong family...that is Ayao's family, they wanted Ayao to take her brother to have more contact with Chanyue, but Ayao knew that Chanyue didn't like her brother, so she was unwilling, and the consequence of her unwillingness was to be tricked Injured foot.

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