Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 546 546 Beast Tide 71

Chapter 546 546. Beast Tide 71
Regardless of the meaning of the badge, this badge with some gold powder mixed on the surface and a vine printed on it is indeed quite beautiful.

"So this matter has nothing to do with A Yao. The Devouring Teng Organization may be cooperating with the Tong family, or the Tong family may be the masters of the Tong family. It is estimated that only the main branch of the Tong family knows about this matter. Their ultimate goal is actually You." Su You summed up everything in one sentence.

"As for what happened to the Zen family, I personally suspect that your grandfather did something to expose some information and made the Tong family feel some crisis, so they directly broke up and struck first."

Su You's analysis is very close to the truth, but unfortunately, because Grandpa Zen did a good job of keeping it secret, Su You has never been able to know the answer to the most critical part of the information... and it is basically impossible to know the answer. After all, everyone already dead.

She really wanted to know what the Tong family wanted in Chan Yue, such as what Grandpa Zen had done, and what secrets the Zen family had...

Zenyue had said everything she knew. Perhaps because there was nothing left to say, she was even more silent than before.

Su You thought about the story for a while, but after being unable to come up with an answer because she didn't have the necessary conditions, she gave up temporarily. Then she looked up and saw Chan Yue's strange expression.

Having said that... She initially thought that Chanyue's negative emotion when she discovered there was something wrong with the badge was related to Ayao. She thought it was Chanyue finding out that Ayao had 'betrayed' her.

But obviously, after analyzing everything, Ayao is innocent, and Chanyue also knows it, so where does her negative emotion come from?

As if she noticed Su You's gaze, Chan Yue raised her head with a wry smile: "Tell me, if I had followed grandpa's wishes, would the Zen family have avoided this disaster?"

Su You: "..." Su You really didn't know the answer to this question for a while.

However, when Chan Yue said these words, Su You suddenly discovered that her story was similar to Lin Mu's story!
Lin Mu's physique was invulnerable to evil and poison, so she initially thought that the other party was coming for her, and like Chan Yue, she also thought that she was the cause of the family's demise.

But after some analysis, they found that it was not, or not entirely...

"There is someone very similar to you..." Originally, it was impossible for Su You to tell other people's things casually, especially since Lin Chen and the others had such special identities.

But maybe because there were too many people with stories about Su You, Su You’s memory was so messed up that she couldn’t accurately capture some other clues other than what the two people had in common, so she vaguely recorded Lin Mu’s The story is told again.

Su You emphasized important information such as the special physique and the destruction of the family, concealed another continent, the specific identity of the protagonist, etc., and then asked Chanyue to "check in" by herself.

After all, Su You is not a party involved. She feels that the two people's stories are very similar, but she cannot compare the two stories like a paper plagiarism check because she does not understand many details, and perhaps even the two parties cannot take the initiative to recall them. stand up.

After telling the story to Chanyue, Chanyue was not interested in the protagonist of the story, nor did she deliberately inquire about what Suyou had hidden. She used the information she knew to compare with her own situation...

At first she felt that this person's story had nothing to do with her, until she suddenly remembered something...

"Actually, if I have to say there is something special..." Chanyue frowned subconsciously, and then said softly: "I may also have a special physique." Su You: Huh?Is there actually a surprise? !
Su You originally just thought that there might be clues that she couldn't find but that Chan Yue could find. However, she herself felt that the probability of this was very low. However, she did not expect that something that she thought was very unlikely would actually turn out to be true. happened!

Although Su You didn't speak, the look in her eyes meant 'Let's talk'.

Zenyue thought about it and finally chose not to hide it. Anyway, she had already said it, so she might as well go into more detail... Besides, she also wanted to know why these things happened.

"To be precise, I'm not sure if I have a special constitution. I told you before that our family has a special belief. This belief can help us calm down and make it easier to walk on the road in our own field. further away..."

There are many beliefs on the mainland, and the church is just one of them. Many territories and families also have their own beliefs. The belief here is not a simple worship, but a process of mutual benefit.

Just like the god statue in the territory, the people in the territory provide the power of faith to the god statue, and the god statue provides the territory with a halo effect. The same is true for faith.

"Almost every generation of our family will have a fitter who is most integrated with the faith. The emergence of the fitter can lead the family to gain more strength from the faith. Usually, this fitter will become the next head of the family... "

Chanyue's grandfather was a match of their generation, but among his children, Chanyue's father's generation, not a single match appeared.

This is also the reason why Grandpa Zen has never given up his position to anyone else... It's not that he doesn't want to give up power, but that he doesn't have a suitable candidate.

After reaching Chanyue's generation, Chanyue has become the fitter of her generation, and it is also an extremely rare fitter who can hear the voice of faith.

You must know that although the Zen family has a history of nearly a thousand years, and there are more than a hundred people who have served as the head of the family, there are no more than five fingers of qualified people who can hear the voice of faith.

Therefore, there is no doubt that Zen Yue will be trained as the next head of the family.

"The voice of faith refers to the voice from the Lord Buddha that we can hear when worshiping... I don't remember the specific time, but my mother told me that on my fifth birthday, my grandfather took me to the Lord Buddha Enlightenment in front of you.”

"...During this process, I heard a voice calling my name continuously. At that time, I thought it was grandpa calling me, so I asked grandpa why he was calling me."

Grandpa Zen must have been confused at first, because he must have known that he did not call Chan Yue at all, and he even did not speak at all. After all, when worshiping the Lord Buddha, one must be calm and focused.

But when he saw Chan Yue's appearance, it didn't look fake, so he had some doubts... After the enlightenment, Grandpa Zen took Chan Yue to a secret room.

(End of this chapter)

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