Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 547 547 Beast Tide 72

Chapter 547 547. Beast Tide 72
In this secret room, Chanyue went through a test. She could not remember the specific content, but the result was that Grandpa Zen determined that Chanyue should be the perfect match for their generation... and the voice of faith could still be heard. Compatible ones!
"Later, when I was sent to the Magic Guild, I met a person like me who often heard some strange noises. We went to find the vice president, and the vice president said that the two of us might have some kind of Special physique.”

"The vice-president also said that in her memory, there are quite a few physiques that match our situation, but the most appropriate one is the 'Heavenly Heart Physique'. It is said that people with this physique can communicate with unknown things. Can also perceive good and evil.”

Regarding the function of this constitution, the former sounds a bit inexplicable, and Zen Yue has not yet understood what it means, but the latter is relatively easy to understand.

To put it simply, she can feel whether a person is good or evil to her. She suspects that her inexplicable dislike of Tong Yan and her inexplicable attraction to A Yao may have been influenced by this aspect.

After all, a child doesn't understand so many things. She can only simply feel that she doesn't like someone, or like someone very much, but if she asks why, she actually can't answer it.

"You said you're not sure whether you have a special constitution?" Su You didn't doubt Chan Yue's words. She just expressed doubts about the hesitation in Chan Yue's previous words.

"It's really not sure. After all, there are too few people with special physiques in this world, and there are too few relevant records. Therefore, the vice president can only guess, and my grandfather has never mentioned such a thing... "

Because there are too few people with special physiques, and the functions of each special physique are different, it is impossible to get a good identification.

People like Lin Mu are more obvious. They touch poisonous things but nothing happens. Even a fool knows there is something wrong.

But Chan Yue’s situation sounds strange. If it weren’t for Grandpa Chan and the vice president’s statement, Chan Yue would probably have doubted whether there was something wrong with her mental state...

Otherwise, why would she always hear some strange sounds and have some strange feelings?
Su You: "Okay, I understand. Regarding the special physique, if you don't mind, you can talk to Yao Guang. She should know a lot about it."

In fact, Yaoguang didn't tell Su You that she knew about this knowledge, and Su You didn't get similar information from other places, but she still felt that Yaoguang must know the information about the special physique.

This feeling is very inexplicable, but also somewhat reasonable.

And it doesn't matter even if Yao Guang doesn't know. It's okay to ask Yao Guang to show Chan Yue the stars and then 'calculate a hexagram'.

"Yao Guang? Is that the astrologer?" Chan Yue had heard of Yao Guang's name.

"Well, she lives in the house directly behind your house..." Su You roughly mentioned the location, but before she finished speaking, she saw Chan Yue's expression was a little strange: "Is there any problem?"

" the person you are talking about not in good health?" Chanyue thought at first that she had only heard of this name, but had never met this person. However, as soon as Su You said what she just said, she suddenly felt uncomfortable. So sure.

Su You seemed to have guessed something. She nodded first and then asked, "Have you already seen her?"

Apart from this answer, Su You couldn't think of a second possibility for the time being.

Zenyue: "Yes, when I went home one night, I saw a woman leaning against the wall with a pale face. I didn't know her name, but she said she was a resident of the territory and asked me to send her back. , I agreed." In fact, if you encounter this kind of thing in real life, the correct way is to directly ask if you need to call the hospital, or find more people to help. Otherwise, if the other party is a human trafficker, then a well-meaning person will It will become a chain that kills you.

But here things are different, and so are the characters.

On the one hand, Zenyue saw the key in the woman's hand and confirmed that she was indeed a person living in a residential area. People who can live here are either territorial residents or outsiders who have been reviewed and qualified to live in the residential area. .

No matter which one it is, the possibility of being a bad person is low.

Of course, the biggest confidence is definitely because of Zenyue's identity.

Auxiliary magicians are magicians after all, and cannot be threatened by just anyone. In addition, Zenyue believes in the security of the territory, so she is willing to help.

Hearing this, Su You was silent for a while, and she was basically certain in her heart that the woman Chan Yue was talking about was Yao Guang.

But when she heard that Yao Guang was feeling unwell, her first reaction was not to be worried or to check on Yao Guang later, but to wonder what Yao Guang was up to!

She didn't believe that Yao Guang would go out when she was feeling unwell, and she happened to be bumped into by Chan Yue, and she also asked Chan Yue to take her home - what seemed like a coincidence, all Su You could think of was ' The word script'.

However, she did not expose this in front of Chanyue, because she was not 100% sure that her thoughts were correct. If Yaoguang was really uncomfortable at the time, then the misunderstanding would be huge.

"That's her. As an astrologer, there are too many mysterious things that come into contact with her. The more powerful an astrologer is, the more likely he is to have physical problems." After all, they are people who can see through the heavens and know much more than others, but The price paid was far more than imagined.

It's just that Yaoguang may be a 'child of the stars', so those stars may pay more attention to her, so although her current physical condition is unstable, she is good most of the time...

These contents were not guessed or speculated by Su You, but revealed by Yao Guang intentionally or unintentionally.

No matter what the purpose was, Su You knew more about astrologers.

She had never recruited an astrologer before. The only astrologer in the territory was a temporary resident, similar to a guest, so she didn't have much contact with him. In addition, she didn't have much need to use the other person's skills at the time. At that time, we naturally knew less information.

"I understand, I will pay more attention to her in the future." Chan Yue understood Su You's words to have two meanings. One was that the astrologer was very capable, so she asked her to go to Yao Guang to answer her physical problems and other questions.

The second one is that Yao Guang is not in good health, and she happens to live in the house opposite hers. The two families are close to each other, so she can help take care of her so that no one will notice if something goes wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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