Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 548 Chapter 548 Beast Tide 73

"...If she said something strange, don't worry about it." Su You knew that Chan Yue must have misunderstood, and she had no intention of letting Chan Yue take care of Yao Guang.

Su You was even thinking that if the speculation she had just unspoken was true, even if it was only [-]% true, then the person who needed to be taken care of should not be Yao Guang, but Chan Yue!
But whether it was a misunderstanding or not, Su You didn't bother to explain why she wanted her to have more contact with Yao Guang.

Chanyue didn't think much about it, and she didn't care when she heard Su You's words, because she had seen many strange people in the Magicians Guild... Most powerful people have some quirks, this is not What a strange thing.



The chat with Chan Yue ended late at night. Su You returned to the city lord's mansion and recorded all the contents of tonight's chat in a notebook.

This notebook has already filled up one-third of the paper. If you flip through it, you will find that all the information recorded in it is all the key points related to the 'main line' of this world as well as her personal notes and analysis.

Su You's biggest gain today is undoubtedly finding out one of the purposes of this organization's bad deeds - they are 'collecting' people with special physiques.

As for the purpose of collecting special physiques, it must be related to the ultimate goal, merging the mainland...

Su You listed these contents one by one on the paper with a pen, and then slowly moved towards the final direction.

Merging the continents requires energy, so they capture the elf princess to plot the elf heart; they are preparing to attack the mermaid, most likely because they want to obtain the shark beads on the mermaid; and now they are also capturing people with special physiques...

So could she understand that people with special physiques have the same 'energy' that they can use like Elf Hearts and Shark Beads?
It's understandable to think this way. After all, people with special physiques have different 'strengths', and the energy of this strength can be different from ordinary people.

In this way, part of Lin Mu and Chanyue's personal problems were solved... and the other part was related to their families.

Su You doesn't think that the two families were wiped out simply because the people behind the scenes wanted Lin Mu and Chan Yue. She suspects that the two families may have some special secrets themselves, and the two of them are just incidental 'trophies' That’s all.

Of course, although it is only incidental, because they urgently need energy and have rare special physiques, they will try to catch them again and again.

"If they have only one ultimate goal, then Lin Mu and Chanyue's families should have been destroyed because of these people's purpose..."

The reason for arresting people is because people can be used as one of the 'materials' to achieve their goals, and destroying the Lin family and the Zen family can also help to merge the continent, and this help must be considerable, otherwise they would not be able to carry out the cross-continent pursuit. kill.

Now that the continents have been separated, it is impossible to cross the continent without cost, but they still choose to do so, which only means that this is what they 'must' do, rather than having a choice.

"Could it be that the Lin family and the Zen family have a way to merge the continent, or are these two families related to the split of the continent?" The more Su You thought about it, the more likely it became that this possibility was high.

So the correct story line between the two of them should be——

This organization knew that their family had hidden the method of merging the continent or some necessities, so they directly used violent means to rob.

During the robbery, they happened to discover that Lin Chen and Chan Yue had special physiques and could be used as 'materials' for merging the continent. In addition, they were also 'fish that slipped through the net' when their families were destroyed, so they wanted to catch them. .


The mystery was gradually solved, but as more things were learned, Su You not only lost the joy of learning the truth, but instead felt more and more heavy.In addition to the Lin family and the Zen family, there is no one knows how many "Lin family/Zen family" there are on the Sunset Continent or the Chaoyang Continent. They have all become victims of this organization to achieve its own goals.

No wonder the Elf Queen chose to prevent the merger of the continents. A goal that requires sacrifice of so many people to achieve, I also knew it would not be a good thing...

In addition to these two families, there is currently Jing Que and Sha Ling who is still being taken care of by Su You among the elves.

These two people must be related to the purpose of this organization, but although the relationship between the former is there, it is not significant. Those people came to hunt down Jing Que more because of the organization she betrayed, not because of the two of them. , has value that can be exploited.

As for Sha Ling, it's different. Because of the previous analysis, Su You suspects that Sha Ling, like Chan Yue and Lin Mu, will eventually become a material that provides energy.

The difference is that Sha Ling did not become a material because of her special physique. She became a material because she inadvertently interrupted the organization's process of obtaining the inheritance of a god-level magician, so that the inheritance fell on her.

Needless to say, there is no need to say much about the energy of god-level magicians, so what they seek is not special physiques, but inherited energy.

As for why he didn't attack Sha Ling directly, it probably had nothing to do with inheritance.

As I said before, Sha Ling was not the most suitable inheritor. It was the god-level magician who had no choice but to make a choice when he was in desperation and did not want to pass on his inheritance to this group of people with ill intentions.

Therefore, they have to wait for Sha Ling to grow up and fully master the inheritance before using her as material.

During this process, they definitely didn't want Sha Ling to have any accidents, so they could only keep Shana behind to comfort Sha Ling.

"...Now all that's left is Jing Que's story." Su You rubbed her arms that were a little stiff from writing for a long time, then stood up and moved a little, and finally looked at the dark sky outside, slowly crawling Got into bed.

Not long after she lay down, a soft, fluffy little guy with warm body temperature subconsciously rolled towards her.

Su You grabbed it and then fell asleep holding her guardian beast...



[Congratulations to A1-16 for leading the Sunset Territory to successfully survive the invasion of the beast tide. The performance of the Sunset Territory during the beast tide will be spread over a large area, and it will obtain the territory aura - 'Notorious III'. 】

As soon as she woke up, Su You was stunned by the news. Then she didn't know what she thought of, so she subconsciously asked: "There is no ranking list this time?"


Her response was endless silence.

Su You clicked her tongue, then got up and looked through all the system message records.

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