Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 549 549 I hope the bird is okay

After some searching, no other information was found except for notifying the beast tide. Su You confirmed that there really was no ranking list this time.

"You're so stingy..." Su You didn't mind whether her words would be heard by 'people'. After saying this, she released the elf bird from her backpack.

As usual, it was Mai Ren'er, and Su You began to write a letter. The content of the letter was roughly Su You's guesses yesterday.

For example, there is information about the Lin family's Zen family's separation and union with the mainland, such as special physical matters, or accidents caused by the inheritance of a god-level magician...

After everything was written, Su You made sure that nothing was missing, and then prepared to call out the elf bird... But when she turned around, she saw Ling Bao holding the emerald green bird under his paws.

Su You: "...Lingbao, stop it!" How could she forget that martens can also eat birds? !
Although Lingbao has now become a domesticated one, there is no shortage of food and drink, and there is no need to claw at the elf bird, but if the elf bird is accidentally frightened or injured, it will not be easy for the elves to explain... …And Su You can’t send this letter.

'babble! Lingbao responded crisply, and then raised his paws like a noble hand.

The elf bird that finally escaped from the Diao's mouth flew to Su You with tears in its eyes. It opened its sharp beak and took the letter from Su You's hand, and then flew away as if it was desperate for its life.

Suyou: "..." I hope the bird is okay.

But seeing as it can still fly, and it flies so fast, it probably will be fine.

But she still needed to be taught a lesson. Suyou pressed Lingbao and rubbed it for a while, then threw her into the herb garden and let her turn over the soil for a day.

It doesn't matter if there is still soil that needs to be plowed in the medicinal garden. If not, it will be expanded. It happened that Baicao had reported to Su You two days ago that the medicinal field was full, and said that after most of the herbs were planted, she would not need to take care of them. , so I have a lot more free time.

Moreover, Baicao still had a temperament that didn't want to be idle, so he asked Su You to expand the medicinal field or build another medicinal field.

Any boss would definitely be happy if his subordinates were willing to work and double their workload without a salary increase, so Su You immediately agreed.

"You are going to find Baicao today. You are not allowed to come back until the soil is turned over." After saying this, Su You took the Lingbao and went out together.

After sending Lingbao to work, Su You went to the city gate to ask about the situation near the gatekeeper's territory.

Gatekeeper 1: "Hello Lord, we still saw wild beasts when we came here this morning, but the number was much smaller, and they didn't look very ferocious."

Su You felt relieved after hearing this.

"The beast tide has ended, but there will still be some beasts around the territory in the next period. Remember to ask everyone to be careful and patrol carefully..." After Su You said a few words, he opened the permissions of all city gates. Allow everyone to come and go freely.

After doing this, she went to see how the task of upgrading the building that she had given Ain was completed. If there was a lack of materials, she would ask someone to fill in the materials. If the materials in the warehouse were not enough, Then go to the material exchange station and replace all the incomplete materials in the warehouse with building materials.

Originally, these incomplete materials were intended to be reserved for Dolly to practice her skills. After the repairer's level increased, she could not deliberately break a bunch of low-level props and then let her repair them like before.

The level of these materials is just right, and they are easy and plentiful. They are the best training materials. However, building upgrades are obviously more important, so I will put this matter aside first. It just so happens that Doli is also very busy during this period. You can let her rest for a while now. …

The day passed quickly.

Although the system indicates that the beast tide has ended, the 'sequelae' left by the beast tide has not been completely eliminated. Throughout the day, there will still be small groups of beasts wandering around the territory from time to time.

They have even fought against the beast tide, so naturally they cannot be afraid of these beasts, so these guys have either become materials to enrich the warehouse, or they have entered the animal taming park.

Speaking of the beast taming park, thanks to Lilith's efforts, the emotions of the first batch of captured beasts have gradually calmed down. Although they certainly don't have a good look on humans, at least they won't feed them when others want to. They roar and make noise.

When they did this before, they scared several staff members away. If the wages were not high enough, no one would be willing to do the work in the animal taming park.

In the evening, Su You saw Lilith in the animal taming garden, who had come to calm the beast. In order to avoid disturbing her, Su You didn't say anything and just watched from the side.

After Lilith calmed down all the beasts' emotions, she turned around and saw Su You standing in the corner.

"Lord, are you here to see how these beasts are doing? They are all very good, but they are ferocious beasts stained with blood after all, so it will be more difficult to tame them..."

The thing that animal trainers like to train most is undoubtedly the cubs. Although cubs are troublesome to raise, when the economic conditions are sufficient, this only trouble is no longer a trouble.

But these animals in the animal taming zoo are obviously not comparable to the well-behaved and ignorant cubs.

"Thank you for your hard work. These guys have bad tempers. You must have suffered a lot, right?" Suyou expressed concern, but Lilith did not deny it.

Animal trainers like to tame cubs, but the ones they dislike taming the most are definitely adult beasts, and they are adult beasts that have eaten flesh and blood.

This kind of beast has a bad temper and violent personality, and because it eats flesh and blood, it is extremely difficult to tame it... This is like a wild tiger turning into a domestic cat. Just think about it and you will know how difficult it is.

"It's not a big deal if I endure hardship. After all, they can't hurt me. I just feel a little frustrated." Lilith sighed as she spoke.

Lilith has tamed many animals before and helped others tame some wild beasts, but they were all small and medium-sized beasts such as wolves, foxes, and minks.

But with her strength at that time, she would never dare to take a look at large ferocious beasts like tigers, leopards, and lions.

Although there is an academy now, she also went to the academy to take classes according to her own situation, learned a lot of knowledge, and also broke through the level with the help of Inspiration Season. The possibility of taming these guys has also emerged from scratch, but the difficulty is still Not small.

This is the first time Lilith has been hated by so many animals...

Although she knew that these were normal, after all, in the eyes of these beasts, Lilith and the murderer who harmed them were accomplices, and they were not good things.

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