Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 551 551 Greedy Xiao Hui

"Now you know you are afraid?" Looking at the two guys who stopped shouting again, Lilith looked at the animals for the first time: "You don't even think about who will eat and live in who, you are still the lords. What about the one who was rescued? He actually has this attitude towards his savior?"

Vaguely, Lilith seemed to see that their expressions were a little dull.

Lilith, who was originally a good-natured person, may have been biased by others because she has been here for a long time. Now looking at their miserable appearance, instead of showing any sympathy, she actually wanted to scare them. thoughts.

"Don't worry, I won't starve you to death... Just three days of starvation, and the three days will pass soon." After saying this, Lilith waved her hands to them, and then left here.

After leaving the yard and locking the door, Lilith was ready to go home, but when she walked to the door of the animal taming zoo, Lilith saw the person standing at the door.

She was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously said: "Lord, why are you here? I thought..."

"Thought I had left?" Su You smiled, with no hint of the previous indifference and annoyance on her face.

Lilith originally thought that Su You's mood was a bit inexplicable. Now that Su You has returned to his normal appearance, she can still find some problems no matter how slow she is.

"You just..." Lilith was a little curious, but couldn't ask directly, so she paused for a moment.

Su You didn't hide anything and said directly: "Just teach them a lesson. After all, they were once ferocious beasts. Just using gentle methods is not enough."

Lilith felt that Su You's words meant something else, but after thinking about it, she found that Su You's words made sense.

She is introverted and tends to be weak in all aspects of her behavior. It is not that she is really weak, but that when dealing with an issue, she will subconsciously choose a gentler solution.

Just like what happened just now, if only Lilith was there, she would only comfort him at most, just like what she was planning to do before Su You stopped her.

"Lilith understands, thank you Lord." Lilith now knows why she stayed here, to wait for her and to remind her.

With Su You's reminder, Lilith has secretly decided that she must have a tougher attitude when dealing with many things in the future and cannot just let things go, especially when it comes to taming animals.

To put it bluntly, I still lack experience.

If you are taming already docile cats and dogs, Lilith's personality and behavior will only make her achieve twice the result with half the effort. On the contrary, if you are an animal trainer with a bad temper, it will also be very difficult to tame docile animals. Because people eat soft things but not hard things.

In the same way, when Lilith tames a creature that eats hard things but not soft things, it will also be very difficult if she does not change her past habits of taming animals.

"It's not good to be gentle all the time, and it's not good to be tough... By the way, why didn't you see your wolf cub today?" Su You had been busy with other things before and didn't pay attention to observation, so she didn't notice the wolf cub either. Not here, now ready to leave, but I found that the quietness and normality around Lilith was a bit unusual.

With how clingy Xiao Hui is... clinging to Lilith to be precise, it doesn't look like he would let Lilith appear here alone at night.

Lilith was not surprised that Su You would ask this, because she was also aware of Xiao Hui's previous behavior.

Lilith: "Xiao Hui seemed to have eaten too much yesterday and felt a little unwell, so I kept him at home."

It can also be heard from this sentence that Xiao Hui definitely wanted to follow Lilith out at first, but Lilith saw that it was uncomfortable, so she took the initiative to close it. "Xiao Hui doesn't seem to be a glutton." Su You reminded her briefly and then said nothing more. After all, she was someone else's partner.

Lilith nodded: "I don't think it's normal, but Xiao Hui is not feeling well today... I'll check it out in the next few days."

"Then you should go back early, it's getting late now."


After saying goodbye, Su You went to the herbal garden to pick up the Ling Bao. Seeing that the plush dumpling with snow-white hair turned into a mud ball covered with mud, Su You couldn't help but feel that the anger she had just pretended was about to relapse at this moment. .

But before she could get angry, Baicao ran over in a hurry: "Lord, please don't blame Lingbao. It's because a wild beast came to cause trouble today. Lingbao was trying to stop it, so it became like this... …”

Su You was not prepared to scold Lingbao. After all, he was his own child, not to mention that there was a reason for it.

"Why don't you clean it?" Su You didn't mind it and directly picked up Lingbao, who was covered in mud.

Hearing this question, Lingbao tilted his head and said nothing, but kept wrapping his tail around Suyou's wrist.

Seeing that it didn't say anything, Baicao helped explain what happened today——

"Originally in the morning we had cleared half of the medicinal fields and prepared for planting, but suddenly a wolf ran in at noon..." At this point, Baicao's rabbit ears couldn't help being frightened and popped out: "I'm scared. We hid, and later Lingbao beat the wolf away, but the medicine field was also destroyed, so we rested all afternoon."

Lingbao still remembered Suyou's words about letting him dig up the soil for a day, so he really did it for a whole day. Except for eating, he didn't stop for the rest of the time. Naturally, there was no time for cleaning.

Hearing this, Suyou paused, looked up and down Lingbao, then stretched out his hand to rub Lingbao's head: "You were smart when you were catching birds, why are you so stupid now?"

Lingbao hummed and said nothing, and Baicao didn't say anything. After all, Su You didn't say these words to her.

"You're not hurt, are you?" Su You looked at Baicao.

Baicao shook his head: "No, I'm hiding." After all, wolves are rabbits' natural enemies. Even if Baicao is an orc, he can't help but feel scared when he sees one.

Although she hid, she did not forget to throw a few things from time to time to help Lingbao.

But maybe it's because Baicao really doesn't have any fighting talent. When she threw things several times, she not only missed the wolf, but almost smashed the spirit treasure, so she still obediently chose to watch. She couldn't help, but she couldn't help either!

As for calling people, it was even more unnecessary, because she could see that Lingbao was completely suppressing the wolf. Suyou didn't want too many people to know about the herbal garden, and Baicao didn't want too many people to know either. come here.

"Those medicinal fields have also been sorted out, but because the wolf delayed some time, we didn't have time to plant the medicinal herbs today."

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