Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 552 Chapter 552 Doubt Xiao Hui

"It's okay. I'll plant it tomorrow as well. It won't be a day later." After all, the first batch of herbs can be harvested immediately under Baicao's careful care.

And one more important thing is that the last time Tianhong caravan came to the territory to deliver herbs was No. 40 for seven days. According to the agreement, their co-delivery cycle is 20 days. Although today is No. 60 for nine days, This is because of the influence of the beast tide, they cannot come here.

But now that the beast tide has ended, they will always deliver what Su You needs in these two days.

After bidding farewell to Baicao, Suyou was walking on the road, recalling what she had just heard. Suddenly she realized something with hindsight - is there a possibility that the wolf in Baicao's mouth was Lilith's little gray? ?

Su You actually had this idea just now, but because Lilith said that Xiao Hui was not feeling well today, Su You didn't think about the wolf who had done bad things to Xiao Hui.

But after thinking for a long time, she realized that besides Xiao Hui, there were only two big wolves from the animal taming park in the territory. If those two big wolves came to cause trouble, many people would definitely find out.

Even if they were not discovered at that time, since they had already escaped, they must have wanted to escape from the territory. If not, they would have 'revenge' the humans who caught them... But the territory was quiet today, what happened? None of this happened, let alone something as big as a beast escaping from the animal taming park.

From the current point of view, this 'destroying wolf' suspected of being Xiao Hui did not cause any harm to the territory, and it was getting late now, so Su You didn't bother Lilith anymore.

Even if it was really Xiao Hui who did it, then there must be something hidden behind this matter. If it wasn't Xiao Hui who did it, there would be no need to bother him at this time.

In this way, Su You reassured Baicao and said she would investigate the matter tomorrow.

However, Baicao was still a little scared, so Su You simply took the timid rabbit back to the City Lord's Mansion... Anyway, the City Lord's Mansion was very big, and there was no shortage of a bed for her rabbit.



Early the next morning, Suyou first went to the pet shop. After finding that Lilith was not there, she went to the animal taming park to look for her.

Just like yesterday, when Su You came, she happened to see Lilith calming down the beasts and feeding the beasts with the worst tempers.

Beside her, several staff members also carefully put the food in their hands into the troughs in front of these beasts.

Although we all know that they will most likely not attack us, and they also wear metal gloves on their hands. Although it is inconvenient to move after wearing them, for safety, they will not be attacked suddenly and bite off an arm. It is still necessary to wear these gloves.

They were feeding, and Su You didn't bother them. She glanced up, down, left, and right around.

Like yesterday, she still didn't see Xiao Hui's whereabouts. In other words, Xiao Hui was probably at home today, and judging from Lilith's behavior as usual, when she went back yesterday, Xiao Hui was at home, and there was no sign of Xiao Hui. Found something wrong with Xiao Hui.

After a while, everyone finished feeding the food and left one after another. Lilith wanted to stay to check the eating status of each beast, so she was the last one to leave. "Lord?" Lilith was stunned for a moment. She didn't quite understand why Su You came today. After thinking for a while, Lilith could only think of whether it was related to the two guys who were punished yesterday: "Are you here? Look at those two over there? I've already told everyone that they won't be fed any food for three days and will only be provided with some water."

Even Lilith, who had adopted gentle measures before, would definitely agree when she heard Su You's request to cut off food, not to mention that her thoughts had changed after Su You's reminder yesterday, so she would not fail to follow Su You's instructions. Yuzu's words did the trick.

However, water must still be provided. After all, they just want to make them hungry and understand who is the master here, so as to gradually make them submissive, rather than torture them.

Although it has been treated, the sequelae are still there. If you starve for three days, nothing will happen, but if you are thirsty and hungry, it will be difficult to say.

"No, I'm not doing it for this." Su You had no objection to Lilith's arrangements, but she came here this time because of Xiao Hui's affairs: "Xiao Hui is still feeling unwell today? Vivian needs to be seen. For a moment?"

After Lilith heard these words, she suddenly felt that the Lord seemed to be here just for her Xiao Hui.

If I just felt a little strange when I asked about this matter yesterday, it was obvious that I came here specifically to ask her about it today.

She felt a little uneasy in her heart, but she didn't forget to answer Su You's question: "Well, Xiao Hui still looks a little sluggish today, and he doesn't even have the strength to get up..." Lilith refused to follow Xiao Hui yesterday. , until today, Xiao Hui couldn't follow him even if he wanted to.

Seeing this look made Lilith a little worried. She wanted to go to Vivian for help. After all, today's situation was enough to show that Xiao Hui was definitely not just full.

But perhaps sensing Lilith's intention, Xiao Hui immediately struggled to his feet and prepared to stop Lilith.

She saw that Xiao Hui was really unwilling. Although she knew rationally that if she got sick, she had to get treatment, but she was afraid that Xiao Hui had some hidden reasons for being so reluctant, so she didn't go to Vivian in the end.

Su You frowned, feeling in her heart that it was not good for Lilith to be so indecisive. Although a few words yesterday had made some changes in Lilith's mind, habits were hard to change after all, not to mention Xiao Hui was still her closest partner. Therefore, the emotional bias is also very serious.

Fortunately, Lilith's next words made Su You slightly change his views.

"...I originally wanted Xiao Hui to have a good rest at home, but I'm really worried, so I might ask Miss Vivian for help later." It is said that caring leads to chaos, and part of Lilith's thoughts are related to It was the same as before, but she wasn't stupid either. She still remembered what Su You said and didn't choose to accept and obey blindly.

"There's no need to wait for a while, let's do it now." Su You glanced at Vivian's location and said, "Vivian is at the hospital now. You can go directly with Xiao Hui to find her."

As for what Xiao Hui should do if she doesn't want to... this is not something Su You has to consider, but what Lilith chooses to do.

If she had already made the decision to take Xiao Hui to find Vivian, but was not ready to use a tough attitude to make Xiao Hui agree... then Su You had nothing to say.

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