Vivian: "You can take it away. Give it this to eat first."

Lilith did as she was told, and then she left with Suyou. Baicao and Lingbao couldn't go out easily, and the other couldn't help much, so they both stayed in the herbal garden.

Today's herbal garden was not damaged, everything was intact, because according to Baicao and Lingbao, although Xiao Hui rushed into the herbal garden like yesterday, the difference was that it fell directly on the herb garden before it had time to do anything. It was on the ground, just like someone who came to touch porcelain.

As for why they came here and attracted onlookers, this is what Su You heard from the patrol guards - many vendors came to them to report that there was a gray 'dog' running around like crazy and they couldn't catch it. That's all. The point is that it was overturned by this 'Greyhound'.

And this 'Greyhound' is actually Xiao Hui.

Xiao Hui overturned the stall and broke a lot of things. These people would definitely not suffer in silence, so they came to the patrol guards to complain. After all, they couldn't solve the problem, and it was obvious that they still needed to use force. Regarding matters above, it is obviously the most correct thing to contact the patrol guards.

By the time the patrol guards arrived, Xiao Hui had already disappeared, but some people had been paying attention to Xiao Hui's whereabouts, and then discovered that he was heading towards the herbal garden...

Because the herbal garden is near the city lord's mansion, some of the patrol guards went to find Xiao Hui, and the other part came to Su You to report the situation.

The onlookers watched them go, and no one stopped them, so they followed them one by one.

Su You knew everything about what happened after that.

Because it is now known that Xiao Hui has pollution on his body, it is understandable that his crazy behavior is caused by pollution, but the question now is where does this pollution come from.

Xiao Hui usually never leaves Lilith's side for even half a step, and because Lilith's usual range of activities is not large, it is basically home, pet shop, animal training park, three points and one line.

Because she can cook herself, she rarely goes to restaurants, so her range of activities is even smaller.

Under such circumstances, Su You really couldn't figure out where Xiao Hui's pollution came from... But the answer to this question might only be known after Xiao Hui wakes up.


Ning Cai had only been in the territory for a few days, so she wasn't particularly familiar with the place, and she didn't like to go out, so Su You successfully found her at the inn again.

"Lord Su, are you... huh?" Ning Shi opened the door and was surprised to see Su You. He was about to ask her why she was here, but when Lilith approached, she immediately felt an unpleasant aura.

Seeing Lilith's head peeking out from behind Su You, Ning Shi vaguely guessed their purpose, so he immediately opened the door and welcomed them in.

"What's going on?" Ning Shi asked, without stopping her hand movements. She asked Lilith to put Xiao Hui on the table, and then began to clean up the pollution on Xiao Hui's body.

Su You and Lilith obviously didn't have the answer to her question, but they couldn't say nothing, so Su You simply explained the situation.

"...That's pretty much what happened. The pollution came out of nowhere, but there shouldn't be any problems in the territory." Su You originally hoped that Ning Shi could find any clues during the inspection, but now it seems that she probably didn't either. ..."Huh? No..." Ning Shi raised his eyebrows, then withdrew the magic in his hands, and used both hands to push aside Xiao Hui's thick fur. Only she could see a very clear black one with only a needle. A wound as big as a hole is exposed before your eyes...

Su You retracted her words in her heart that she thought Ning Shi didn't notice, and then looked over... It's a pity that Xiao Hui's fur is too thick, and the color is also dark, almost black gray, plus the needle-point wound It was really too small, so she still got nothing.

Ning Shi also guessed that they couldn't see, so he directly materialized the light element on his hand, and then concentrated it on the wound.

After that, the two people who were originally invisible could clearly see these crystal-white firefly-like haloes centered on a finger-sized place, and then formed a crystal-white aperture.

"There is a wound in the middle. It is very small. The pollution comes from this wound." With the help of the light element, they could all see clearly.

Because there are very few light elements and are released by Ningshi, they will not actively attack dark elements.

But because although the number of these light elements is small, it is greater than the number of dark elements, showing an advantage, so they appear to be surrounding.

"Can you tell what caused the pollution? We have obviously solved the source of the pollution." Although Su You was also worried about Xiao Hui, she was more worried about the safety of the territory than Xiao Hui.

Since Xiao Hui can be contaminated inexplicably, what about the others?
If this sudden and unknown source of pollution is not eliminated, Su You will not be able to sleep peacefully at night!

If Jing Que hadn't said that those people left under her nose, Su You would have wondered if these people had come back again.

Ning Shi could guess Su You's worries, so she spoke directly to reassure her: "I think this doesn't look like primary pollution, but more like secondary pollution, otherwise it might have been... secondary pollution by now. The damage will be less, and tertiary contamination is essentially impossible.”

Primary pollution is actually pollution suffered directly from the source of pollution. For example, the beasts in the animal taming park experienced primary pollution, while secondary pollution is caused by the organisms produced by primary pollution.

For example, take the pollution claws used by the Dark Bear at that time. Those polluted by the pollution claws are classified as secondary pollution.

"So what you're saying is that this wolf cub might have been attacked by a contaminated beast and then turned into this?" Su You understood what she meant.

Ning Shi nodded slightly: "Either he was attacked by a pollution beast, or he was scratched by a contaminated item. Basically, these are the only two possibilities."

Although he said so, Ning Shi personally believed that the former was more likely.

She didn't know Xiao Hui well, so she treated it as an ordinary animal. Naturally, she thought that the wolf cub was very active and playful. He had a fight and finally returned injured...

But there is another question that Ning Shi cannot answer, and that is the shape of the wound.

A wound like a needle prick, she really couldn't think of any creature that could cause such a mark...

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