Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 555 555 Free Skill Book

'Woo...' After Ning Shi's treatment, Xiao Hui had woken up.

As soon as it opened its eyes, it saw an unfamiliar environment. The hair on its body exploded instantly, and the wolf instantly transformed into a gray feather duster.

However, it quickly recovered from this change of form when it smelled the familiar scent.


At the same time, in another room next door, Ning Shi and Su You sat opposite each other.

"I'm really troubled Miss Ning during this period." After saying this, Su You took out a skill book from her backpack, and this skill book was the Rain of Light she had previously opened from the dungeon box. Skill Book.

There is always a hint of magic around the magic skill book, so Ning Shi can recognize what Su You is holding at a glance, and she also has some guesses about Su You's next actions.

But what she didn't expect was that her guess was only half right.

"In order to thank you for your help during this time, I will give you this skill book... This is an intermediate and advanced skill book related to light magic. It was an unexpected gain for me. The magic spells recorded in it should be from the guild. Unrecorded." Su You said as he put the skill book on the table and pushed it in front of Ning Shi with one hand.

Seeing this move, Ning Shi was a little confused, because her idea just now was that Lord Su would give her the skill book as a thank you and invite her to join the territory.

First of all, Ning Shi will definitely not join the Sunset Territory... at least for now.

And she also knew the principle of "No reward for no merit", so even if Su You said to give her the skill book, she would definitely not accept it.

Because the skill book is obviously tied to letting her join the territory, the magician skill book is precious, and it is an intermediate and high-level skill book. She thinks that the things she has done before and the value of this skill book not equal.

Of course, she could also shamelessly accept the skill book but refuse to join the Sunset Territory, but basically any serious magician who could come out of the magician's guild would not do this.

Unless they don't want to lose their reputation, and this move will also have an impact on the guild.

But things are different now. Su You only said that she would send the skill book, but did not put forward any conditions, so even if Ning Shi accepted the skill book, it would be absolutely reasonable, and even the guild would not say anything.

But she didn't understand why Su You gave the skill book to her in vain. If this was really an intermediate-to-high-level light skill book, its value would definitely be high, and the sales would definitely not be a problem. She could just find a church administrator. People can sell skill books.

Although he could see the doubts in Ning Shi's heart, Su You did not guide the topic, but asked her to read the skill book first.

"I keep my word. Since I said it was a gift, it is a gift... Why don't you take a look at this skill book first?" Su You had already prepared the skill book to give away, but could not recruit anyone for the time being. She was ready, so she wasn't afraid that Ning Shi would use the skill book directly.

What's more, based on what she knew about Ning Shi's behavior these days, she wasn't the one who would do this.

Su You had already talked about it, and Ning Shi felt that there was nothing wrong with taking a look at it, so she took the skill book, opened it and took a look... As a result, she immediately felt that she was I can't let go of my hands.Su You knew how good the Rain of Light skill book was, so she was not surprised to see Ning Shi acting like this.

I don't know how long it took, but Ning Shi moved his eyes away from the skill book with difficulty, and finally slowly raised his head to look at Su You.

"Lord Su, to be honest, I really want this skill book, but I also know that the things I have done before are not equivalent to the value of this skill book. Those things are just a piece of cake..."

Hearing this, Su You felt that her words seemed familiar. After thinking about it carefully, she found that what Ning Shi said at this time had the same meaning as what Meike said when he saw the advanced cooking skills book. The direction seems to be the same later.

Because of her experience in dealing with Meck, Su You had already guessed what Ning Shi wanted to say next before Ning Shi opened her mouth... For example, she asked Su You to put a price on this skill book, and then she bought it. , to complete this transaction.

But since when the territory was relatively short of money, Su You would refuse Meike's transaction to buy the skill book with money. Now that the territory is not short of money, Su You is even less likely to sell the skill book as an ordinary transaction. go out.

"Since I told you to give this skill book to you, you don't need to feel too much psychological pressure."

"Maybe you feel that what you have done is nothing, but I know clearly that if there is not a light magician, then the previous cleanup of the pollution sources and what happened in the animal taming park in the past two days, if you want to use ordinary How difficult it is to solve it.”

The judgment of a little effort does not only look at the value of the action of the person who helps, but also from the perspective of the person who is being helped.

To Ning Shi, this might be just a piece of cake, but to Su You it was obviously not the case.

Without Ning Shi, those statues would not be found so easily, and the source of pollution would not be solved so quickly. Moreover, the information about the formation was also provided by Ning Shi, and she also cracked the formation...

Although even without her, Su You would definitely find relevant clues later, but the speed would definitely not be that fast and it would take more time.

Of course, this was only one of the reasons why Suyou chose to give away the skill book.

After all, she had thought before that if Ning Shi was unwilling to join the territory, then she would keep this skill book for the light magicians she trained.

Now she chooses to give away the skill book. On the one hand, she really wants to thank Ning Shi, and also wants to gain a good impression. The most important thing is that Su You has already thought of a rough method to recruit Ning Shi... or an idea.

Because Su You discovered that Ning Shi seemed to be particularly concerned about pollution. This concern seemed not just due to the 'occupational disease' of being a member of the church, but more like an inexplicable obsession.

The system will not give out people who are completely impossible to recruit. Even if the probability of recruitment is only 1%, there is still a 1% possibility.

This 1% just represents the way she discovered the recruitment method and the difficulty in executing the recruitment action. It is not the same as traditional probability. If there is something, there is something, and if there is nothing, there is nothing.

After some struggling and thinking, Ning Shi finally accepted the Rain of Light skill book.

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