Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 557 Chapter 557 Saint

According to common sense, there is a candidate for the Son and the Saint each who survives. The candidate for the Son has become the Son, so Ning Shi should also be the Saint.

Although there was an accident in the illusion this time, since the two of them could survive, it also shows that Ning Shi and the other person are extraordinary.

There are so many dark creatures. If you want to survive, just fighting power is not enough. You also need a calm mind and flexible thinking... So although there was an accident in the illusion ceremony this time, the purpose of screening candidates was in another way. finished.

But obviously, things did not develop like this, otherwise Ning Shi would not have appeared here, let alone say that he had left the church.

Ning Shi: "You should have guessed that I am the only candidate left for the Saint, so I should have stayed and succeeded the Saint, but I refused."

The status of the Son and the Saint in the church can be said to be that one person is inferior to ten thousand people, and this 'person' is not a bishop, but the God of Light.

The bishop is the representative of power in the church, while the Son and Saint are the external symbols of the church. There is no particular big difference in the status of these three identities. The reason why the bishop's ceremony is separate is that it comes first. This is simply because the power of the church needs to be handed over as quickly as possible.

As long as it does not involve major matters in the church, the bishop has no right to interfere with the Son and the Saint.

And even if something happens, the bishop still needs to listen to the opinions of the Son and the Saint. The church is not the words of the bishop alone, and the Son and the Saint are not just 'mascots'.

In short, there are many people in the church who want to become the Son of God and the Saint, but Ning Shi refuses.

She knew that when she refused, many people in the church did not understand why she refused. Some people thought that she was pretending to be aloof and that she wanted to refuse in return for welcoming, in order to deliberately elevate her status.

Anyway, all the candidates for the saint are dead, and no one can compete with her. As long as Ning Shi doesn't refuse with a strong attitude, the church will definitely make a lot of concessions in order to retain her.

You must know that it is not that simple to cultivate a new saint candidate.

However, these had nothing to do with Ning Shi, because she did not refuse in order to obtain greater benefits. Her refusal was a real refusal, and she left the church directly on the second day of the refusal.

"You may find it a little strange, but when I knew that everything in the illusion was planned by people in the church, I suddenly felt like my faith was collapsing..."

This feeling is like seeing a shadow in the sun that represents light. It may not be a big deal to others, but to Ning Shi, it is very important.

Because she came to the church because of one person, who made her yearn for the brightness and beauty of the church, but it was also because of one person that her beautiful illusion was completely shattered.

Under such circumstances, Ning Shi would definitely not stay in the church, let alone sit in the seat of the saint.

"Although now I have figured it out, faith has nothing to do with people. Faith is light, but people who believe in light do not represent light. The mistakes they make are their own faults, not the faults of their faith."

It's like someone steals money and someone robs it. The fault is with the person who stole the money, not the money.

Money is just an object, what's wrong with it?
Of course, this truth was incomprehensible to Ning Shi at that time, but she didn't regret leaving now.

The story basically ends here, and Su You can probably guess the reason why Ning Shi hates pollution.

One reason is that she hates pollution, and the other reason is that she doesn't want something like this to happen again.

In addition to being shattered by his faith, Ning Shi also experienced the pain of losing a friend at the time.She has a friend who is also a candidate for a saint, and his strength and talent are higher than hers. Among the five people, he is the most promising to become a saint. But unfortunately, because of this incident, she will never have the chance to see the light again. …

The departure of this friend also became the reason why Ning Shi left the church, and it was also the most important reason.

Ning Shi never thought that she would become a saint. She only thought that after that person became a saint, she could accompany her everywhere to complete the task of cleaning up pollution... This is how they supported each other in the beginning.

That person's biggest wish is to make the entire continent pollution-free, because the village where she lives was harmed by pollution, and everyone in the village, as well as her parents, also died due to pollution.

Now that she is gone, Ning Shi wants to help her fulfill this impossible wish...



"How's it going? Is Xiao Hui okay now?" Knocking on the door next door, Su You saw a tired face after entering, but she was unwilling to fall asleep. Instead, she chose Xiao Hui who was holding her eyelids open, and Xiao Hui who was in the room. Lilith ate quietly aside.

Because she was too late taking care of Xiao Hui, Lilith didn't even bother to eat.

"It's okay, you eat first, I'm just here to take a look." Su You didn't expect to bump into her eating, so she immediately waved her hand to let her continue while she walked to Xiao Hui's side.

Xiao Hui, who has cleaned up the pollution, is now very weak, but has also regained his sanity. It recognizes Su You, and because of Lilith's teachings, it understands that Su You is the owner of this place, so even if it doesn't like having other humans close to it, Himself, but it still made no gnawing sound, and just continued to look at Lilith not far away with aggrieved eyes.

Su You didn't care what it was thinking, and used the detection skill again on Xiao Hui.

【Small gray】

HP: 500/500
Attack: 10
Defense: 10
Favorite: 60
Loyalty: 60
Belongs to: Lilith (Loyalty 100)

Status: Severe weakness (attack and defense dropped significantly), high fatigue, evolution (aborted), mutation (in progress)


The information obtained this time was roughly the same as before. The biggest difference was that Su You could finally see the information in the status bar.

Previously, perhaps due to the influence of pollution, Su You could only see states such as 'manic', 'weak' and 'tired', while other states were invisible question marks.

Now that the manic state was gone, other states were revealed to her.

One is evolution and the other is mutation. Su You doesn't know the difference for the time being, but she knows that both of them must have been caused by the influence of pollution.

Since it was the sequelae of pollution, Su You had to trouble Ning Shi again.

Lilith saw the lord frown and leave in a hurry, her heart couldn't help but feel a bit, and a bad premonition arose spontaneously.

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