Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 558 558 Forbidden Technique

After hearing Su You say that Xiao Hui might have mutated due to pollution, Ning Shi didn't dare to delay, put down the things in his hands and went directly into the room next door.

At this time, Xiao Hui had fallen asleep due to severe weakness and fatigue. Lilith was even more worried when she looked at him half alive.

After another inspection, Ning Shi breathed a sigh of relief. After seeing this, the other two people also breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't know if it is mutating or evolving, but I can confirm that there is indeed no pollution in its body... Maybe this can be regarded as a blessing in disguise. Although pollution can destroy the body and mind of living things, it can also stimulate and Stimulate the potential of living things." Ning Shi said, seeming to be recalling something.

About ten seconds later, she continued: "I once read in an ancient book that there is a forbidden technique that uses this method to cultivate talents. The talents cultivated by this method have extremely high potential and strength. The growth rate will also be much higher than that of ordinary people.”

"Although pollution is used, the talents cultivated through this method will no longer be affected by pollution or harmed by black magic. They are still human beings, not dark creatures, and have not become nothing. A monster of thinking ability..."

Although it sounds good, there is a reason why forbidden arts are classified as forbidden arts.

The success rate of this method is extremely low. If you succeed, you can certainly reach the top of your life, but as long as you fail, the best result is death.

As for the worst result, of course it is to survive.

Living as a semi-immortal, without the unique thinking ability and emotions of humans, in essence, they are monsters like zombies, completely devoid of human thinking and emotions.

However, Xiao Hui's situation cannot be considered a success or a failure, because the forbidden technique uses primary pollution, and it is secondary pollution, so the damage is much less and the stimulation is much less.

Ning Shi doesn't know what the specific follow-up results will be. She can only guarantee that if the current situation continues, Xiao Hui will never turn into a dark creature.

Hearing this, Lilith was completely relieved, and Su You politely sent Ning Shi out.

After Ning Shi left, Su You began to learn about Xiao Hui's wound from Lilith.

"I see that Xiao Hui was awake just now. Did he tell you how his wound was caused?" Judging from everything shown now, Su You felt that things might not be as bad as he thought.

Pollution sources do not exist, and pollution beasts lurking in the dark do not exist. This is most likely a 'misunderstanding'.

However, no matter how much Su You speculates, it is not the truth. The truth still has to be learned from Xiao Hui's mouth to find the correct answer.

Unfortunately, Lilith shook her head, meaning Xiao Hui didn't tell her what happened.

"I asked Xiao Hui, but he didn't seem willing to tell. However, I seemed to have guessed... During the two days when you took everyone out to clean up the pollution sources, there was a group of beasts that were sent to the animal taming park. Among this group of beasts is a black-thorned beast." The so-called black-thorned beast is actually an enlarged version of a hedgehog.

They have many sharp thorns on their bodies, which they use as a means of attack when in danger. "You mean, Xiao Hui once fought with the Black Thorn Beast?" Although I don't know the reason, if this is the truth, it does make sense.

The Black Thorn Beast can indeed cause needle-prick wounds, and only it can cause such wounds.

As for pollution, there is no need to mention it. It is a beast captured from a beast tide, so it is normal for it to have pollution on its body.

"I think it should be like this, because something like this happened the day before Xiao Hui felt uncomfortable. The black thorn beast had a lot of new wounds overnight, but at that time, it was also found that there were many wounds on the black thorn beast. The other beasts locked together with the Thorn Beast also had some wounds on their bodies, so I thought they were fighting each other."

These beasts have bad tempers, not to mention they are all tortured by pollution. It is normal to want to fight to vent. Lilith has seen the live version of the battle scene with her own eyes, so she has no doubts.

However, judging from Xiao Hui's current situation, the source of the wounds on the Black Thorn Beast, and possibly even the wounds on other beasts that lived with the Black Thorn Beast, may not be as simple as they imagined.

Unfortunately, the only person involved who could communicate had fallen asleep from exhaustion, so they had to wait a little longer to know the truth. At least they had to wait until Xiao Hui woke up so that Lilith could find a way to pry it out from its mouth. Words come.

This wait lasted a day and a night. Xiao Hui slept for more than twenty hours before waking up. If Lilith hadn't noticed that the water and meat she placed next to Xiao Hui had decreased, she would have been unable to bear it. Live worried.

Compared with before, this time Xiao Hui looked full of energy after waking up, and the whole wolf also returned to its original lively and clingy appearance (Lilith).

After Lilith's continuous efforts, she finally learned the truth about this matter from Xiao Hui...

However, Su You has no way of knowing the truth for the time being, because it was also this morning that the Tianhong caravan came to Sunset Territory with the things Su You entrusted to transport, and Su You was definitely going to receive them.

This time the captain of the caravan was not Bai Qiu, but Tang Lu, whom he had not seen for a long time.

Tang Lu seemed very enthusiastic as soon as they met. After questioning, Su You learned that the medicinal properties of the herbs she had given her had greatly helped the Tianhong Caravan in researching drug formulas.

It can also be seen from this that Tianhong Caravan has definitely made a lot of money recently. However, Tang Lu will definitely not go into details about the economic lifeline of the caravan, but she also vaguely revealed some data.

For example, since they cooperated with Coldwind Valley in the herbal medicine business, their caravan’s herbal profits have increased five times compared to before, accounting for 8% of the entire caravan economy!

8% seems very small, not even one-tenth, but you have to know how many types of items a caravan of Tianhong's size handles, and herbal medicine is just one of dozens of large categories. It's already pretty good to account for 8%.

The Tianhong Caravan made its fortune by relying on a high-quality mine discovered nearby in the territory at that time——

This mine contains extremely pure iron ore, silver ore, and a small amount of black black iron ore... There are even associated ores for gems and enchantments!
If mines also have quality levels, then this is definitely a mine close to gold quality!
At that time, Tianhong Caravan was just a small and insignificant caravan. The reason why it is what it is today is all because its captain seized the opportunity.

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