Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 562 Chapter 562 Wild beasts fighting

"Okay, apart from this letter, is there anything else that needs to be handed over or conveyed?" Su You accepted the letter and asked again, Yao Guang shook his head.

"There is nothing to hand over or convey, but this letter is of great value, Lord, you should understand." Yao Guang narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Su You also smiled and said nothing.

Rather than saying that this letter is valuable, it is better to say that the opportunity to have a master-level astrologer take action is rare.

Although on the surface they were entrusting others to handle the matter, it was the Tianhong Caravan that benefited... Su You would definitely not miss this opportunity to exchange benefits.



"There is a person in my territory who is an old acquaintance of that astrologer. This is a letter she wants you to deliver." Su You did not mention the relationship between Yaoguang and the astrologer, but also hinted at the delivery of the letter. After that, Tang Lu and the others can get the benefits.

After Tang Lu thought for a moment, she accepted the letter and then offered to increase the upper limit of the amount of the consortium.

After some discussion, the amount of co-lucky this time was increased to one thousand gold coins, and the number of co-lucky times was increased to forty.

In fact, Tang Lu originally wanted to directly increase the price to [-] gold coins, and increase the upper limit of [-] gold coins every other time without setting an upper limit, but Su You did not agree.

After negotiation, they changed the conditions to the upper limit of one thousand gold coins for this cooperation, and then increased it by one hundred gold coins every other time, to a maximum of two thousand five hundred gold coins, but the number of times increased by twenty times.

You may not be able to tell much by just looking at the conclusion, but you only need to know that the extra twenty times can allow Tianhong Caravan to help purchase an additional [-] gold coins for free.

If the extra [-] gold coins were used, the caravan would have to make at least [-] less gold coins. But if what Su You said was true, then just paying [-] gold coins would allow the master-level astrologer to make a move, and the Hong caravan would still make a profit that day. , and it’s still profitable.

But Su You definitely didn't lose. Anyway, the letter wasn't hers, and she wasn't the one who delivered it. She was just a free middleman who didn't sell anything and earned twenty free purchasing opportunities.

Both parties feel that they have made a profit, and both parties are very happy. This is simply the most perfect result.

After leaving the luxury hotel again, Su You was going to find Lilith this time, but Lilith was no longer at the inn. Her people were currently at the pet store, so Su You went to the pet store to find her.

When I saw Lilith, she was holding a little squirrel and helping it straighten its hair.

And at her feet, a group of dusty guys curled up in a ball of grievance, leaning against her tightly... No need to think too much, this must be Xiao Hui.

Looking at this, even Lilith could guess without telling Su You that Xiao Hui must have done something to make her angry, so she completely ignored Xiao Hui and even hugged other small animals on purpose.

And Xiao Hui probably knew that he was in the wrong, otherwise, if Lilith was holding other little guys, he would have started to make trouble long ago.

But it made a mistake and didn't dare to make a fuss or say anything, so it could only lean on Lilith aggrievedly.Seeing this scene, Su You found it a bit strange, but she could also guess that what Xiao Hui had done was too much, and that was why Lilith acted like this.

"Lord, you are here." There is a wind chime hanging at the door of the pet shop. As long as you push the door and come in, the wind chime will make a sound, so that everyone will know that a guest is coming.

In addition to pet shops, there are also blacksmith shops and other shops that also hang wind chimes, but for shops with open doors like the inn restaurant, it is not necessary.

"You can continue to take care of me here. I have to leave beforehand." Lilith knew that Suyou must have come here because of Xiao Hui's affairs, so she directly put the squirrel aside, then informed the other people in the store, and then talked to Su You entered the back of the store.

Xiao Hui, who was lying on the ground, saw Lilith leaving, and he whined twice and prepared to follow. However, in the end, Lilith glanced at her lightly, and the pace he was about to follow stopped, and finally he took a step back in fear.

Su You could vaguely see the unbearable look in Lilith's eyes, but maybe Su You's previous words had an effect, so Lilith left without looking back.

After entering the room, Lilith talked to Su You about what happened to Xiao Hui.

"When those wild beasts were sent here before, their tempers were not very good, so every time I took care of them, they would deliberately scare me..." Although they are all kept in cages, scaring people does not necessarily mean Get out of the cage.

For example, when he saw Lilith, he roared twice on purpose, or put on a wolfish look.

Lilith was indeed scared at first. After all, it was her first time to be in such close contact with wild beasts. However, after more times, she got used to it. Although she was occasionally frightened by their sudden movements, she was basically not frightened by them. Will be scared.

"It's probably because of this incident that Xiao Hui thought they might hurt me, so he sneaked into the animal training park at night while I was sleeping and taught all those guys a lesson." This incident The matter was actually very simple, it was just Xiao Hui trying to help Lilith out.

Because it was night, the field of vision was not very clear, and Xiao Hui was small and the color of his hair was not outstanding, so he did not let other beasts discover his traces when he moved.

Xiao Hui knew he couldn't defeat these beasts, but he was quite clever.

While everyone was sleeping, it took a handful of hair from the tail of the lion with the worst temper.

Xiao Hui was really ruthless, and in just a few mouthfuls, the lion's tail hair was completely shaved off. The lion howled in pain, and the anger of being disturbed from sleeping and being attacked and had its hair pulled out was concentrated together. This must be unbearable!

Although the lion didn't know who did it, it didn't matter. Just because it couldn't find the murderer didn't mean it wouldn't vent its anger, so it started attacking indiscriminately.

The guys who were able to get together in this nest obviously didn't have a good temper. You hit me for no reason, and it was late at night, when everyone was sleeping, so these beasts also fought back.

In this way, as more and more beasts participated in the battle, the battle scenes became more and more spectacular, and Xiao Hui easily provoked a chaotic battle between them!
As for the wounds on its body, just as Lilith guessed, they were caused by the spikes on the back of the Black Thorn Beast.

After Xiao Hui saw that his goal had been achieved, he was about to leave, but maybe he didn't notice the black thorn beast. When he left, he accidentally stepped on the black thorn beast, so the black thorn beast launched an attack on it.

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