Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 563 563 Preservation of medicinal properties

Although Xiao Hui dodged most of the barb attacks, there was still one that accidentally stuck into its body.

The wound from a barb was not deep, and it wasn't too painful. Xiao Hui didn't know about the pollution beast and didn't know much about pollution, so it didn't take this small wound on its body seriously. superior.

It pulled out the thorns stuck in its body, and then returned to Lilith as if nothing had happened...

The subsequent development of this incident was that the pollution on the barb entered Xiao Hui's body, causing it to feel painful and uncomfortable.

Xiao Hui did not dare to tell the truth to Lilith, for fear that Lilith would be angry, so he could only pretend that he had eaten too much and tried to fool him, but he did not expect that things would develop to such an extent.


The truth of the matter is much simpler than imagined. Although it sounds a little absurd, considering the actual situation, this result is actually reasonable.

"Xiao Hui actually did this for me, but I don't want it to do such dangerous things in the future." This time it was just good luck that it was not discovered by other beasts, otherwise it would have been just a little wolf cub. , how can it defeat so many beasts?
And even with good luck, it was accidentally contaminated. If Su You hadn't recruited a light magician, the possibility of Xiao Hui being cured was very low.

Although it was a secondary pollution, Xiao Hui was still in the cub stage. Even the secondary pollution would cause great harm to it.

"Actually, Xiao Hui shouldn't have hidden it from me. I thought it would tell me everything..." This was actually the most important reason why Lilith was angry.

After all, Xiao Hui did all this for Lilith, so she was the least qualified to be angry, but what Xiao Hui should not have done the most was to keep hiding Lilith after the incident happened.

Lilith didn't like someone hiding something from her, especially when this was her closest friend. Although she could understand Xiao Hui's thoughts, she was still angry.

After knowing the truth, Su You breathed a sigh of relief. After all, this was actually not a big deal. It was only because of Xiao Hui's concealment that the seriousness of the matter was magnified.

Su You: "This incident can be regarded as a lesson, but Xiao Hui is also a blessing in disguise. He should be punished for disobedience, but after all, it is to protect you. During the period of mutation, it will be weaker than usual. Some of them should be taken care of or need to be taken care of a little bit.”

Under normal circumstances, Su You would never talk too much about what happened between Lilith and Xiao Hui. After all, it was a private matter between the two of them. Su You knew that Lilith must be sensible, and she would only care about Xiao Hui more than herself.

But when Lilith told what Xiao Hui had done, Su You couldn't help but think of some things in the past, so she couldn't help but remind her a few more words...

But what Su You said is true. Lingbao looked depressed when it evolved and mutated before. What's more, Xiao Hui's mutation this time was carried out in a way that was more harmful to the body, so it will only be better than Lingbao at that time. More vulnerable.

Lilith nodded to show that she knew.

"Actually, I don't want to treat it like this. The main reason is that it didn't want to tell me the truth this morning and wanted to hide it. Moreover, it didn't take the medicine Miss Vivian prescribed for her yesterday..." Although the little Hui did all this for herself, but Lilith felt that Xiao Hei might really be spoiled by her.

Lilith had always thought this way... Xiao Hui's experience as a child was too tragic, so she wanted to be better and more tolerant to Xiao Hui, in order to make up for the pain of losing her loved ones and repair the trauma in her heart.Therefore, Lilith would never disobey any request it made.

But this time it was different. This time the matter had already involved its life safety. Lilith knew that she could never ignore the education issues related to Xiao Hui anymore.

How can I do without taking medicine?
If Miss Vivian knew about this, Xiao Hui would probably be arrested for 'experimentation'!

Lilith felt that her last act of kindness was probably not telling Miss Vivian about this matter, otherwise Xiao Hui might not be able to see her today.

"Okay, this is your own business, just make arrangements." Su You thought for a while after saying this, and then said: "These days, you mainly stay at home to take care of Xiao Hui. I will arrange for a few more people to manage the matters at the animal taming park."

"Thank you Lord for your kindness. I will manage my time well and let Xiao Hui stay at home and rest peacefully. This will not affect my work in the animal training park... If I don't go there for a few days, the effect of animal training will be lost. It will be greatly reduced. It took a lot of effort for them to remember the aura on my body clearly, but we can’t give up halfway.”

Seeing that she had already said this, Su You didn't try to dissuade her.

"You can just arrange these things yourself... By the way, a large caravan came to the territory today. The things they have there are good and there are many kinds. If there is anything missing, you can go to them to buy it."

Su You had said similar things to many people, not to help Tang Lu do business, but just to make everyone familiar with each other.


Xiao Hui's matter was finally resolved, and Su You's most worrying matter in the past two days finally came to an end.

After leaving the pet shop, Suyou went to the medical center and handed Vivian the Hantan water that Tang Lu had given her. In addition, she also bought several additional medicines from the caravan. The jade bottle was also handed over to her.

"...Huh? Lord, where did you get so many medicinal jade bottles from? It must have cost a lot of money, right?" To be honest, Lilith was actually quite surprised when she saw so many medicinal jade bottles. .

He actually had a lot of things he wanted to put into the medicinal jade bottles, but because he only had two bottles at first, he could only pick out the best two bottles of medicinal liquid and put them in.

Now that he has so many jade bottles, he can put all the medicinal liquids he accumulated before.

"A caravan came to the territory today, and they happened to have some, so I bought some... By the way, they also sent a lot of herbs this time. I will have someone deliver them to you later."

The medical center has now been upgraded to level six. Most buildings have their own warehouses at level three. At level five, the warehouses will be further expanded, and you can also choose the direction of the warehouse upgrade.

For example, there are two directions for upgrading the medical warehouse's warehouse: "increased space" and "preservation of medicinal properties". The former is the literal meaning, and the latter means that it will greatly reduce the loss of medicinal properties of the herbs in the warehouse, so that they can always maintain their medicinal properties. Best condition.

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