Comparing the two upgrade directions, the former was dispensable, while the latter was obviously more important, so Su You did not hesitate to change the upgrade direction of the warehouse to the latter.

With the feature of 'preserving medicinal properties', almost all valuable herbs will now be stored directly in the warehouse of the medical clinic. If the space was not large enough, Su You and Vivian would even think of stacking all the herbs. Come in.

Vivian: "Okay, it just so happens that I don't have much to do during this period of time. I can also take advantage of this time to see if I can develop some new formulas."

With the jade bottle and the herbal medicine again, Vivian was in a good mood at this time, and the smile on her face was much more real. It was not like usual, which always made people feel a little yin and yang.

"Where's Qiu Yue? Why didn't you see her?" Qiu Yue was the little girl who was recommended by Su You to study medicine at Vivian. Su You hadn't been to the medical clinic for a while, so she didn't know much about Qiu Yue's situation.

On Qiuyang's side, the enchanter seemed to want to take credit, so he would come to Su You every three days to explain Qiuyang's learning of enchantment, so she had a better understanding of Qiuyang's learning progress.

"She is practicing making herbal medicine in the backyard." At this point, Vivian's expression was a little complicated: "What do you mean a child is working so hard for? She started making herbal medicine just a month ago. A normal apprentice It will be good to be able to clearly identify all the herbs in two months!"

It even took her more than forty days to memorize everything!

The learning path of a normal physician apprentice is roughly to understand the herbal medicine, memorize its properties, and prepare the herbal medicine...Then the advanced content is to learn the combination of the properties of the medicine, then start to prepare the medicine, and finally refine the medicine and make it.

It would take an average person about two to three months to memorize all the herbs and their properties, but it only took Qiuyue less than a month to memorize them all.

Although her talent is high, it is not high enough to shorten the time in half, so to put it bluntly, she still relies on her own efforts... but this effort is somewhat excessive.

It’s too late.

Vivian said she didn't care and didn't feel bad, but in fact whenever she saw Qiuyue studying for a long time, she would find excuses to drive her back to rest.

At such a young age, what do you have no time to study?

If your body is damaged, you will never be able to make up for it in this life!

Su You couldn't help but laugh: "Isn't this good? It will be easier for you to have a disciple who works hard." She naturally knew that Vivian was a little disciple who cared about her, but she was so stubborn that she couldn't express it. , and didn’t like to express it, so she deliberately made a joke.

"Yeah, I'm so relaxed! I have such a good apprentice that no one else can even envy. I just..." Vivian rolled her eyes, hummed softly and was talking about something, but only halfway through, Hearing soft footsteps behind him.

Turning around, Qiuyue stood behind Vivian with bright eyes, holding several herbs that had been prepared... Qiuyue didn't hear that Vivian's words just now were intended to respond to Su You, she only heard Wei Wei's words. Wei An was praising her as a 'good apprentice'.


She knew that although her master looked bad to her, he was actually hard-spoken and soft-hearted. She was the best master in the world!

Su You waved to Qiu Yue as a greeting, and then left the hospital calmly, leaving the space to the master and apprentice.


...Su You came out of the medical center and returned to the city lord's palace, then opened the three drawings that Tang Lu had sent before and looked at them.

[Langya shooting drawings]

Category: Props

Quality: purple
Production materials: steel needles*100, composite wood boards*100, gum*50 (the proportion of materials can be adjusted according to the specifications, the larger the specifications, the more materials are consumed)
Introduction: After using it, you can learn to make the Wolf Fang Beat. The Wolf Fang Beat is a weapon hung on the city wall. It is made of a whole wooden board. There are countless sharp steel nails placed under the wooden board. When using it, the rope is Once cut off, the Wolf Fang Slap will fall to the ground, piercing all enemies within range.

[Hob car drawings]

Category: Props

Quality: purple
Production materials: steel needle*200, composite wood board*200, gum*100
Introduction: After using it, you can learn to make a hob cart. The hob cart is a large consumable weapon that can be recycled and repaired after use. It is assembled from a whole cylinder filled with sharp objects and wheels on the left and right sides. , when used, throw the hob car directly, and the hob car will move along the terrain and crush the enemies on the path.

[High-speed automatic arrow tower drawings]

Category: Props

Quality: purple
Production materials: Intermediate gear*50, advanced gear*20, precision gear*10, composite wood board*20
Introduction: After using it, you can learn to make a high-speed automatic arrow tower. After the high-speed automatic arrow tower is constructed, it will automatically attack all enemies within the range without manual operation.

Overall, these three drawings are actually quite good, especially this high-speed automatic arrow tower. Although it is the same purple quality as the other two drawings, it is obviously more powerful than the other two. Easy to use.

After all, it is automatic, which means that no additional manpower will be consumed. Su You only needs to place the arrow tower in the corresponding position, adjust the corresponding settings, and then it can be used directly.

The only problem now is that with Anjie's current level of strength, he cannot make precision gears, and even making advanced gears is a time-consuming task.

However, the beast tide has just ended now, and there should still be a lot of time before the next large-scale city battle. This period of time is enough for Anjie to improve his strength.

As for the other two buildings, the main materials they consume are actually very similar. Whether it is wooden boards or steel nails, these are not difficult materials to obtain. What is more troublesome is the gum.

Gum is actually a substance similar to glue, and its function is very similar, that is, to bond two items together.

The raw material used to make it is the sap of a tree called white cedar. Because the raw material uses tree sap, its name is called gum.

But so far, Suyou has not seen white fir trees near the territory.

The Tianhong caravan didn't have any. Su You had already bought a round of things this morning. She knew best what kind of goods the caravan had.

Although she obtained three good drawings, they could not be produced due to insufficient raw materials. Su You couldn't help but sigh, and then put the collection of raw materials on the agenda.

It didn't take long for people in the territory to find that there was a new collection task in the mission hall - collecting white cedar tree sap.

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