Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 565 565 Random Events

Although there were no white fir trees seen near the territory, Su You still sent out this task for the time being, and she also wrote down the appearance characteristics and growth environment of the tree in the task introduction.

The market price of gum is not low, so the price at which Suyou purchases raw material sap can be said to be quite attractive.

It doesn't matter that there are no white fir trees found anywhere in the territory. Anyway, for this purchase price, someone will find them... This can also save Su You the cost of sending people to investigate and explore.

After that, Suyou gave the first two drawings to Anjie for study, and then emphatically mentioned that she would need her to make high-end parts or even precision parts.

Anjie was already working very hard, and now after hearing Su You's words, he cheered up and began to practice making high-end parts, hoping to improve his proficiency in making high-end parts.

After he can perfectly master the production of advanced parts, he can start to get involved in the research of precision parts.



That night, Su You received a system prompt from the tavern, but this time it was the first refresh, so the residents who were refreshed were not particularly good in all aspects of strength and attributes. Su You just took a look at it and added it this time. The tavern recruitment was abandoned and the focus was on improving the quality of the next tavern recruitment.

In the next two days, after Su You arranged all matters in the territory, she began to prepare to recruit operatives to go to the beach.

In addition to the other personnel recruited for this operation, the only people Suyou brought with him were Youai, Duoya, and Lyle.

I only brought three people with me mainly because this time I went not to fight, but to find people.

And because the sea monsters have been cleaned up, the level of danger at the beach has also been greatly reduced. At least for this period of time, I have not heard anyone else say that they were in danger at the beach.

So not only were there few people brought by her name, but there were only ten people recruited.

The main purpose of this operation is to find Luya. She brought people mainly to prevent accidents and just to protect herself. If she brings more people, she may run into trouble or even misunderstandings.

However, although she didn't plan to bring too many people, two people actually came to her door after hearing her goal this time and expressed that they also wanted to join.

The first one is Gong Yu, the bard.

Although Su You did not explicitly state the purpose of this operation, people who knew about the existence of the mermaid had basically guessed it. As one of the insiders, Gong Yu naturally understood what Su You was going to do.

Although the ten people recruited this time were not named by Su You, they were all old acquaintances. Eight of the ten people had met Lu Ya before, so when they knew there was still a chance to meet the mermaid, even if The pay for this mission was not high, but they still signed up very actively.

Gong Yu didn't sign up not because he didn't want to participate, otherwise he wouldn't have come to Su You. He probably didn't notice the recruitment, and by the time he saw it, the recruitment had ended.

It's not surprising that he would come to her door. Su You knew that he liked Luya very much... to be precise, he probably liked the voice of the mermaid.

This can be seen from Luya's performance when he first appeared on the stage.

Faced with his request to join, Su You agreed after thinking about it.

Anyway, it's just one more person. Although Gong Yu has no fighting ability, he can greatly improve the entire team.In this way, even if something unexpected happens, Su You will have more choices.

After sending Gong Yu away, Su You's city lord's mansion welcomed its second guest.

If Gong Yu's arrival was unexpected and reasonable, then the next person, Su You, had no idea that she would ask to join.

This person is Ning Shi.

When she saw that the person outside the door was Ning, Su You looked very surprised, but she didn't forget to let him in first: "If you have anything to do, come in first."

After the two of them sat down, Ning Shi directly explained the purpose of his visit.

"I heard that Leader Su is going to organize everyone to go to the beach to find someone. I wonder if you can take me with you?" Ning Shi's first words immediately confused Su You's thoughts as soon as he sat down.

She had thought about many reasons why Ning Shi came to find her, but she never thought it would be this.

"There is no pollution at the seaside... So is Miss Ning also looking for someone?" Whether there is pollution at the seaside is not actually the important point. Ning Shi does not only go to polluted places. Su You actually just found a reason at random. I want to know the purpose of Ning Shi going with him.

Although it is a good thing to have a light magician accompanying him, and Ning Shi's strength is not bad, if she goes with him, the safety will be more guaranteed.

But Su You doesn't like having other unrelated people around him when he's taking random actions.

Otherwise, why would Su You need to issue a mission to recruit personnel every time he recruits people for an operation?
This is not only because it is more convenient to recruit through tasks, but also because the tasks she posted to recruit people will be recorded in the database by the system, and then the system will conduct random events based on the content of the tasks she posted. arrange.

This is a bit like Su You deliberately telling the system, 'I'm going to do something, you can start making arrangements.'

This conclusion was also discovered through experimental research by many people.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that so many people didn't summon Luya, but Suyou took people to clean up the sea monster and summoned Luya to help?
There is a high probability that this is one of the random events arranged by the system based on Su You's behavior.

The tasks she releases will affect these random events. In the same way, the daily actions of these 'aboriginals' will also trigger their own random events.

They act differently, think differently, have different purposes, and trigger different random events.

Su You actually doesn't mind Ning Shi going with him, but her appearance may affect the final result of this operation. Although this impact is not big under normal circumstances, Su You still needs to understand Ning just in case. time purpose.

"Actually, it's nothing. The main thing is that she once said she wanted to go to the beach..." Who was the 'she' in Ning Shi's mouth? Su You didn't expect it at first, but she soon realized it. After all, she had just learned about Ning Shi. The story didn't last long, and my memory isn't that bad.

Her reason is actually quite reasonable, but Su You suspects that this may be just one of the reasons.

Ning Shi should also know that the reason she gave was reasonable but not sufficient, so she hesitated after saying this, and finally told Su You her purpose.

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