Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 566 Chapter 566 Entrusted by Others

"I want to take her to the beach to see if this is true. This is one of her wishes... Another thing I heard from others is that Lord Su, when you took everyone to the beach to clean up the sea monsters, you once encountered Surpass the mermaid." As soon as these words came out, Ning Shi's purpose became obvious. She was also going after the mermaid.

Su You narrowed his eyes and looked at her without saying anything.

Although there were many participants in the previous operation, except for the person who left midway, everyone else saw the mermaid and knew about its existence.

After that matter was resolved, when Su You returned to the territory, she did not deliberately emphasize that they should not tell anyone about what happened that day.

However, these people were quite conscious. Su You didn't mention it, and they didn't talk about the mermaid. They didn't spread it around as a talking point or publicize it.

At least Su You didn't hear any information about mermaids circulating in the territory, and Qiu He didn't hear any relevant information either.

Since the mermaid thing has not been leaked out for such a long time, why did she know about the mermaid thing from other people when Ning Cai came?
If Ning Shi didn't do it on purpose, then besides coincidence, Su You could only suspect another possibility...

Things had already reached this point, and Ning Shi would definitely not tell half and hide half, so she simply told how she heard the news.

"Someone invited me to help clean up the pollution last night, and during the chat, they accidentally told me about the mermaid." The two people who asked Ning Shi for help participated in the ocean cleanup operation and were also involved in cleaning up pollution sources. event.

Because they participated in the operation to clean up the Kraken, they knew about the existence of the mermaid, and because they participated in cleaning up the pollution source, they knew that there was a light magician like Ning Shi.

Originally they didn't want to bother a magician to treat them, but the feeling caused by pollution was really too torture. Even if it was just secondary pollution, it made them feel that life was worse than death, so they could only be patient. Shameless came to ask for help.

Based on Ning Shi's positive attitude towards pollution, Su You could guess that those people were already safe.

Those few people didn't know that Ning Shi would be so easy to talk to, so after the pollution was resolved, they were naturally grateful.

One of them accidentally mentioned the cleanup of the sea area while talking. Ning Shi didn't pay attention at first, until she heard them mention the mermaid, she couldn't help but ask a few more questions.

When Ning Shi asked about it, the two men realized that they had accidentally spilled the beans.

But when I thought that the other party was a magician, I guess I had no other meaning in asking this. I just asked casually out of interest, so I didn't hide anything and told everything that happened.

"Someone was contaminated? Is it serious? How did it happen?" Su You didn't expect that she just wanted to know what Ning Shi was going to do, but it ended up getting involved in another equally serious matter.

Hearing that someone was contaminated, Su You's attention immediately shifted from the mermaid to the pollution.

"It's not serious. Like the gray wolf, they suffered only secondary pollution. According to them, they were accidentally scratched by a beast with a small amount of pollution remaining while hunting in the forest."

Now nearly a week has passed since the end of the beast tide. The polluted beasts in the forest are almost dead. And because the source of pollution has been cleaned up, the forest has also begun to repair itself, gradually purifying the remaining of pollution.

Once the source of pollution is solved, there will naturally be no new pollution beasts, and the forest will gradually return to calm.

There were already people out hunting as early as the day after the beast tide ended, let alone a week now.Thinking about it this way, these people are quite unlucky, because there are not many pollution beasts left, and even if someone deliberately searches for them, they may not be able to find them. Unexpectedly, they just happened to run into them.

"I was actually entrusted by someone to find the mermaid. Someone asked me to give something to the mermaid." Ning Shi didn't say who the person was or what the thing was, but that was all. Suyou naturally agreed to her counterpart.

Su You: "Of course Miss Ning is welcome to accompany you, but I can't guarantee that you will definitely see the mermaid."

After all, she didn't have a way to summon a mermaid. The conch Luya gave to Su You was used by her to locate Su You, so Su You could only hope that her status in Luya's heart would be higher, and Luya happened to be free. You can find time for yourself.

"It doesn't matter, the client actually doesn't expect to see the mermaid..." Ning Shi said, and his voice became quieter.



Su You alone, plus the three who were called by name, the ten who were recruited, and the two who took the initiative to join, there were sixteen people in total.

All sixteen people traveled lightly, and after drinking the potion, they rushed on the road in a hurry. This made the journey that originally took three or four hours only take two and a half hours.

Arriving at the beach, everyone began to clean up the monsters in this area.

Although they have been cleaned before, they will continue to refresh over time.

And because the previous pollution of the forest has affected the seaside to some extent, there are also a few dark creatures among the enemies that will actively attack them. They will stay here for a while, so they must still clean up the mobs. necessary.

When everyone was cleaning up the enemies, Su You took out the conch that Lu Ya had given her that she had specially brought, and then called Gong Yu.

"Do you still remember the song I asked you to play before?" The first time Luya was summoned was because of that song, so in addition to the conch, this song was also a necessary action to increase the probability of seeing Luya.

Originally, Su You wanted to play by herself, and she also brought the Qingye flute that she knew how to play, but now that Gong Yu, a professional music expert, is here, she can relax a little bit.

"Remember, Lord, are you going to use that song to summon that mermaid like last time?" Gong Yu seemed a little excited. Although he was asking questions, he actually found a rock and sat down. The harp behind him was also held in his arms.

"Well, let's try it first, and if it doesn't work, we'll find a way."

With her words, Gong Yu plucked the strings twice, then recalled the score and started playing.

During the performance, Suyou also hung the conch that Luya gave him around his neck, hoping that this would slightly increase the probability of summoning.

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