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Chapter 570 Chapter 570: Shocked Magpie Joins

Jing Que told the news she knew without hesitation, and also revealed that she was still in contact with Fei He, but she didn't seem to have any intention of hiding it, otherwise she wouldn't have said it so directly.

Sure enough... Su You sighed with emotion.

Although Jing Que's operation was clumsy, she had another person helping her, so things went smoothly, and that person was Fei He.

As the only two people who knew there was something wrong with the organization and managed to escape from it, they most wanted the organization to 'die' immediately.

With the Feihe Society's character of being ruthless to herself just to break away from the organization, it's not surprising that she would cooperate with Jing Que.

"Your wish has been fulfilled, so what are your plans next?" Su You asked following her intention.

Jing Que looked at her, his eyes calm and calm, with a hint of chill, but then these chills slowly melted away as if encountering the warm sunshine of spring.

"No, my wish has not been fully realized. I still want to know who the person who died by my hands was and why they did this." Even though I had guessed that the boy might be related to me by blood, I was shocked. Magpie is still a little reluctant to admit it...

Of course, it's possible that she doesn't really care about the relationship between them.

After all, although they are related by blood, they have never met, and their relationship is not even as good as her and Feihe's cooperation and mutual use. They are actually just strangers who are related by blood.

But this does not affect Jing Que's desire to know the truth.

Su You was silent for a few seconds, because Jing Que's answer was a bit unexpected... She thought that after this incident was over, Jing Que would naturally join the territory.

Just when Su You thought she was wrong, Jing Que's next words further reversed the plot.

"I am willing to join the territory and do anything for you, as long as you can fulfill my wish." Jing Que seemed to have no idea what a loss-making deal he was talking about, and his face remained as calm as ever.

Su You was silent again, but this time the silence was slightly longer, a full 3 minutes.

Using these three minutes, Su You could be regarded as translating Jing Que's unusual brain circuit and way of speaking.

The current situation is actually that Jing Que is willing to join the territory unconditionally, but her character does not allow her to say such a thing, so she just twists the words "I want to join the territory" into "I join the territory, but there are Conditions' of cooperative utilization relationship.

This conjecture did not come out of thin air, nor was it Su You's random guess.

The main reason is that Jing Que’s inconsistent words are too strange.

She said that she could do anything, but she only asked Su You to investigate the truth of the matter, and there was no time limit, and she didn't seem to care about the result... This is the same as 'I'll give you a Brick, what's the difference if you sell me the steamed buns?
So the correct way to understand this sentence is that she simply wanted to give gold bricks, but had no reason, so she found a steamed bun in exchange.

Suyou: tired.In any case, Jing Que finally joined the territory. The two sisters of the Lin family, who were not considered special, successfully reduced the number of unrecruited people in the territory by one. Now only Feiya and Ning Shi are left who have not yet joined the territory.

"I will help you investigate the truth you want to know, but it will take some time." Although investigating the truth was just an excuse, Su You still agreed.

Because she herself wanted to know the reason why the Dark Star Organization did this, and the Dark Star Organization was also related to the main line, she suspected that this was probably one of the branches of the main line, and exploring it would also be helpful to the advancement of the main line.

After Jing Que joined the territory, she told Su You an even more surprising news, and it was hard to say whether it was a surprise or a shock.

"Yeah." Jing Que didn't really seem to care about the truth. When he heard Su You's words, he just responded calmly, and then talked about another thing: "Fei He asked me to ask for help. , she also wants to live in the territory for a period of time, what does she need to pay."

Jing Que had obviously been silent before, but no one knew that once she spoke, there would be big news.

Feihe also wants to come and live in the territory for a while?
Let's not talk about her purpose of doing this, but there is no doubt about Feihe's strength.

From Jing Que's words when mentioning Fei He, we can vaguely tell that she and Fei He are equally strong, but if two people fight one on one, in ten battles, the result will be nine draws and one win, or eight. A draw and a win.

Jingque is the loser, and Feihe is the winner.

But this does not mean that Feihe is stronger than Jingque. This result is just because the two people have different fighting methods, and Feihe's fighting method is just slightly restrained by Jingque. It is like rock, paper, scissors, there is no absolute winner or lose. It's just that one thing drops another thing.

Su You naturally did not dislike the increasing number of capable people and strangers in her territory, but she suddenly discovered a problem - why were the life experiences of these people in her territory so miserable?
Either both parents died, or were forced to wander, or were hunted down, or the entire family was killed... This inevitably reminded Su You of what Vivian said jokingly before - our territory is really a place of right and wrong!

No, she can't think like that. The correct order should be that they are here because they have experienced this!
"Yes, the condition is that she helps me train a group of people, and the conditions are like yours." Su You sighed quietly in her heart, and answered the surprised question.

Jing Que paused for a moment with a hint of astonishment in her eyes, but she quickly nodded and replied, "I agreed to this condition for her."

If there were other conditions, it would be hard for Jing Que to agree to help Feihe, but if Feihe was just asked to help train a group of people on assassin terms, it would not be difficult for Feihe.

Because before that incident happened, Feihe had led a group of assassins, but later those people were transferred away, so there was no contact.

"You too, I also need you to help me train a group of people." I just said that although Jing Que and Fei He are both assassins, their attack methods are different, so they can be used in different places.

Jing Que's attack method is relatively fierce, and she prefers to kill the target in the most straightforward way without making too many preparations.

But Feihe is different. She is more tolerant. Her attack method mainly focuses on killing with one hit. She will not take action until she is absolutely sure, but as long as she takes action, the target will definitely die within three seconds.

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