Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 571 A group of lunatics

This is also why Jing Que is slightly defeated by Fei He in the battle.

The two of them are of equal strength, so there is no way to tell the winner in a short period of time, but Jing Que will also consume a lot of her own physical strength when she attacks her. If she doesn't defeat Fei He before her physical strength is exhausted, it will be Fei He's turn. Crane's attack turns.

People trained in Feihe's attack method are suitable for being 'observers' hiding in the dark, while Jingque's method is more suitable for powerful frontal combat.

Although the people under Su You now look powerful, they have actually not received professional training, so their attack methods are limited and single.

This level of combat effectiveness is more than enough to deal with the current difficulties, but it is obviously not enough to deal with the disasters in many positions later.

It has to be said that Feihe's arrival gave Suyou a surprise.

Originally, she was still thinking whether it would put too much pressure on her just to let Jing Que teach a group of people by herself. Moreover, she had no teaching experience, so she was not sure about the quality of the teaching.

But now that Feihe is here, these problems have been solved.

"I can teach, but this teaching class is not that easy. I don't want anyone to quit without any reason." The response to this sentence was obviously a few seconds faster than the previous one. Su You just thought it was because of the previous shock. I was making a choice for Feihe, so I spent a few seconds thinking about it, so I didn't care.

"That's natural. I will select a group of voluntary learners. Before learning, I will also tell them the intensity of their learning... Then they can take a class to try it out."

After deciding to let Jing Que and Fei He train combatants, Su You began to prepare to recruit people.

This first group of people must all be residents with full loyalty and favorability. Even if they are less talented, as long as the above two values ​​​​are full, Su You will be temporarily included in the list.

Considering that this was the first time for the two of them to teach in this way, Su You was currently planning to give them ten students each.

Although few, these first students were merely 'experiments'.

There is no shortage of people in the territory. As long as the two of them teach well, Su You can arrange a hundred people for them... Of course, she won't do that.

For things like teaching, if there are fewer people, the teacher can devote more energy to each person. If there are more people, the energy will be scattered, and it will be difficult to avoid a decrease in quality.

However, even if there are not a hundred people, a subsequent batch of thirty people is still needed, otherwise the teaching progress will be too slow.

But before that, Su You had to go to Lake to confirm the list.

The reason for looking for Lake was because most of the people Su You selected were territorial soldiers (gate guards, patrol guards, etc. who are related to protecting the security of the territory are collectively referred to as territorial soldiers). As the boss of these territorial soldiers, Lake was the one who selected these people. Yes, he also arranged the work, so he naturally knows best.

This is true.

When Lyle arrived at the City Lord's Mansion, he had already taken out a roster of territorial soldiers that he had registered before looking at the list given by Su You.

The information on this roster is not limited to basic information such as age and gender, but also includes personality traits, strengths and specialties, current positions, and all work situations since taking office.

"Thank you for your hard work." I have to say that Lyle did give Suyou a surprise.

With this roster, even if Lyle is not here, Suyou can select people by himself. "This is what I should do." Lyle didn't think there was anything special about his approach.

He felt that as a leader, he should know the people under him very well, not only so that he could manage more conveniently in the future, but also to be able to provide help to the lord when he needed it.

Facts have proved that what he did did help Su You.

The next time was for the two of them to select these twenty people based on the roster and the favorability and loyalty data seen by Su You.

Although it was said that only twenty people needed to be selected, a total of 27 people were selected in the end.

Among these 27 people, [-] people were selected by them for the first time. Later, Lyle would ask these [-] people whether they were willing to participate in learning, and also informed them that the intensity of learning was different. Generally, after confirming your membership, you cannot withdraw except under special circumstances.

If all twenty people agree, then a one- or two-day adaptation period training will be conducted first. After confirming that they can all bear it, formal teaching will begin.

The extra seven people are backup options. If someone refuses, or someone chooses to withdraw during the adaptation period, these seven people will make up for it.

Everything was arranged, and Lyle went back with the list and prepared to talk to people one by one tomorrow.

Su You looked at the already dark sky, and after settling the trivial matters that happened in the territory today one by one, she went to bed to rest.

A good night's sleep.



After waking up, the first thing Su You did was to read the rest of the information given by the Queen.

While browsing, Suyou discovered another surprise!
Among the information about these missing people with special physiques, she saw information about Tong Mo, the eldest young master of the Tong family!
In other words, Tong Mo also has a special physique!
After learning about this incident, Su You's first reaction was to feel some chills running down his spine, because the known clues now were enough for Su You to speculate that the Tong family was related to the mysterious organization that wanted to merge the mainland, so Tong Mo disappeared. The truth was already obvious - he became the 'material' for the merger of the continents.

And it was given to me personally by the people closest to me.

This can also explain why when Grandpa Chuzen came to find Tong Mo's parents, the other party's attitude was so cold, as if the missing person was not their son, but a stranger.

Because they may have always known the truth, that their Tongmo was not missing, but was sent to be 'sacrificially' by the family.

"...a group of lunatics." Su You pinched the paper with Tong Mo's message written on it. Because she pinched it too hard, the paper had deep wrinkles, and her finger joints also lost their color.

Just to merge the mainland, so many people, even their own relatives, need to be sacrificed. What on earth do they want to do? !

Su You took a deep breath and tried to use normal thinking to infer the behavior of these people...

Under normal circumstances, most of people's non-essential behaviors are driven by interests. They don't consider the right or wrong of what they do, but only consider the value. In fact, they have paid a lot of things and spent a long time. time.

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