Even after paying so much and knowing that it was very difficult, they still persisted for so long. According to Su You's original profit theory, they must have done this because after success, they can get more rewards than what they paid.

But the question now is, what reward can be greater than the lives of so many people?

Is it greater than the sacrifice of so much time and experience?
In the final analysis, these analyzes are still useless, because Su You really can't think of any interests that can drive this mysterious organization to take such a huge action.


Have great strength?
Or to rule the world?

These three are the few that Su You can think of, and they can barely compare to the rewards of these efforts.

But soon, these three answers were gradually overturned by her.

The first is immortality. This is indeed important to real humans, but it is not a big deal to the Sunset Continent where the average life expectancy is high and magic still exists.

These people are capable of planning to merge the mainland, so it is easy to live longer. Otherwise, their organization would not last so long. Su You does not believe that the leadership of this organization has been changed. It must still be the same as the original one. A batch.

Even if there is a replacement, it is definitely not because someone has run out of life.

The second purpose proposed by Su You is also the same. They can do so many things, even kidnap the elf princess, and plan to gradually attack the four major races one by one. Their strength is actually strong enough.

Unless you want to become a god... But Su You really can't think of any connection between becoming a god and merging the continent.

As for the last goal, to rule the world, this is actually the most likely among the three. After all, the first two are the prerequisites for completing the third goal.

But like the previous one, Su You couldn't figure out why the unified world wanted to merge the continent, and what was the connection between this purpose and the merger of the continent.

Even if the mysterious organization wants to rule two continents at the same time, why not do it one by one? Wouldn't it become more difficult to rule two continents at once?
Or is it more fulfilling to rule two continents at once?

After struggling for a long time, Su You didn't know whether her thinking was too limited or whether the purpose of the mysterious organization was too unpredictable, so she was still unable to come up with a result.


Su You almost frowned as she read through all the remaining information. During the process of reading and organizing, she also discovered a question. This question was why the Elf Queen kept the matter of Tong Mo's special physique in a separate place. Narrated on a piece of paper.

Logically speaking, shouldn't it be put directly on the same piece of paper and directly stated that Tong Mo is the owner of a special physique? This way Su You can see the problem at a glance, unlike now, where he only discovered it a day later.

However, regarding this question, Su You quickly gave her own answer. The Elf Queen had many things that she could not say, but this did not prevent her from hinting at Su You in some ways.

Suyou suspected that if the two pieces of information were combined, these things would probably not be in his hands, and it might be the same as the useless efforts the Queen did to save Anita.

Regardless of whether this guess was true or not, the information was already in her hands anyway. What she discovered one day earlier and one day later was nothing. It was just that she was going to find Chanyue again this evening.

It just so happened that she also wanted to see how Chanyue was doing. After all, the information she gave yesterday was quite large. She hoped Chanyue could calm down a little after reading it.Suyou collected all her things and went to the meeting point. She took the people from yesterday and headed to the beach again.

Everything is almost the same as yesterday. The only difference is that the monsters that were cleared yesterday have not been refreshed today, so you don't need to clear the monsters today. As soon as you get here, you can sit down and rest.

From morning to afternoon, from afternoon to evening...

"No, I failed again..." After two consecutive days of repeated failures, Gong Yu felt a little self-destructive at this time, although he knew that summoning the mermaid was not a simple matter as Su You said, otherwise the mermaid in this sea would Mermaids are so busy.

But because he had succeeded before and had seen the mermaid, he was even more eager to succeed the second time.

If there is no first time, this is the first time, then his emotions will not be so excited.

Although a little inappropriate, Gong Yu's current mentality is actually similar to that of a gambler.

If a person keeps losing, he may lose interest in gambling and will not continue to indulge. But as long as he wins once and tastes the sweetness, he will gradually become addicted.

"Gong Yu." Su You called him. The originally impatient man took a deep breath and then gradually calmed down.

"Sorry, Lord, you will be the one to summon tomorrow." Gong Yu no longer expects to be able to summon a mermaid. His biggest wish now is to see the mermaid again in his lifetime.

Su You frowned and did not respond to his words: "Go back first, and we'll talk about tomorrow's matters tomorrow."

To be honest, today's failure also had an impact on Su You's mood, but she was not as excited as Gong Yu, because she knew better. Even if she couldn't see the mermaid today, she would still be able to see him one day sooner or later. It's just a matter of time.

Tomorrow is the last day. If you still can't see the mermaid, it can only mean that the timing is wrong, or the way they operate is wrong.

But compared to the latter, Su You definitely thinks that the former has a bigger reason.

Since it had failed, Su You called everyone to prepare to return, but at this moment, someone suddenly exclaimed——

"Look, everyone! Is there something dark on the sea in that direction?" Following the direction he pointed, everyone saw an unknown black substance that seemed to be lurking on the sea in the distance.

Before Su You could say anything, she heard Ning Shi's loud and clear voice: "Everyone, stay away from here. If I'm not wrong, those should be the remains of dark creatures!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked. After all, everyone knew what the dark creatures were.

Wrecks can be understood as the corpses of dark creatures, but most dark creatures have no corpses, or the remains of most dark creatures after death cannot be regarded as wrecks.

Under normal circumstances, only dark creatures that have reached a certain level of strength will leave behind wreckage after death. If not cleaned up in time, the wreckage will also cause pollution, and like the monster spawner, new dark creatures will gradually breed.

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