If what Ning Shi said is true, and these floating black substances are really wreckage, then it means that a large number of powerful dark creatures died in the sea, and then their wreckage floated all the way with the seawater...

Thinking of this, everyone felt a little drummed in their hearts.

No one knows whether these dark creatures are dead, nor do they know their specific situation, such as strength, quantity, purpose, etc... But these are actually potential dangers and can easily cause harm to them.

If possible, they would definitely want to put safety first and return to the territory immediately. After all, their tasks for today have been completed.

But when they saw Su You looking into the distance, they knew that Lord Su probably wanted to stay and check the situation.

If she doesn't leave, they definitely won't be able to leave either.

Everyone had a lot of thoughts, and in a short period of time, everyone thought about a lot of things, but no one flinched because of the danger approaching. This is a matter of basic professional quality and character and ethics.

And people with problems in these areas will obviously not appear here.

"Everyone, please retreat outside the beach. Don't act rashly." Although Su You also wanted to see what happened to this batch of wreckage, Ning Shi had already said so, and she would not be stupid enough to let everyone be so close to the beach. Such a dangerous distance awaits.

Anyway, as long as you don't leave, you can watch the follow-up by standing further away.

After the group retreated to the beach, Su You took out a telescope-like prop to check the situation on the other side of the wreckage.

Although the wreckage is currently far away from their position, probably several hundred meters, the speed of the seawater is not slow at all. In just 5 minutes, this batch of wreckage was washed ashore with the impact of the seawater.

In fact, when the wreckage was only a few dozen meters away from the beach, everyone held their breath. After they successfully landed, everyone felt that their heartbeats were beating a few seconds faster.

As time passed, the pile of debris seemed to be a pile of ordinary black garbage, motionless, making it impossible to see anything wrong... But if Ning Shi was not around them, it would indeed look like that.

A minute ago, Ning Shi covered each of their eyes with a layer of light element. The function of this light element is to allow them to see some things related to dark elements that ordinary people cannot see.

Under the seemingly quiet and stable wreckage, they could see strong black air flowing. Even if they were standing far away, they could clearly see that the group on the beach seemed to be shrouded in black, and their whole body exuded a strong aura. Malice.

Even though they knew that this malice was not directed at them, they still felt shuddering.

"Lord Su, what do you want..." Ning Shi felt that waiting like this was not an option. If she were alone, she might have been thinking of ways to get rid of this wreckage, and she might even have taken action. .

But after all, she was traveling with Su You now, and her behavior would also affect Su You's arrangements, so she couldn't act without authorization.

But before she could ask her question, she saw another light blue figure emerging from the sea in the distance - it was a round and smooth dolphin.

Apart from the strangeness of its appearance in this position, it is no different from other dolphins...


Su You squinted her eyes, tightened her fingers on her telescope, and focused her eyes on a slender wave-shaped pattern behind the dolphin.She didn't know why, but she always felt that this pattern looked familiar...

The subsequent development of the plot was probably that the dolphin got close to the wreckage and looked around, and then seemed a little anxious, and the entire dolphin fell into an extreme mania.

It seemed to want to get closer to the wreckage, but because it couldn't get ashore, this action couldn't be carried out.

"Ning Shi, how dangerous do you think this pile of wreckage is?" After the observation just now, Su You had already recognized this dolphin.

If she remembered correctly, this dolphin should be the one under Luya.

The evidence is probably the unique pattern on its back.

There are many dolphins, but it is almost impossible for the same one to exist, especially since this dolphin happened to appear here at this time, so its identity can basically be determined.

Since it is Luya's little dolphin, as long as Suyou comforts the dolphin, he can probably find Luya, or let it bring Luya to him.

It's just that this dolphin has obviously encountered some problems now. What Su You needs to do now is to help it solve this problem first.

But before helping, she had to consider whether the favor was good or not, so she asked Ning Shi this question.

"As of now, they have not given birth to dark creatures, so now is the best time to solve it." Ning Shi discovered that Su You's attitude only happened after the appearance of this dolphin, so she could naturally guess that Su You should be Meet this dolphin.

Ning Shi was not interested in the story between Su You and the dolphins for the time being. She just wanted to clean up the wreckage.

"Okay." After listening to Ning Shi's words, Su You turned around and said to the others: "You also heard what Miss Ning said. If these debris are not cleaned up, there may be problems on the entire beach. They are still just sprouts now. Period, killing them directly is the best option.”

As soon as the words were spoken, everyone consciously took up arms.

Then everyone walked towards the wreckage and the direction of the dolphins according to the formation arranged by Su You.

As Ning Shi said, the process of clearing these debris was extremely smooth, so smooth that it even exceeded everyone's imagination, especially Su You, who was already prepared that these debris were traps set by the system. , I didn’t expect that it was really just an ‘ordinary prop’.

Suppressing the doubts in her heart, Su You slowly approached the dolphin that had been keeping away from them since they came over, and its eyes were full of vigilance.

"Do you still know me? Or do you still know it?" Suyou didn't expect the dolphin to recognize her, so she took off the conch that Luya gave her hanging around her neck.

The little dolphin's eyes softened instantly after seeing the conch. This obvious change made Su You completely confirm her idea - she was not mistaken about the dolphin!
However, even though it recognized the conch, it was still very wary. It was only slightly willing to get closer to Suyou, but it would still look at other people from time to time, and the reluctance and inexplicable disgust in its eyes were clear.

Suyou was amused by the lively expression of the dolphin. She asked the others to stand far away, leaving only Duoya beside her.

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