Su You didn't expect that Luya didn't come with these mermaids, but chose to go behind them alone.

As for why Luya found them here, it wasn't difficult to figure out. After all, Suyou still carried the conch she had given her, which was equivalent to a locator.

"You Yi, I didn't expect it was really you... I thought Alan was lying to me!" Luya opened her hands enthusiastically and wanted to hug Su You. Su You was stunned for a moment and accepted it happily.

After a brief reminiscing about old times, Su You thought of what Lu Ya just said...

"Is Alan the dolphin?"

Luya nodded, and then pulled the little dolphin, which had approached them at some point, in front of them.

"Alan has already told me everything. He was too naughty and made Yuyi suffer a lot. I will punish him by eating the most unpalatable seaweed for three days in a row." Luya, although on the surface, She has a carefree, enthusiastic and cheerful personality, but she is not really a mindless fool.

The little dolphin...that is, Alan, what he did along the way, although not particularly excessive, was not very polite.

After all, Suyou is the human being who Luya gave the conch to. No matter what her purpose of coming here is, she is still a guest until she does nothing to harm the mermaid tribe.

Alan's attitude was obviously not a friendly attitude towards guests.

After hearing Luya's words, Alan's black eyes rolled, revealing a vague emotion of disbelief. Then they saw Alan rubbing against Luya's side, as if trying to act coquettishly. Cover up the punishment.

It seems that the 'unpalatable seaweed' in Luya's mouth must indeed be quite unpalatable, otherwise it wouldn't be acting like this.

Faced with Alan's coquettishness, Luya showed no mercy at all. She pushed away the head that was rubbing against her: "Don't be so coquettish, it's useless."

Perhaps he also discovered that Luya's attitude was very firm this time, so Alan's entire dolphin suddenly became a little depressed.

Su You thought about it and realized that this punishment was not necessary.

Although they suffered a little hardship on the way, in real terms, the only places where she and Ning Shi suffered were the time when Ah Lan was thrown onto the turtle, and after they entered the seabed, Ah Lan went directly to report the news without saying goodbye. thing.

But they finally met Luya, and all of this was thanks to Alan, so it can be regarded as a balance between merit and demerit.

"How about forget it, Alan finally brought me to see you... Ning Shi, what do you think?" Su You looked at the people around her.

Ning Shi didn't expect that she would ask herself, but she had no objection. After all, Su You brought her here to help her. Naturally, she had to follow Su You's words... But her inner thoughts were actually the same. in this way.

Although the dolphin's previous behavior was a bit irritating, overall there was no need to punish it.

Ning Shi: "It's pretty good."

In addition to balancing the merits and demerits, Su You had another reason for helping to speak.

She was just a human that Luya met by chance a few months ago, but Alan was different. It was obviously Luya's companion for many years.

Regardless of their identities, punishing a good friend for a stranger is a bit strange no matter how you look at it, and it is not conducive to the harmonious development of their relationship in the future.

Seeing both of them speaking for it, Alan looked very moved, and there was a hint of water in his dark eyes... Of course, it might just be sea water.Su You suspected that if she opened the favorability interface at this time, she would be able to see the "favorability +1+1+1" picture of the little dolphin.

"Okay." In the final analysis, Luya punished Alan because she wanted to help Suyou. Since she didn't care anymore, she definitely wouldn't insist on punishing Alan.

Just as Suyou thought, after all, Alan was her good friend who had been with her since childhood, and she was reluctant to bear the hardship... But who made it wrong?

"Then I won't eat for three days, but you still have to eat that meal when you go back. If I don't teach you a lesson, you will make the same mistake again next time!" It was changed from three days to one meal. Although you still have to eat, this is The intensity of punishment has been greatly weakened, and Alan will naturally not have any objections.

"Old problem?" Su You couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

She thought she and Ning Shi were the 'only' victims, but she didn't expect that they were just 'one of the victims'?
Luya didn't care at all that she had exposed Alan's background, and told him all about his previous "records".

Alan is indeed naughty, and his personality is somewhat similar to Vivian's. They both like to play tricks, but there is no one to play with it in the sea, and it doesn't dare to mess around in front of Luya, so it often To torture other small creatures in the nearby sea.

At first, those little creatures knew that it was Luya's friend, and since it was just a small fight, they didn't say anything.

Until one day, he accidentally injured another sea tribe, and Luya found out about the matter. She got angry and imprisoned Alan for a month, and during this month, he ate the food in Luya's mouth every day. 'Unpalatable waterweed'.

Not to mention that this water herb is unpalatable, even if it is delicious food, if you eat it for a month without missing a meal, it will make you feel sick.

"I didn't expect that a guy who couldn't even get into a turtle shell could be so tough." Su You clicked her tongue, thinking that Luya's punishment just now should be sincere, not just for Su You's sake. .

I finally corrected my old habit, but it happened again, so I had to correct it immediately!

"Huh? Why can't you get on the turtle shell?" Luya looked at Su You in confusion. Seeing this, Su You threw Alan and the two of them onto the turtle shell, but she ended up worrying about the things that couldn't be climbed up. She said it.

After listening to Su You's story, Luya looked a little weird. She looked at Alan and snorted: "Youyi, you are still too kind. Alan can't do anything here. He could turn it over before." On the beach.”

Su You didn't know what this had to do with her kindness, but what Lu Ya said was indeed her doubt.

You can climb onto the beach, but you still can’t climb onto a turtle shell?

Alan also didn't expect that the things he had tried so hard to hide would be revealed by the two of them, and the whole dolphin immediately anxiously circled around them.

Luya didn't even look at it and continued: "The beach is soft and the turtle shell is hard. Do you understand Yuei?"

Su You: ...

Ning Shi:......

It was so obvious that not only Su You understood it, but Ning Shi also understood it.

The beach is soft, so it doesn't hurt if the carp flips up and falls, but the turtle shell is hard, and it hurts when it falls... As two people who have been thrown, they have the right to speak at this time.

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